No onion thread? Onion thread post onions first and last for today just started

No onion thread? Onion thread post onions first and last for today just started.

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How do you do it? Yuck.

Damn I need to start eating onions!

Name my band

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some user the other day mentioned kachumbari (an onion and tomato salad with chili peppers)
i made a batch today and added in garlic and ginger
feel like a million bucks ladds

Attached: Kachumbari.jpg (1024x768, 141K)

This onion meme is as stupid as it might initally strike you. No amount of onion will alter your test. levels. Onion pills or not. Working out itself clinically proven to boost test.

>falling for the onion meme

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>eat healthy 99% of time, emphasis on veggies and fruits, always avoid shit that is packed or has shady ingredients in which makes shopping a bit longer in time
>work out and making sick progress, proficient on some lifts
>have sex regularly
>be 22 years old for not even a month
>decide to check my test, confident it's high
>402 ng/dl total T
>10.90 pg/ml free T

yeah no working out is also a meme

>onion, tomato, peppers

this dish is literall everywhere lmao

Can someone please answer this for me, I'm desperate.

How the fuck am I meant to eat a whole fucking raw onion? I really want to but I can't handle it

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Soy and the Boys

You just got to eat it start off eating half an onion a day until you can stomach a full onion if you need to. Remember the onion is the enemy of soy.

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First, don’t eat it on an empty stomach
Second blend it up to mush and eat it with a spoon, put it on the back of your tongue (so you don’t taste it) and swallow it whole. Wash down with some water.

Blend it with something

mostly by not being a bitch

ive never eaten onions before are they worth it?


>oh my god stacey I caught that weird onion smelling freak staring at me in the gym again

>maybe funion boy LIKES you Becky


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That cracked me the hell up.

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Yes. Reduces estrogen by 66%.

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Good mythical morning

where the fuck would I get these

>That first bite of the day...

Those are poisonous dont believe this faggot

>centimeter wide wrists

I cannot do it. I tried and tried again but I just throw up after the first bite.

What can I do to finally gain test from these god plants?

Are you dumb niggers actually eating raw onions?

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Why the fuck would you eat onions and burn your mouth/smell like shit?

They sell pure grapeseed oil in stores now and it does the same thing supposedly as well as other benefits. There's a reason they don't sell onion pills but grapeseed oil pills have been a thing for a while. Plus you can straight up chug the stuff, it's yummy.

eat the vomit, your body is trying to pussy out on you

Ben Folds and Lumberjack

Schlomo has arrived.

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do it for rich

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I eat it like an apple also because i'm not bitch

say what you want, shill, onions are healthy to begin with, and i do notice the effects despite being skeptic at 1st

post your wrists

yes, enjoy your nogains

No, grapeseed supposedly inhibited aromatase but several studies actually shown no testosterone increase, just a slight estrogen decrease, whereas onions actually induced testosterone increase in all the studies where it was the object of study. Look for the studies on nbci.

You can now fuck off and start eating onions

Thank you for posting.

Per day.
1 medium red a day or two small. -reduce female sex hormone

Mine lowered by 66%

2 cap of concentrate Pomegranate (or replace a cap for a whole fruit)

400 -600mg of long Jack.
Get the tablets the powder taste THE WORST

1 table spoon cocoa (not convinced on that one)

Increase test.
Mine raised 25%
Increase free test.
Mine raised 27%

I'm having vitd high dose vit c and k2.

Then it's either
Ginger and parsley.


If any of you have genuine suggestions let me know.
Post studies if possible.

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I've been looking into ginger mate. But I think you should do the soy one. You're already a legend but if you can put this one to rest you'll be the king of Jow Forums.

In fact, I'd love to be updated with progress reports about the soy thing

I think the SOY does need to be next.
I'm hoping for there to be no ill effects.

But I'm willing to risk the potential.
When I start it I'll post weekly updates or something.

I'm thinking of getting soy protien shake and replacing either 1 portion of meat or 3 eggs with a soy product.

I don't want to alter the standard diet too much otherwise that could mess with the results.

Just bought some online

Listen up
Chop up your onion in a salad, put some seasoned taco meat in it, and some lettuce and shit

Smother it with your favorite hot sauce or salsa and sour creme or whatever, little cheese to top it off..


down to my last onion lads

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Just bought garlic extract pills.
Am I in for sick gains???

Onions are good for you, but this meme is so fucking stupid.

>buying garlic extract

Just eat a raw clove ffs.



No, I've actually read the research on this meme. It's the same couple rat studies done on this. This thread is why we need to increase scientific literacy in the general public.

>fall for onion meme
>eating 100g of raw onion a day
>meals feel lacking without it
Fuck you, Jow Forums. Now I'll smell like an ogre forever.

>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

this shit is even funnier than nofap

What shit is going to be the next onions?
I've seen pomegranates and garlic shilling (though I believe in garlic myself).

>l-l-leave estradiol alone

>have sex regularly
You know that orgasms for men lower test, right? Like it releases that pair bonding chemical in your brain that I can't remember the name of (and coincidentally is also responsible for you not being able to get it up after orgasming for a little while) which lowers test levels.

try dicing it and drizzling a little olive oil on it


I'll just leave this here:

i cant fucking do this

can i blend them?
or juice them?

