Anyone else do a shot of whisky before bed every night...

Anyone else do a shot of whisky before bed every night? What would you recommend besides JD and Jameson(I’m a novice at whiskey)?

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>What would you recommend besides JD and Jameson
Literally anything else

>bourbon and whiskey
Try some actual whisky for starters

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Whiskey connoisseurs will scoff at this, but I enjoy Johnie Walker double black blended whiskey.

more of a bourbon man myself
evan williams if I'm feeling cheap, pretty good for the price
maker's mark if I feel like spending a little more
angel's envy if I feel like spending even more
not claiming to be some kind of connoisseur though. try different stuff and see what you like, but I've heard lots of people agree that evan is solid for the price

aberfeldy is very good for da price

>Anyone else do a shot of whisky before bed every night?
no, weed is legal here

Monkey shoulder

Jim Beam > Jack Daniels imo

>Anyone else do a shot of whisky before bed every night?

No. Fuck no. Why would someone do that?

also, I prefer mine on the rocks. a little water in there helps smooth out the flavor

Pick up some michters rye and some eagle rare, solid examples of their species and not super expensive.

There for a while I was doing 3 big pours a night, which I realized was about 10 1.5oz shots of 90 proof + liquor.

Blood work was great and didn't seem to be having any problems but I'm sure it hurt gains and it upset my wife I drank so much.

I miss it now that I quit drinking completely. I'm just a grumpy asshole all the time now instead of just some of the time.

Blood circulation. It's like drinking a glass of wine a day

Turkey if you're not a bitch

Laphroaig or Highland Park are my go to whiskeys

JD is grim

cause OP is a pathetic depressed man who likes to follow the media and thinks alcoholism being sold as a product in movies and t.v. shows is the same as real life due to brainwashing advertisements making the "strong man" a "drunk"

A glass of red wine is only (slightly) beneficial to people that don't work out though

There is literally nothing wrong with a single drink a day, and it actually has health benefits, you straight edge homo.

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>blood circulation
yeah, scotch will stop it

>one shot of whisky
Nigga, that shit isn’t even enough to give a 10yo girl a buzz

>There is literally nothing wrong with a single drink a day, and it actually has health benefits
so brainwashed and sad

Alcoholism is the patrician real man's vice. Fuck off nerds.

Alcohol is literally the worst drug

>wasting your buzz on sleeping
>just because you want to feel like a real manly cowboy

Four Roses is kino. But keep that on the dl.

can't believe I forgot this one. fucking delicious and cheap

>been a homicide detective for two years now
>not even 30 yet
>two shots of whisky after I come home every night
I’m still breaking PRs and making gains, but damn, working in Chicago is rough. I wasn’t ready for this.

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>getting buzzed from one shot of whiskey
You must be 18 years old to post on this board

stupidest shit I've ever heard.

Especially for aesthetics. It makes your face look all puffy.

best whisky ever made, tastes unique, even among the islay distilleries
it's like drinking fumes from a volcano, and it's the best-tasting alcohol i've had (get cask strength bottle if available)

I was just being kind to OP and assuming he's not retarded enough to waste alcohol on not even getting a slight buzz. Basically just hindering his melatonin production to feel like he's in Mad Men.

Is my absolute favourite, great taste my bro

I enjoy a nip of Lagavulin 16 with a hearty dinner
have you had blue?

>a shot of whisky a night
>not a shot of sake a night
Raugh out roud. Fucking plebs. There’s a reason the Japanese are ageless, even compared to other Ching Chongs.

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>shooting sake

>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

go fuck yourself

johnnie walker

Why are you posting this on every thread?

at least they aren't dead white kids user

bustas do what they can,Gangstas do what they want

Anyone else do a shot of poison before bed every night? I saw people on tv drinking poison and now I drink poison too.

Biochemistry isn't quite that black-and-white, my uneducated familia.

I think for the price point, George Dickel is hard to beat. If you don't mind spending extra, Woodford Reserve is probably the best bourbon I've had.

This is Scotch, get the hell out of here with that shit.

I'd honestly recommend a cognac or brandy before bed (if alcohol can be recommended at all). Sits much better than whiskey.

>implying weed legality affects whether you can aquire it

Yes it me

Four roses is the shit

If you understood at all the biochemistry involving alcohol, you would know it's adverse effects on health greatly outweigh any small gained health benefits. It negatively effects every organ and system in the body, even with moderate consumption.

This. Small-dose poison kills the excess yeast and bacterias in our stomach which are behind so many degenerative processes and illnesses.

Not really necessary if your diet doesn't favor yeast growth (avoiding bread, too much sugar, dairy, fermented bullshit etc) but for the average person, it explains why studies find health benefits to moderate alcohol consumption.

Ancient civilizations have always used a ton of natural antiseptics that are healthier than alcohol though. Lemon juice, willow bark (aspirin precursor), vinegar, herbs like oregano, cilantro, basil, cinnamon; olive oil and coconut oil, etc. Always mixing it with their meat and carbs so the food can't feed bacterias. Washing meat with lemon juice is one thing modern people have "unlearned" to do which is sad, combining with the absurd craze for raw meat like sushi and tartare.

