Why did the fasting meme take hold in Jow Forums...

why did the fasting meme take hold in Jow Forums? why can't you just eat under your calories instead of risking malnutrition?

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fags will always search for shortcuts.

is it a shortcut thought? or extreme discipline?

Because they are mentally ill and sick, they can only oscillate between extremes and will never know the peace of moderation. Also half the fasting posters are trolls trying to lure fatties into eating disorders.

weak willed fags looking for a shortcut. 80% of this board is fatties hoping for some magical cure to their inability to put the pizza down

You guys are ignorant as fuck. The science is out, fasting is healthy as fuck for you if done properly (which isn't hard).


but, fasting works.

Weak willed? Lmao.

Its a way to get rid of loose skin without surgery. That's all the reason I need.

Fasting is a meme. Our bodies thrive on veggies and they have fuck all calories.

Fasting sounds to me like some infomercial bullshit. Straight up scam for autistic children.

All the studies cite intermittent fasting where people eat about 650 cals under maintenance, i dont believe a huge portion of people that talk about fasting as a whole are referencing if.

fasting manlet outbenching 99% of /fit kek


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He looks like shit though

duh, all nattys do. especially a natty 36 y.o manlet

Dude, I didn't eat for 10 days, lost 15 lbs, and my lifts didn't drop at all. So keep talking about how bad fasting is, because you just keep making me laugh. "Put down the fork, Fatty! LOL" I never even picked it up, but it makes people on the internet mad.

I fast 22hrs a day and still get my 2000 cals a day (cutting). What's the problem?

i heard fasting allows you to grow additional limbs

> Cutting on 2k/day
Hi Boogie.

>never picked up the fork
>has to lose 15lbs by literally not eating cause he can't control his intake

You sound like a bitch

Hello DYEL

He is a 36 year old ex-alcoholic mixed race manlet. Who went 7 days without any food or water and spend weeks drinking nothing but his own piss. All things considered, he looks pretty good.

lmao not him but I am cutting at 2500 calories a day you twink

Wouldn't fasting be counterproductive if you actually lift? I can't imagine you could go even a day of not eating before you start losing gains.

And IF is a meme, literally fatties who have to "fast" for part of the day because they can't control themselves from overeating.

>cutting at 2500 calories a day
>calling someone else a twink

>not eating
>can't control his intake

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t. 200kg '''''''powerlifter'''''''

iit delusional hambeasts and dyels argue humans had access to three meals a day for more than the last 100 years.

>takes in nothing cause one bite will cause him to feast like a fucking pig
>thinks he's controlling himself

/fast/ isn't even for fatties, since they are weak willed fucks.

The other day i was arguing with my fat cousin and she is literally getting fatter to be eligible for gastric bypass surgery.

They'd rather get surgery instead of not eating for a few weeks.

literally lost 2 lbs a day not a meme but you have too refeed cant just jump right back into solid food or you just gain it back

>hurr durr weak willed fatties can’t into moderation

well yes i’m aware of that, that’s why i used fasting when i lost weight and still use it sometimes to control myself. If a fatty/former fatty knows they have poor self control once they start eating why do you get butthurt at them for using a fasting type method to stay under calories?

>all water weight while body composition stayed exactly the same
Wow congrats!

Hell yeah, motherfucker.

Thats not true though, i had been able to maintain a deficit just fine. I only started fasting to accelerate results

>weak willed
fasting requires more willpower than dieting

No it doesn't, depends on a person. Fasting is way easier to me vs calorie deficit

Not eating is actually a lot easier to maintain mentally than eating very little

Maybe if you took the time to research it before dismissing it as a 'meme fad diet'

Arguably, reducing your calories by 400-500 below your BMR is the safest method of weight loss but it takes a lot of time, especially when you're confronted with how slow your progress will show on the scales or to your peers.

Intermittent/Alternate day fasting are extremely effective, especially paired with a keto diet for weight loss.

But water fasting is much more effective at weight loss as well as reducing the amount of time you need to effectively 'diet', it works extremely well and outside of the initial keto flu, it is relatively easy to maintain your lifestyle/job whilst losing 1-2lb of fat a day, (as your brain prefers to run on ketones) as well as minimizing the amount of loose skin you will (to be fair, this is purely anecdotal but there are hundreds of personal accounts with people who have minimal loose skin after losing 50+ pounds, including myself).

