Stop browsing Jow Forums and Jow Forums

>Stop browsing Jow Forums and Jow Forums
>Happiness and confidence goes through the roof

Who /no fit/ here?

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I feel like I have friends here though

and yet here you are. what do you have to say for yourself?

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Real life friends will like you for who you are, without CBT pictures. Move out of your comfort zone and grow.

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My irl friends suck

No one here is your friend, faggot. Now get out there and make some real friends. and also block this website, as well as any other shitholes like reddit.

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You can find more. I know the advice is so generic it may seem cliche, but join a club or university/college society. Great way to meet new people.

I recently joined a boxing club. Some of the guys there are meatheads but whenever we talk is very genuine.

With my other friends you can always tell that they're just trying to kill time by trying to be the smartest and wittiest guy or girl in the room. It got to a point where I just couldn't stand any of them anymore, and would just walk out and leave sometimes.

quitting Jow Forums is the first step to making it

The boxing club sounds promising. It's important to remember that you'll never find "ideal" friends which are exactly as you want them to be. They'll have flaws just like you.

>take something nice
>stop doing doing it in the hope that it helps somehow

Yeah it certainly follows the formula. You might get some takers.

This was my problem for the longest time. I kept finding flaws in the people I hung out with and cut them off to chase an ideal. Just started to get rid of the habit these last two years.

>It's important to remember that you'll never find "ideal" friends which are exactly as you want them to be. They'll have flaws just like you.

The dudes at the boxing gym are way more flawed than my other friends at work. But I find them very interesting. They never talk about news or politics, or what's happening on Twitter or Facebook. Instead, they talk about their hardships, personal struggles, past experience, and what they've learned from it all.

The feeling I'm having so far is that my other group of friends, which I have known for almost 3 years, are completely uknown to me, and I am completely unkown to them. To give you an example, last month I found out that one of my close friends has a twin brother. I've known this guy for 3 years, and we never actually talked about ourselves.

On the other hand, the boxing club guys are planning to throw barbecues this summer in the park.
A few weeks ago, I talked with this guy who's been to prison. He's been telling me how hard it was and how he ended up in there, so I recommended him to read The Trial by Kafka, and he's actually fucking reading it. Everytime we meet he tells me about it, and what my opinion is on this and that.

It's just my personal experience, but I feel more complete now, and the only thing I regret is not having joined up sooner.

How did you manage to quit this place, OP? I just find myself coming back. Are you still here? Pls come back :(

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I’m his friend, just because you’re a cynical faggot and no one likes you doesn’t mean that no one can like him

I never consciously decided I wanted to quit, but as I began meeting new people, making new friends, improving my routine and focusing more on uni work I just haven't felt the need.

I used to come here to fill the gap when I had nothing to do, but I've found keeping myself busy with clubs, friends, gym and study has meant I rarely come here.

Prove it, faggot.

Seems like a good plan if you're autismo and want to become NT

No4chan really is the final step to making it.


Jow Forums is literally the prep stage then we're off but im not there yet

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Crashing this thread

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Meatheads can be very honest people, honesty usually makes for the best kind of friends. Anyone who actually engages in unsolicited political discussion is trash and should be treated as such.