Youre doing good work user. You are a hero, fighting scum of the earth. Give em hell

Knob Creek, Woodford reserve

For anyone laughing at this guy, a small amount of alcohol a day reduces formation of atherosclerotic plaques to such a degree that it can increase lifespan with many years. I'm a med student and we're currently going through the effects of alcohol in pharmacology.

Ayoo what are your opinions on Ballentine?


tastes like a bandaid

>rice water with less alcohol than wine
you won't feel a thing

>Spells whisky without an "e" while talking about "real" dark liquor
>Doesn't mention any

Dude. C'mon.

I love whisky
Moderate consumption is fucking awesome. Sick spiritual gains when I can take a step back from my emotions and just enjoy the ride of life

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>at least they aren't dead white kids user

Between January and February we had six dead white girls ages 14-20, and four dead white boys ages 17-21, user. Two of the girls are still “Jane Does”.

The murders were due to robbery, bad drug deals, and human trafficking and/or prostitution.

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How does one become a homicide detective? What's on your resume?

What have you been up to, user.

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is this for depression or for sleep? if for sleep it's actually very ineffective considering you have an energy rebound after your liver detoxifies the ethanol in your blood (it kicks you out of deep sleep)

Makers>Jim Beam > Jack Daniels

goddamn thats awesome

A shot of whisky is a waste, at least have a single glass. As for what kind, find any bottle with someones signature on it, then you have the good stuff

Imagine taking the jew-pill this hard.

My dad and brother-in-law are both detectives. Basically show outstanding performance as a police officer and take advantage of a position when it opens up.

How's pharmacology treating you, user? Nursing school fag here, finishing up Microbio and will be in pharmacology in May.

>anything other than Jameson and Son
>expecting to make it

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Try weed

Posting from London?

bulleit 10 year old bourbon
any good single malt scotch

also why does it always taste so much better after a heavy meal?

absolutely pissening, how's like down there shlomo?

I'm all for drinking alcohol (shit's tasty, and there's probably a reason that all non-shit cultures have "invented" it), but if you drink high-proof alcohol every day on the regular, you probably should reevaluate some of your life's decisions!

you mean telford


Stick with the Jameson though, Irish whiskey is the best whiskey, not that blended coffey still shite the Scots make. Yanks love "scotch" because some Jew sold them on the idea and they have so little taste that they can't compare the two. Jameson is your basic entry level stuff but as far as those types of products go, it's not that bad at all. and stay away from muck like JD and Jim Beam.

Alcohol consumption increases plasma HDL-C concentrations, by modulating HDL composition, HDL-related metabolic factors and functions of HDL. Regular consumption of alcohol increases the number and percentage of large HDL particles and concentrations of major HDL apolipoproteins such as A-1 and A-2 (first link). Alcohol consumption may intensifies the antiatherosclerotic functions of HDL through reverse cholesterol transport by enhancing capability of receiving cholesterol, esterification of cholesterol from unesterified form, and the transfer of cholesteryl ester from HDL to the liver.
Another mechanism, leading to the same benefit- protection against CVD, is lowering LDL-C but this is dependent on genetics (Apo E4, ApoA5).
Alcohol consumption also has favourable effect on glucose metabolism, including insulin resistance, fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c via increaing the levels of adiponectin ( The effect of this is lowering the chance of getting diabetes mellitus type 2.
Alcohol also has salutary effects on fibrinolysis, endothelial function and inflammation.
It's the dose that makes a poison, not the substance you ultimate brainlet.

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Here's some food for thought since hiro is retarded and doesn't let me put more than one link in a post:

The studies are usually funded by big alcohol companies so no conflict of interest there

>hurr durr study says something i don't like so it's WRONK
There are multitudes of studies on beneficial effects of alcohol funded by taxpayers. Fuck off.

You're an alcohol shill, I get it.

No, you don't. I'm a man, not a child hiding behind excuses when they're exposed to something that doesn't match their views.

wtf why would you retards drink just before bed? correct sleeping is one of the necessary things for gains and alcohol fucks up REM sleep

>tfw 28 but get drunk off one shot
being small has its perks

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Good whiskey is whiskey you like.

The proper way of drinking whiskey is the way you like to drink it.

Buy a different bottle every time, try different kinds at a bar, just gain more experience with whiskey and you'll find what kinds of whiskey you like the most.

Man, just reading this kind of shit online makes me sad, don't stay there too long or you'll just die inside.

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An user bearing the burden and horrors of the wretched underbelly of society so that we may lift peacefully.

Fight on Detective brah.

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This drink's for you detective user.

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If you drink alcohol more than once or twice a month you're a fucking loser.

If you drink alhocol alone or with one or two friends who you aren't going to fuck you're a fucking loser.

If you can't go to social events and abstain from drinking you're a fucking loser.

Whiskey is good, but don't be afraid to branch out to other stuff. Bourbans and Scotch are very different even though all three are the "technically" the same.

If you like stuff alittle more flowery go to gin or absinthe. Or vodkas if you want a sharp buttery taste.

>t. straight-edge, never invited to anything, never got laid in high school social recluse


How small are we talking

>tfw alcoholic seeing threads like this
wew. i've drank very little this year but i had some about 10 days ago and then again 2 weeks before that. im afraid i will slide back into drinking every day

Man, that sounds like a badass job aside from the ptsd

My personal favorite.

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Uisce Beatha and Bushmill