Noob in the gym. Literally just finished my second session ever

Give me some tips, Im starting light, here's my routine

My Stats
132 lbs


OMAD 23:1 5 days
16:8 2 days


- Anything, just no sugar and cookies and shit like that
- Quarter Pounder from McD after work out

(These are all performed fasted, btw.)
Routine A
- Skip Rope (HIIT, 45 second on, 10 off. Up to 12 minutes)
- Bench 5x5
- Deadlift 2x5
- Squat 5x5

Routine B

- Skip Rope
- Military Press 5x5
- Squat or Seated Rows 5x5/5x15
- Lateral Pull Downs 5x5

NAtty Gods, heed my call

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Forgot to add:

For leisure I try to walk my dog at least 30 mins a day, everyday




>projecting this much

What is wrong with you nigga

Idc, I'm asian it fits my face and frame. Also I get mad 18yr old pussy from my aesthetics, so frig off.

Maybe if I was black or white and was 5'5 I\d be more ashamed

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Dude sort yourself out.

I hope you’re just underaged

you tell that hater
good on ya man
own your life, you rock man

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thanks great wizard

dog you're a fucking 5'5 Asian manlet piece of shit lmao. Nobody takes you seriously and you ain't getting shit

Looks like a slightly tweaked stronglifts. Don't know about the deadlift 2X5, as a noob 1X5 works great. Don't forget your chin ups and accessory lifts. If you aren't already used to eating OMAD don't go full reee and start two new things at once. Eat healthier and get plenty of protein or you will stall and not make any gains.

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Protip: keep going


Oh shit forgot about that.

>If you aren't already used to eating OMAD

I'm used to it. I got my fasting habit down before I started lifting. Now I have to eat after workouts, and hit caloric limit or up.

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I'm close to your height and weight, the biggest change I made in my opinion was supplementing protein shakes. Other times when I tried getting into lifting I would stop making progress really early because I wasn't getting enough calories, I hated eating.
Other than that, track progress in a spreadsheet and stick to a program.

Eat more, mate. It's the only way. At your weight, you probably need to gain some mass in general rather than trying go full other mode right off the bat. It will be a much more difficult mode to add mass if you already start in a lean diet and only one meal a day. Go on a lean cut after gaining some muscle and fat mass.

You have to go back.

Eat and don't stop eating to get out of otter mode

That meme is old. We make fun of 30 year olds and people that don't play sports now.

do you feel better now ?

5'5 Asian getting "mad 18yr old pussy"

From the OP I can only assume you're skinnyfat from that height and weight. How in the world are you "slaying 18yr old pussy"?

t. 5'8 asian few pds heavier than you.

If you're a 5'5" asian manlet, 130 should be ottermode for you unless you're skinnyfat. I'm a 5'5" asian manlet at 140 and im pretty sure I'm hardstuck otter

Thing is, I just came down from being overweight at 167. I just hit 132. I'm really afraid of getting bigger again.

I really just want to reach Bruce li mode.

WIll it really be that hard to get leaner ? I'm literally skinny fat atm.

I'm like 21, so its not so hard with a few drinks under my liver.

Skinnyfat, guilty as charged. I still got small of bitchtits and a lil belly that won't go away. So I started working out to complement my fasting lifestyle.

You pick up drunk asian girls at bars while you're in UNI or somethin?

I came down from 125 skinnyfat to 112 nofat on a 1200 calorie diet and intense cardio and bodyweight supplemented by some dumbbell work for biceps and triceps. That was a little smaller than Bruce Lee mode. 120 probably is, but I have stupid high lat insertions so I never found out.

Don't worry about the 5 5 thing their was literally nothing you could do about it. don't eat that junk from McDonald's. Instead invest in some whey protein isolate. Drink some after your workout to help build those muscles you just hit. I would say add chin ups and push-ups. What type of Asian are you?

Damn... I should cut more then huh?
Go lean and cut with lifting?

>whey protein isolate

Thanks. I'm LI so I'll look into something safer

>What type of Asian are you?

I'm like chinese and thai

Yeah. I cut aggressively for the first six months and then started to permabulk. It's easier for me to just shovel food in that can be construed as healthy enough than to be lethargic constantly due to hunger.


You should leave now and never look back. Serious.

>- Quarter Pounder from McD after work out
>Also I get mad 18yr old pussy from my aesthetics, so frig off.

Why are you so insecure. Don't say "like" before you describe yourself.also When your here try to relax and have a good time don't let the trolls affect you

Just trap OP, trying otherwise is pointless. You're Asian already, and you're 5'5". You're good to go

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but i like girls

Don't you want to be a cute girl? You could dress up and take it up the ass from a real Jow Forums guy.

Well now you need to recondition yourself to be the girl.

nigga u gay
you dont eve know whats real anymore

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now you get to be the girl.

Shoo shoo shekelstein

That could be you in the picture. You can take cute pics like that. Plus your asian and 5 5. You'd be the perfect trap for Jow Forums

lets do it

Do it or DO IT? with one did you mean?

i never understood the 1x5 deadlift, a single set even when i was doing SL felt like nothing. I usually did 5x5 anyways lol

graduate highschool

Ottermode should not he your end goal if your 5'5", you'll just look and be supremely weak. Ottermode only works if your teenager or pretty damn tall.

>That feelio when you're 6'5" and want to be lean bearmode, but would look better as an otterman

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