Does Jow Forums find big boobs or ass more attractive?

Does Jow Forums find big boobs or ass more attractive?

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Health and fitness

moderately-sized breasts that are firm and perky
big ass that's firm and perky

Ass, of course. Pear-shaped 2D women are the peak of sex. Unless you meant 3D, in which case I'll take a hard pass.

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who's this cutie~ (◠﹏◠)

>big ass
no I am not a nigger or a 56er. Boobs and ass of correct proportions is attractive.

small petite girl has just the right sized ass, anything bigger and it s nigger territory

Anyone who says tits over ass is either a virgin or larper.

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is there more of her? link?

It's not about the size, it's about the shape and that applies to both. A girl with a balanced figure is the most attractive

Preferring tits to ass is a sign of high IQ

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I'm more of a thigh man myself

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Get this garbage away from here.

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I'll always be a boob guy
Where are my brothers?

Still in middle school. Should be out in a few hours.

>soyboy chinkposter
how dare you reply to me
This, hamstrings are nice aswell.

I don't think that's a chink. Chinks are hideous rat people. That's probably a plastic Korean.

khazar truck just arrive

Silly ass lover

Ai from Ryuo no oshigoto.

tummy and thigh supremacy

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Fuck off, roastie.

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Dunno, I just googled cammy cosplay
>daily reminder to be a 9/10 female you only need a pretty face and not pig out on food

All kikes still need the oven, but I'd motorboat her first.

For me, it's the benis.

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broke: ass
joke: tits
woke: neck

I find when I'm more depressive I prefer big tits, and when I feel good I like a big ass.

Pear shaped ass and small to medium sized tits

My gf's tits are too big for my taste but that's not a problem because her ass is fucking 8/10

Yeah this
My dream is to fall asleep with my head between a girl's nice plump yet firm thighs

Tits are for gayboi mommy fetishists who never grew up. Ass is for niggers. Legs and hips are the thinking man's bodypart of choice.

Nape of the neck/collarbone is pretty sexy as well.

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Fabibi World Cosplay

good taste

I could deal with no tits, but no ass is a deal breaker for sure.