>That braphog twink who takes up the squat rack for almost 2 hours
Anyone else have this problem at their gym?
That braphog twink who takes up the squat rack for almost 2 hours
that was me doing volume until I learned I could squat a daily max every day in 20 minutes and make gains twice as fast
That gym looks hella nice
Also that twink
Fuck him right there and then to assert dominance
yeah m80
same here
I can’t wait to start executing fags again
twink posters should be banned
hey fuck you guy, my mother was a twink
>Braphog twinks
Truly patrician taste
Post more phat ass bois.
fuck off with this hardly Jow Forums related shit
what kind of homosexuals gym do you go to?
Holy shit, he’s beautiful. And this is coming from a straight man
I'd gladly lay down under him to make sure he's going ATG every rep
Just the regular squatrack hoggers. Fuckers doing 8 sets of 2 plate halfsqauts and then OHP'ing 150lbs by thowing it into the air every rep. Fucking hate these retards.
Why are Jow Forumsfags such whiny crybabies lmfao
Holy fuck this meme is actually true in my gym. Good thing there are two squat racks. Mine's a manlet though.
Do girls like THICC asses on men? My ass is pretty huge I can tone it alot to look like OP was thinking of getting surgery to remove some ass too
>surgery to remove ass
make sure they take your balls too you fucking pussy
Yes we do, large obnoxious donkey get me hot, femill reporting
Post pics
Is this body achievable natty?
How to make my butt bigger no homo?
Yea bro. Ass is like the first thing bitches look at.
pics or GTFO
it kinda is tho, the reason is unclear to me. But most girls i've been with told me they care about legs and ass
tone that shit bruh
I wanna G R A B it
powerful, thicc ass is indicative of thrusting power. thats why it gets their juices flowing
SS+GOMAD obv. Literally the answer to every problem.
whats SS+GOMAD?
Starting Strength, GO MAD
I do for sure, juicy asses on dudes are hot. Then again, I’m super into femboys so I don’t think my taste reflects that of most women.
The fact this guy draws horses instead of /ss/ is the greatest tragedy of our age.
It me :)
Feel free to come give me a slap and a kiss if you want
A true travesty to be sure.
How to get an ass like this?
>inb4 gay
>inb4 pick him up
Seriously, I want some nice thick strong glutes and mine refuse to grow.
kill yourself, you're mentally ill
Squat like an absolute madman, also if you had a sled push it, hill sprints will also suffice
>middle aged man always loads up lmao2pl8 on bench
>puts the pad on the bar
>calls over any female trainer he can find to spot him
>arches his back like a girl taking a big Bavarian coco
>does a bunch of reps of literally 1/10 ROM
>does about 10 sets and calls over the female trainer every single time, even if there are men in the training room
Hurts to watch desu senpai
so basically bulgarian lite?
sweet almighty lawd
that's fucking Caledon from Titanic
just do low-bar squats, isolated exercises for legs and glutes and take strogen or some shit. The hard part is getting an actual male body. That's why I do high-bar squats, which work the ass the less possible
How big do you think his cock is?
>Girl who likes femboys
This is a thing?
Not her, but I went through a high-school emo-weeb phase in the mid 00's. I can assure you that it's a thing.
Soon brother.
Desu he probably has a MASSIVE cock that he tucks between his thicc cheeks, not like anyone would ever know it was there
Yesss. 100%.
Flat ass boys can gtfo.
>tfw no braphog twink bf
>T H I C C B O I S 2 0 1 8
Meh, just stop being autistic and ask to work in.
Oh, I'll "work in" alright