Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

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>tfw gf with g-cup milkies

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isnt it amazing how a picture of pepe and wojack looking towards us and to our right can be blacked out and made to look like they are looking away from us to our right? so cool

Even the concept of my waifu liking me is getting too outlandish to handle.

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Im so lonely

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>tfw no gf

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>'even in siberia people can live!'
loving having somebody only causes pain op
i'm not gonna care about nothin


>tfw accidentally fell into a gf

No idea how it happened, I’m awkward and have social anxiety

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>tfw had two girls at the same time
>decided to go on with both 'cause i felt like the king of the world
>felt like i was doing great with both
>they left me out of nowhere at a week apart from each other

I'm going to die alone

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>no gf in four years and last two girls ive talked to refused to meet because they were afraid i wouldnt like them
Why are women so fucking RETARDED

I've had Gfs before and honestly lads I'm much happier Being single

Bind mlown

The concept of a woman wanting to like me, someone being nice to me and caring and wanting to hold me is so foreign I literally can't imagine what it would be like

doing an event with friends
>friend and gf have a bunch of cute moments
>feel like i'm third wheeling the entire time
>feels too hard to contain
>constantly asked if im ok
>my soul when

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You had to remind me. Hold me brehs...

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>everyone calls you kind and generous
>known to be a gentle soul, speaking little while doing much
>have excellent manners and listen intently to conversations, making meaningful dialogue
>have hobbies, a career-in-progress, a solid amount of close friends
>fairly Jow Forums and constantly training, even without an end goal/event in mind
>not addicted or attached to alcohol or drugs in any way
>maintain self-developed opinions which most agree are reasonable, rational, and thought-provoking
>dress well, knowledgeable in both the sciences and humanities
>never raise voice or even become angry, even in the most dire of circumstances
>fairly sociable, able to present non-awkward conversations to most people and make acquaintances
>constantly assist friends and acquaintances as you're able, building a reputation as a loyal friend
>never lying, even when a lie would advance a position
>expect little to nothing from them in return, and accept their continued companionship as their only debt to you
>self-aware and capable of pondering the greater meaning of our existence
>forgive almost all transgressions, and continue to act as an example for others to follow

>still never get invited by friends to anything
>constantly stuck with nothing to do, and nobody bothers to contact
>can't care about having a girlfriend, since no one cares to inquire or ask about anything regardless
>have friends to interact with often, yet feel so empty
>tfw eternal best pals are all thousands of miles away
>tfw don't know where I'm going wrong
>tfw simply left to ponder, feeling like few other than my parents and close relatives actually love me
>tfw tired of being overlooked
>tfw alone

jesus it's been 2 years

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I know this feel.

I literally cannot imagine someone caring about me.

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This hits home. I hate to even type this, as it's a crippling admission but a woman being attracted to me seems so odd, like a plot out of some bizarro world novel.

*holds you*

right there with you bud

i dont know how to get out of this hell

it always goes like this.

I want to fucking die

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Please don't remind me.

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>Conversation with this girl is going stale
>Realize I don't know when's the next time I am going to have sex while doing no fap
>Started thinking about the past with the ex
>Injured my neck trying to break a 1pl8 ohp
>0 call backs from internships

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literally me

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1-) Install Tinder.
2-) Right swype literally any woman.
3-) Create a script to start conversations (your first five messages), copy pasta that shit when you get a match.
4-) Ask her out for a walk and ice cream, or something equally cheap.
5-) Try to kiss her in the first date.
6-) If she refuses, keep it cool for a few ten-twenty minutes, then leave, never to return.
7-) If she accepts you, keep talking and going out until you fuck (you should invite her to your place after the third date).
8-) After fucking her once and before your fourth time, ask if she wants to go steady.

There, you literally can not fail as long as you follow this.
>hurr the girl is ugly/black/old
Just keep fucking until you find something that you want to keep.