I also remember reading a study during my initial research into fasting back in october that compared a conventional diet to ADF, both groups over a period of time lost a similar amount of weight, but those in the conventional diet group had a higher fat/muscle ratio loss, statistically, ADF is more muscle sparing than a regular diet whilst having the same effectiveness.

Water weight is only lost in the first couple of days when the body uses its internal storage of carbohydrates (which it stores via the addition of water, 1g carbs to every 3-4g of water), and is usually 3-5 pounds in the average person.

A 10 day fast will let you lose everywhere from 8-16 pounds of fat depending on your intial starting weight.

The beauty of fasting is that by not inducing the secretion of insulin into the blood, your insulin levels heavily decrease, but your HGH levels massively increase (which is muscle sparing), in the initial 3-4 days of fasting, you lose 30-40g of protein (although some believe due to the exponential increase in autophagy, your body gets most of this protein from worn-out cells or unneeded tissues/cells such as loose skin) a day which decreases the longer you fast, within a week, you only lose 15-20g of protein a day (arguably some of this will be functional muscle) but you have to remember, even though you lose more muscle comparatively per day than a convention calorie restriction diet, you reach your goal weight much quicker.

>1-2lbs of fat a day
>3500-7000 calories a day

This is your brain on broscience, boys

You just hurt your own credibility more than anybody else ever could, dude.

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A pound of oil is 3500 kcal. But fat isn't pure oil. A lot of the weight from fat is just water and shit. Also, a lot of the fat is wasted. You will be pissing out ketones because your body has no idea what to do with the excess.

I'd say that 2 lbs a day is too optimistic, though. My experience is a little below 1lb a day.

The upper limit of weight (>2lb) occurs in extremely obese people who fast, i.e. the man who fasted for almost 400 days lost close to 2 pounds on average per day for the first 50-60 days, as his weight decreased, so did his weight loss per day.

Your BMR increases by 20-30% in the first week of a extended fast, an average male has a BMR of 2300-2500, I also had a fairly active job which likely raised this to over 3,000 kcals (remember, you're not consuming anything so catabolism that can occur.

There's a reason why IF works, by not eating, you're not raising your insulin levels which incidentally inhibits fatty acid catabolism and promotes the conversion of glucose in the blood to glycogen and body fat.

I averaged 1.31 pounds of weight loss a day during a 43 day extended water fast I partook in.

You clearly have no intention of learning about the mechanics behind fasting and i'm not going to bother to try teach you.

Stop typing when you don't understand a single thing about the regulatory and molecular mechanisms involved in fasting.

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reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/7khvwf/broke_my_20_day_water_fast_a_few_hours_short_of/ 20 days 23 pounds of weight loss - 1.15 pounds of weight a loss a day (including water weight, likely brings it down to slightly below a pound per day) - starting weight of 200lb, pretty consistent given this person wasn't extremely obese.


63 day fast, roughly 80 pounds - 1.27 pounds a day

reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/786r5j/day_24_of_water_fast_when_does_it_start_to_feel/ - 27 pounds in 24 days, just over a pound a day


250lb 5'10 female took part in 38 day water fast and lost 55lb so 1.44 pounds a day, notice how because she was quite obese, her daily weight loss was higher than normal?

reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/6uh4k1/ending_my_26_long_water_fast/ - 26 day fast, reported a loss of 0.58kg a day, or 1.27 pounds a day

reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/7wia2k/21_day_water_fast_with_daily_updates/ - was 8 days into a fast, had lost 15 pounds or closer to 2 pounds a day, however due to the short length, we can assume 4-5 pounds of this was water weight, so 10-11 pounds or 1.25-1.30 pounds a day

reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/6kqpbn/just_finished_my_25_day_water_fast_lost_about_42/ - 25 day fast of a 275lb male, lost 42 pounds averaging to 1.68 pounds a day (WOW strange how the higher their starting body weight, the more they seem to burn daily, almost like they have a higher BMR than a person of average weight)

reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/86hioj/broke_an_11_day_water_fast_originally_planned_7/ - 11 days, 16 pounds 209-193, assuming 4-5 pounds of water weight, roughly a pound a day

I love it when brainlets open their mouth about fasting desu.