Took my girlfriends virginity. Banged the life out of her 13 times in a span of a week...

took my girlfriends virginity. Banged the life out of her 13 times in a span of a week. Always used a condom when finishing, and never even came inside her with the condom on. The only time I ever raw dog her was for literally a few seconds and then always switched to a condom. When I did raw dog it was either in the shower or after peeing and never after coming earlier in the day without showering. I'm still naturally worried about precum but I know the chances here are slim. She is finishing a semester of college in Europe and had her normal heavy period last month 3 days after she went back. Her period is now 7 days late a month later. What are the chances that she's pregnant? Where she lives has a time difference of 6 hours so shes going to facetime me in a few hours to take a pregnancy test from across the world.

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Kek you got cucked

It's probably Chads kid, don't worry about it bro

fugg :DD D

(she probably isn‘t pregnant and you learned today.)

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all memes aside, just no
she is probably not pregnant. She has no symptoms of pregnancy and would be a month pregnant already if she was. I'm drinking a lot of alcohol to ignore this shit right now

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She'ss lying

how old is she?

>Where she lives has a time difference of 6 hours
She's fucking someone else.

>She is finishing a semester of college in Europe and had her normal heavy period last month 3 days after she went back.

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i really dont think so

OP in all swriousness if it's positive you are getting fucking scammed. Demand a paternity test

paternity test

I would obviously get a paternity test I’m just curious about the odds of her being pregnant after getting her period already in a close time frame of us having sex so often

oldest fucking scam in the book
>took her virginity
bwahahaha you are a gullible one, aren't you?

Super slim odds. I never wore a condom with my ex and only used pull out method. Youre ok bud. Chill out

If she's hot and studying abroad she's fucking around. It doesn't matter whether she's pregnant or not, she's fucking around.

I slept with a girl unprotected and no pill for like 8 months and never had a problem
Then we had a scare because she was a week or two late and the test said it was negative, probably just late because of stress or diet or a whole bunch of random shit
Seems like you already know precum doesn't have sperm unless you came earlier and didn't pee
Really wouldn't worry about it, even if you full on busted inside of her there's like a 12% chance and the moon's have to be aligned and ovulating and etc etc

Thank you for the actual mind easing info gents, I appreciate it

Chances of her being pregnant from your description is none from you. Though she probably is fucking around on you as they often do on vacation with everything paid for with a surplus of men around her.

This has to be bait

From you? No. Honestly it's difficult as it is for most couples to even get pregnant. As long as you never came inside her, there is 0% chance you impregnated her. Now if she is pregnant, that is HER problem buddy.

>7 days late
Calm the fuck down. My friends girlfriend period was nearly one month late recently and not only his, it happens a lot. Just go to gynecologist if you're that scared.

Girls go through a whore stage after losing their virginity.

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