>broke up with ex 4 months ago
>8 girls after I’m still thinking about her
>lie in bed with someone in my arms, wishing that I could open my eyes and it’d be her there instead of some random one-night stand
>dreams of our time together every night
>bedrooms, car rides, cheap hotels all passing by
>all I want is to see her smile again
>to see her eyes light up as I walk through the door
>to watch her move around the kitchen as we cook together, 90% of her movements unnecessary and careless, close to dancing but not quite there
>just want to feel that joy in my heart at the sight of her face one more time

Fuck sake bros I’m so sad I can’t do this anymore

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>implying tinder will let me get over my desire for genuine companionship

Ive been snapping this chick for a few days now and its been kind of suggestive. I know shes attracted to me.(we met when she started a conversation with me in the steam room when I was pretty pumped up) shes on a trip rn. Is it as simple as asking her to watch tv in my room or idk what i should fucking do

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It will.
Companionship is like food, we all want filling and tasty stuff, but the truth is that sometimes you have to survive on shitty noodles until you can manage to get something better.

give me a good script user. I tend to get excited when i get a match and mess up my chances

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Thanks for caring user.

It must come from within, user, the trick here is to have something ready BEFORE the match happens, so you won't get carried away.
This way, instead of saying something stupid or feeling anxious, you got the first contact covered and can relax while she is the one pressured to match your wits.

You are welcome.

I get matches like pic related but they never message back :'(

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maybe some day haha (probably not)

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user, Tinder is about perseverance.
Don't care about a single bitch in particular until she is talking to you and showing interest, just follow your routine and the harlots will appear.
Send the first message, after one week send another shaming her and if you still get no response, unmatch.
Also, like pokemons, you should not have more than 6 active tinder girls at the same time.

Why shame her? You'll look like a sensitive virgin faggot boy and she'll still not reply.

>inb4 women need to learn manners and thats how you teach em

Fuck you faggot. If you have a tantrum every time you're ignored by random strangers, you are a genetic failure.

Ya'll niggaz man...ya'll neex to stop this female worship bullshit.

Thanks for the words user. I just wish I wasn't a pussy and would approach in real life my frame is fucking god tier and I can tell women get anxious just being around me because deep down they know I could fucking snap them in half

Get the fuck out of my Jow Forums, cumdumpster.
The whole purpose of playfully shaming her is to give her a chance to step up, it costs you very little effort and it is the only thing at that point that gives you a chance of fucking.

You can develop those skills, but you must start somewhere.
I currently have a 9/10 gf, but I started nailing 3/10s to gain the confidence and develop my skills.

Yo. Pissed of over girl. Did back this morning, thinking of going to gym tn to smash legs. Will it fuck my gains? I’m a skelly if it matters. Please respond

i messaged a thot that used to be into me in high school while i had a gf like 8 years later and she deleted me so i messaged her

wooow deleting me for saying hi? angry bitch

i didnt get a reply either

>will going to the gym fuck my gains
what the fuck is wrong with you?

feelin this ;-;

>doing a bro split a novice lifter
>hur-dur let's go to the gym and do full body anyway
Either this is the dumbest thing I've ever read you its god tier...

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It is all about seeing the long game.
Would you get anything if you acted remorseful and inflated her ego? Hell no.
Could you hate fuck her after a message like that? Yes, even if the chances are not great.
Always go for the win, brah.

i respond better to brosplit. I stalled from full body 2-3 months ago running modified SS. im 150 skelly but used to be 118. fuck off

>talk to girl in my college class that sits next to me everyday
>she laughs and smiles
>sits in the back of the class next time and has been since we talked
Its over boys. Im not gonna make it. I give up.

i honestly dont give 2 shits about her and just wanted to fuck when i messaged her

she didnt reply but deleted me so teller her shes a bitch felt good and made me feel better about ignoring her back in the day

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>have chad like tendencies
>fucked lots of girls
>my inner chad turns into a beta bitch for the rare girl I actually like
>can have any girl except the one I really want

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Yep. Definitely retarded, good luck staying a skelly!

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That is why you are not supposed to get attached to a girl until you are walking her like a dog through your property.

From what I can tell, you either have 0 confidence to talk to people and say things outside of your typical small talk shit
Or you're really boring
There's no other reason for why this is happening to you and I see it all the time

No matter how much I try to improve myself I will always be a self hating virgin faggot

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Stop masturbating and fuck a girl, then fuck another girl, then fuck a third girl. Everything will be easier after that, I SWEAR!

This desu. I used to be tfw no gf, but once I got a girlfriend, I'm happier being single.

miss my ex so much right now for some reason. haven't spoken to her in 6 weeks at all and fucking hell i miss her. ive got nothing to do right now to keep myself occupied.

How do I even fuck a girl in the first place?

>take off your clothes until nothing restricts your dick
>take off her clothes until her vagina is exposed
>start by fully putting your dick in her vagina
>take it off until only your head remains inside
>insert everything again
>that is one rep
>do a 5x20
>rest five seconds between sets
>last set to failure
Pretty easy, user, I am sure that you will master it in no time.

