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1 year
Aaron Myers
Brody Myers
Aight vro, well done
Routine/ progress from week to week?
William Morgan
Do you have a question or something...?
Alexander Miller
>takes 1 year to put on some pants
Ayden Jackson
and sucked his stomach in
and get a slightly less faggy haircut
Levi Green
Good work, now get bigger.
Christian Perez
and lose 3 kgs of fat
Brandon Morgan
That's a good change. Train chest and get tan.
William Taylor
nice blog post user
David Hill
>get tan
Get out of here, Tyrone.
Zachary Foster
>still a skinny dyel
Jaxon Adams
Go bloatmaxx faggot
What are your lifts
Carter Nguyen
dont listen to them user, as long as you make steady progress you are good
Cooper Nguyen
t. snownigger
Hunter Lopez
Why do builders at cons get themselves greased again?
Nicholas Bennett
pretty fucking decent work there OP
Elijah Hall
>looking up to roidgut monsters
Luis Miller
Nice what are your lifts tho?
Juan Moore
Thanks bro
Bench -5 reps comfortably at 175 lbs i can hit 3 or 4 reps at 185 lbs
Deadlift 5 reps at 295 lbs 2 reps of 315
Squat 5 reps 275 lbs
OHP 5 reps 110 lbs
David Smith
Damn so I got the same bench as you after 2 months of SS, and I'll hit the other lifts some time in April. I'm curious how my results will compare in a year since I'm starting at about the same level of shitbod.
What was your whole process with diet and excercise? You do a brosplit?
Daniel Thompson
Routine and diet from the beginning stages pls
Dominic Foster
in just 1 year, local man found his pants
Austin Peterson
every single one of your lifts is better than mine but I look 10x better than you
Christopher Wood
>shitty chest insertions
>shitty abs
>weak arms
>weak shoulders
get the fuck off my board you hairless faggot
Liam Walker
why would you go for such a low bodyfat% when you have that little muscle?
you should have bulked for a year
Jose Collins
Mostly standerd PPL and ate slightly above maintenance I think, didn't really follow a diet plan. Also did a good amount of biking in the warn months
Post yourself then m9
Benjamin Lewis
Try mustard, it smell good and taste good.
Xavier Brooks
Tanpill me bros. I'm a ginger that's entirely incapable of tanning.
Jordan Reed
Then don't try it or will look like shit or burn your skin.
Adrian White
Don't know why people are making fun of you man you've improved a ton over the course of one year. Keep it up
Colton Torres
you forgot lats?
Brayden Sanchez
It's ok. You're built like a refrigerator but you have a small resemblance to Hugh Jackman. Keep going.
Matthew Peterson
Gavin Butler
>skellyfat makes actual realistic and good progress in a year for a natty
>Jow Forums gives him flaque
This place sucks.
Lucas Flores
What did he mean by this
Easton Myers
>built like a refrigerator
maybe a minifridge
Isaiah Price
Maybe it's because he made his own thread for no reason.
James Kelly
Nice laddie
Wyatt Martinez
Means shits on him for no real reason.
Kid made pretty big progress you can critique and point out what he can do now but some of the autists on here rather just bantz.
Adrian Jones
>for no reason
I'd argue giving noobies realistic expectations for their first year is a pretty good reason. We already have plenty of examples for what the outliers can achieve.
Blake Ramirez
Did you mean flak?
Dylan Lee
how much bf does he have?
Jayden Fisher
It wasnt me. I just responded because I knew what he meant. Good correction tho. Thanks
Gavin Gonzalez
It got 42 replies which is more than if I posted in a /cbt/
Gavin Wood
Nice but you should be a lot heavier by now...
Jeremiah Lewis
And yet imagine if every asshole on Jow Forums started a thread about themselves
Colton Kelly
not my problem innit
James Reed
Fellow ginger here, the true redpill is eating a shit ton of carrots + taking fish oil + nofap for a healthy yellow skin glow