I am convinced that dairy is absolutely horrible for you. Usually I just ate a single serving of greek yogurt a day...

I am convinced that dairy is absolutely horrible for you. Usually I just ate a single serving of greek yogurt a day, but a few weeks ago decided to drink a litre of milk every day.

The result is that my skin broke out, I made shit gains in the gym, and my libido got lower. Now that I think of it, whenever I didn't consume much dairy in my life, I felt better and more virile. I am never ever touching that estrogen filled shit again, not even eating the greek yogurt. Maybe I will dump my tub of whey as well.

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/fit/search/text/>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it/

Haha, that just means that you're not white,.

This, or you have fucked up zog intestines. Either way, not welcome in the ethnostate.

Fuck off you memers. This shit is poison. Stop drinking it. Really, try it for yourself. Just lay it off for a week. A single fucking week. Tell me if everything doesn't improve.

Went off all dairy products for a few months a year ago and experienced nothing but negative effects. Fuck off retard.

>45347950 (OP)
>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

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nice try nigger

Have you been tested for the gay? That's probably why.

In other words you're lactose intolerant retard

I haven't used any dairy in months user. But when the farmers market opens up, I will drink raw milk once again because it is one of the most implicitly white things that someone can do. And its delicious.

I can drink an entire gallon and not even fart any extra. Nice try, shitskin.

>been drinking 2 cups of milk a day for just 3 days
>start experiencing homosexual tendencies

Stay away from this shit bros, i beg you

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Dubs don't lie, op confirmed a shitskin

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This right here. People don’t understand why, but at the end of it all they will know they fucked up not following the same path

I’ve been drinking milk daily since I was born. Clear skin and perfect health. Adapt or die.

it just takes getting used to, op
when i go long periods drinking gallon a day, or at least a lot, i get no breakouts or oily skin

if i dont drink milk for a long time and then drink it, i get the occasional cystic zit that lasts 2-3 days.
no bueno

Have you ever gotten sick from it? My grandparents came from a small village in Albania and they used to drink raw milk sometimes and they said it tasted pretty bad might be due to different cow breeds though.

You're talking about a society that lets mothers have their babies penises cut for no fucking reason. Your will to be closer to perfection is a massive advantage user, but it will take time to reap the rewards of it. Just don't get caught up on trying to exercise your morality on others. Don't waste time.

No. I am from the states and when farms try to use unconventional practices, it's usually a massive improvement in quality over the factory farms and the stuff you'll find in the stores. The land where I live is also very good here for raising cows.

textbook case of projection

Lmao nigger, milk is fucking great

kys,dont tell me what to do

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This. Cut out milk from my diet and my skin got much better. Still consume whey, tho

Pressing basic rights is not what I'm talking about.

I have zero change in skin or performance if I go without dairy for a month or if I drink 2 gallons of milk a day for a week

Some of the healthiest nations on earth consume large of amounts of dairy in traditional diets.

This is the problem with talking about diets. Someone has a bad reaction to something or reads a single study then start talking about how some innocuous food is supposedly linked to estrogen, autism, cancer and the fall of western civilization.

I thought I saw this before

desuarchive.org/fit/search/text/>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it/

>it worked for me, so it must work for you
nice literal-retard tier logic

and dairy makes my skin break out too

I wish we could do an honest Jow Forums survey on who drinks milk.
I am sure the result would be people that drink this crap are 15-21 y-o and live with their parents

>estrogen, autism, cancer and the fall of western civilization.
soy is all of this unironically

>south Italian
>consume dairy frequently
>never any adverse reaction
proof that Italians are white

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This is pasta it's in another thread from today

I hate this shit honestly. People think willful ignorance will protect them, like hiding from a monster under the blankets.
>at work
>coworker talking about having trouble sleeping
>other coworker recommends some supplement
>a week later she asks why the box says not to take it for more than 30 days
>turns out that longterm use causes irreversible liver damage
Jesus Christ, at least put in five minutes of research to make sure you're not eating poison.

What kind of sleep aid supplement causes irreversible liver damage after 30 days and yet is still sold ?

>tfw all these cucks gains goblining their own gains

Drink your milk.

Italians aren’t white but they are based.

>beautiful women
>beautiful history and country
>great food
>best cars
>best clothes
>best shoes

Embrace it.

>best cars
Best car designs

Is cheese bad too? Will pizza bulking turn me into a soyboy or chad?

Attached: SymmetryChad.png (194x259, 50K)

You know what's a fucked up zog intestine? America.

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Getting my daily protein would be hard as fuck without skyr, greek yogurt and cottage cheese.
I don't even drink milk, but I need my dairy.

A lot of that's diet. Grass-only diets make cows' meat and milk taste differently, and a lot of people think it's worse. In the US, grass-fed-only cattle are a rarity. Normally, they are fed hay and corn before slaughter (we really go heavy on the corn so they get nice and marbled). Any cow in the states which is milked probably gets some second- or third- cutting alfalfa, so it's going to be much better milk.

But thats literally all of fit.