Unironically on day 63 of nofap, not a single benefit yet. I guess it doesn't work if you are a socially retarded autist

Follow those instructions:

nofap is only good for the first month, then your testosterone starts decreasing.
Please jerk off as soon as possible

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>6 weeks
Amateurs. Come back in a year when you are still thinking about her every hour

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>tfw 26 year old kissless virgin (yes really) and i will never overcome the feelings of patheticness of no experience to do anything with a girl so it will never change, ill never talk to a girl, never go on a date, nothing

Just fuck some pussy, user. Tinder is there for this.

>tfw got laid by some 5/10
>have a 8/10 checking me out in class
>18yr Asian old qt possible too
>getting Jow Forums
>no more crazy gf
>reading, getting good grades and compliments from teachers
I have fucked up in my life so hard. I am just happy that I am making headway.

it's been 6 weeks since we've last talked but i think about her most days. i fucking hate it so much

>ugly as fuck
>no friends to take photos with


You don't need to take photos with friends, spend some hours learning and you will have "acceptable" pictures.
Then you will be rejected a lot, but believe me when I say that in one week you should have 10-20 matches (as long as you always do the RIGHT thing).
One of those will accept your dicks as long as you follow the instructions provided.
After that, keep trying until you win the affection of an acceptable girl (your first ones should be blacks,landwhales,etc...).

I might do later, can't believe I expected this to work in the first place

It's not that bad desu. Talking with people in general is pretty tiresome, so i think having gf would be mentally exhausting.

Gf prospect says she doesn't want be a homewrecker and split me and my gf. I don't have a gf. Wtf

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>tfw i listened to everything she had to say
>supported her with her emotional shit
>told her things i have never told another person
>she still never loved me

Its been over a year since we spoke, why cant i get over it?

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>gf of 3 years
>long distance
(not really tho only 1.5 hours apart, both have cars)
>tells me she feels like shes missing out on life
>"do you wanna break up with me?"
>says she doesnt know, but she still loves me
>decide to break up with her because i know its what she wants and i dont want to date someone who doesnt want to date me
Its only been 3 days, ive never been this sad in my entire life bros what do?

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>tfw happily single at 30
>family and social circle pressuring me to get married so I can continue the line
>white 6'0 135 IQ genes worth passing on
I'm really struggling right now between living a comfy but hedonistic lifestyle and getting married for the sake of my family and my race

You must find a strong man that will give you lots of anal love.

You forgot to mention your 8 inches dick ant $200K salary.

>being this assblasted
My salary is more like 25k but I could probably triple it by mining and selling the salt you're producing

Doesn't feel too good. Found out the girl I had eyes for has a bf who's more socially competent than me.
Kinda really fucking blows tbqh, but not unexpected. She seems like a catch.

keep yourself busy. you'll peak and you'll trough. some days you will feel like you are alright but then you'll drop harder and lower than you've ever felt.

eventually you will plateau but you will still think of her. don't do stupid shit like pretending it didn't happen. you'll come across something of hers or something that reminds you of her and have a breakdown.

That's pretty fucking strong of you man. Nice going.
Just be glad you got out of that and now a relationship with someone that actually wants to be with you could be in your future. If you didn't break up with her, it wouldn't be possible.
What keeps me sane is knowing that I had to break up with my gf because we weren't compatibile. Realizing/accepting that after 4 years is tough. When I remember and get sad I just think about how I had to do it, it was for the best. Same for you.

this fucked me up a little, rip grape-kun

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>tfw caught feels for religious girl
>shes no sex till marriage
>not sure i can live without sex
>tfw shes into me and flat out said so
what do?

im 28 shes 26

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my roommate has been dating a religious girl for a couple months, she won't sex until marriage either
dude's a virgin so he can tough it out but he complains about it sometimes
sexually compatibility is a real factor, it's not shallow to consider it as such

Live your life user. A woman is a part of your life, not the be all end all of life.


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Make out with her enough times and her resolve will crack. Just be gentle.

user, that chick is a massive dyke and legit fucking crazy.
Also, stop falling for hollywood magic that any retard can brew up in an afternoon and access to a toaster of a computer/.


those women are called unicorns, if you really love her, stick with her and if a year or goes by and your relationship is still great, wife that girl

any tips on what pics and bio i should put for tinder?

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