Anyone else /erg/?

Anyone else /erg/?

What does fit think of rowing machines? I love using it because I feel like I'm engaging my legs, core and upper body while getting cardio. Plus I can zone out and listen to a podcast or something and just row and row and row for an hour

Attached: erg.jpg (450x275, 16K)

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Any tips for a beginner? I've never used one, are there settings and shit I have to configure?

Proper form is everything. Then just get on and practice that. Once you get form down you can start doing 2ks and looking at your splits.

The only thing to adjust is the level of resistance but just set it to 10 desu

Dont fucking set the resistance to 10. Set the drag factor between 120 and 130, which is usually around a 4 on most machines. International heavyweight men row here.

Get some technical guidance or watch youtube channels like darkhorse rowing or aram training.

About 80% of rowing training is lighter intensity steady state work at 18 to 22 strokes per minute. This is sutained duration for 15 to 20k or 1 to 2 hours. You will get great baseline fitness here, but for someone starting out see if you can do 2 or 3 10 minute sets and move on to running or cycling.

t. 16 years rowing and national team member.

Ok this user is totally right lol especially about the steady state part.

>This is sutained duration for 15 to 20k or 1 to 2 hours
lmao fuck this shit

My advice to yall who want to try the rower is to get the basic form down the first few times you use the erg, but try to do a 2000 meter test (2k) as soon as possible, all out. If you get 7:00 or less (1:45 split) on your first 2k then you have real potential in rowing and actually joining your local or university club might be worthwhile. Otherwise you should probably just try biking alone.
dont worry about it too much. just make sure the damper (the thing on the wheel) is set somewhere around 4-6.
Look up proper rowing form online. It will help you go faster and longer.
Most of them wont know how to fuck with the drag factor. Just get them rowing first.
>International heavyweight men row here.
I have doubts that you're actually a rower or national team member. Which national team? Prove it. tell me what Grant and Ross James do at the starting line of every race. Because I doubt you actually know them because I cant imagine any of you guys posting on Jow Forums.
Steady state makes you slower. Newbs, especially fitness newbs, should be biking for cardio.
It will get vastly easier as you continue.

Attached: delicia.png (1380x876, 83K)

How did you get into rowing? I don't live near water and don't think I've ever met anyone who rows

Thanks for the tips!
t. oldfag looking for variety in cardio after getting shin splints from running

Not him, but there are plenty of reasons to use the rowing machine ("erg") even if you dont actually row. Like how track has the indoor season, there are some international erg races that even complete newbies can enter and face off with the best in the world. Very unique sport. Give erging a try.
As for me, I started rowing on a river. Most clubs row on rivers and not lakes, although some do both.
If there's a rowing club in your city, or even within an hour drive or whatever, you should call and ask to be given starting advice to the sport. 95% of clubs will be happy to have you come down and see what the sport is about, even if you don't want to join the club (and some clubs only have college or youth programs, but will still teach you the basics).

Huh, I had no idea. Never got into sports as a kid so I always pictured sports clubs as closed, elite spaces.

i use this thing for hiit, its great for it. I used to do more steady state with it but got bored of it. my gym doesnt have a concept 2 either so its whatever

>so I always pictured sports clubs as closed, elite spaces.
Rowing is a sport somewhat like bodybuilding. You can walk into any gym and there could be fuckwits, or there could be a Mr Olympia contender. Not every gym is going to have top bodybuilders, very few will. Some will have a ton of fuckwits. Some will have gymbros. Rowing is like that. Except more expensive, much more expensive membership haha.
At my club we didn't have any olympians but we did have some athletes who went onto the national U23 team for college (and tried out for national team) as well as 1 gold medal olympian back in the 90s. His father was a coach for a while but not while I was there. Rowing is cool in that aspect in that many great athletes often end up being coaches for college and high school athletes. However sometimes the coaches are absolute nobodies, but that's pretty rare.

I alternate the rowing machine or a stationary bike for after-lifting cardio (I'm a fatfag who's trying to lose bodyfat right now).

I usually row about 1km in 5:00. Then I get up, take a drink of water, and do it again. I may do a third km if I'm feeling like it. Then I walk/jog a mile home.

I dont think the guy proclaiming himself to be a national team member is going to respond, but I'll share my experience with the US rowing national team anyways. I met Grant and Ross James on a few occasions at regattas (Im nowhere near their level but nonetheless sometimes theyll fraternize with us). They say they piss their shorts at the starting line before every race because hydration is so important and despite not being allowed to piss off the boats anymore (used to be allowed at some regattas) they still need to be hydrated. So they just piss their trou. I thought it was alpha as fuck. I remember the first time I did it laughing my ass off back in bow seat because I pissed and it seeped out of my compression shorts up towards 2 seat and got all over his lower thighs and he just thought it was water. LOL. But its also a psychological element to it - I didnt just piss my pants and walk the walk so I could NOT give the race my whole effort. So whenever I piss my trou I always make sure to go full effort (I always piss my trou).

I mostly rowed with ross since hes a port. I can tell you he spent a lot of time with hip mobility and bracing his fragile back. Despite not breaking 6, thats probably the smoothest pair ive ever rowed. I couldnt tell you what most guys do at the start because i am focused enough on myself.

Also, go fuck yourself.

I have also done this. If youre going to do it, go all the way. I had a few races with a full bladder and they were miserable. No one gives a shit or will notice because were all soaking at the end anyway.

Looks fun I might start doing this. Is it good cardio?

Are the cheap rowers worth it? I ask because there is always one for $300 then the rest are $1.3k +
Thanks in advance

No. You can get a c2 on craigslist for cheap, or at an indoor race.

Put it at ~5 resistance and make sure you have good form (you can REALLY fuck yourself up if you don't). There's a bunch of posts on good workouts for rowers. If you're looking for gainz, then stick to interval training.

Finally someone who knows what they’re fucking talking about

College rower here. Had a 6:30 erg time which was better than the average person but nothing spectacular.

In my personal experience I thought erging was a mediocre workout. Its decent for cardio and isn't too terribly hard on the knees but is the same as everything else.

Now that Ive quit rowing all I do is run and bike. If I do erg its maybe twice a month and at a calm controlled pace.

Then again I only workout for aesthetics and I think rowers have terrible bodies.

i just hate seeing faggots who dont know how to use the erg not doing any bodyrock and letting the handle seesaw over their knees instead of letting it go on a straight path back to the screen