I tried eating slices with water and ugh no
ive diced some up just now and gonna try with water but oh my god this is bullshit

>Bucket full of shoes
>Wires everywhere
>Shitty ass fingernails, probably because you have anxiety and bite them - like a fucking dog. Responsible adults who have their shit together keep their fucking hands out of their mouth. Fat teenagers with anxiety put their hands in their mouths.
>Duct taped wires
These are the people telling you to follow memes. Do you think Arnold followed nofap? Do you think he ate raw onions?

Stop trying so hard to be different. Think about your heroes, your role models, and then ask yourself what you think they did - then do THAT. Knock it off with these absurd memes.

Can someone please repeat the experiment with cooked onions instead of raw? Just curious to see if the raw part is actually a meme.

Shut up schlomo

Arnold grew up in Austria and joined the Austrian military so there’s a seriously high chance he both did nofap (since most men did, masturbating was for freaks) and also because Austria grows a shitton of onions and they’re cheap. Military gets whatever is cheapest, also he got lots of red meat

Dice it up and add it to whatever you're eating. It's not that fucking hard.

i diced them up and just swallowed them with shots of water
only half an onion but its my first day.

My mate started but then switched to raw with pomegranate long Jack and cocoa based on my results.

Onions a best

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What's wrong with everyone here? Just chop it up and eat it with chicken or some shit. Just ate a cup of rice, chicken breast, and a whole red raw onion and it was great.

What is that BC flag with a croix de Lorraine ?

Uh, god. You're so fucking unbearable.

Do you have a gf?
Did you buy your own brand new car that was built in the last 3 years?
Do you rent, or are you paying mortgage on your own home?
Do you make $70k+ a year?
Have you traveled to 20+ countries, let alone just once outside of your home country?

Do you have ANY of this? I'm saying I'm the apex of humanity, but these simple things that people who are making steps towards accomplishing their goals SHOULD have. I have all this and jerk off/fuck at least 5 times a week - NO onions.

What are you trying to accomplish with this onion shit? What is the ultimate goal? I guarentee thousands if not millions have already accomplished it without being total cringy fags and eating raw onions like a fucking detached, oblivious weirdo.

What anniys me most is how you are trying to be men, accomplished and respected, but what you do is making the exact opposite happen and you don't even notice it, because you're too stupid. Elevate yourself.

>I'm *not* saying I'm the apex of humanity

>can’t even spell it right
Kill your self

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Ok, nothing historical then.

>prizing material over contentedness
>making it
choose one

Most of garlic's properties are lost with dessication. Many beneficial compounds oxidize so it's still not the same.

What I do is to dice very small the garlic and take it with a tablespoon of olive oil which is also beneficial for that matter. If you buy a garlic press you can take much more and more easily.

Attached: garlic press.jpg (640x640, 39K)

Based red onion user doing God's work!

The Leningrad Cowboys

literally tried my first raw onion today and fuck i think i almost got a stomach ulcer it hurts to eat also my nose hella runs when eating it

Why does he sound like he belongs on the Muppets.

also why tf do i have a boner?

I've been eating raw onions for a couple months now and my beard is growing and thickening like crazy. I'm even getting growth close to my eyes (under the eyes and toward the ears), not thick beard but like 5-10 hairs.

I'm on day 3 and my tongue is half numb. But onions make me super hungry though, no stomach pain.
I'm considering just buying quercetin pills at that point, that's the polyphenol you want from onions. That or buying testo boost pills like Prime Male.

The thing you want from onions is the onion.

>almost got a stomach ulcer


don't do stupid diets like this bros I have some bad digestive problems from abusing certain pills and I'll tell you now you don't want to mess with your stomach health!

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Quercetin is the molecule responsible for test boost/estrgen decrease because it inhibits aromatase. Red onions have the most of it, twice as much as yellow/white ones. I'm still considering supplementation because it's a pain to eat.

I run 2-3 onions through a food processor with a little water. I then use a turkey blaster to inject it into my ass directly. No taste, no mess. You do have to “sit” on the injection for a couple of hours before it “takes”.

prolactin— what makes 30+ yo men sleep after sex

i’m ready to take the onion pill boys but i have a couple questions first
>what do i do about smell and breath?
srsly i can’t stand onion breath and i really cant seem to get rid of it even with excessive brushing, mints, coffee, or anything else. also i get a slight onion sweat at the gym but i’m less concerned about that
>do they have to be fresh chopped?
does it make a difference if i prep the onions days in advance or chop them right before i eat?

Does the color of onion matter?


Yeah youre just retards that fall for retarded memes. Why dont you go make some homemade crystals with amonia while youre at it mongoloids

in rice. in omelets

Onions aren't a meme.

I have tried many natural supplements and healthy foods. No supplement comes close.

Onions are so potent they feel like a drug.

Try drinking 400g of onion blended and see how you feel the next day. It's a vitality potion.

garlic > onion

This just reads as:
>Look at me, I have money!

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so blending it is fine?

>I kinda sound like this guy and could probably do an alright impression if I practiced
I don't know how to feel about this

I've eaten a whole raw onion at every meal for the past month, and I still don't have a girlfriend.