Last one died out
87kg at 191cm
192lb at 6'3 for burgers
Last one died out
87kg at 191cm
192lb at 6'3 for burgers
eat moar poutine
You're looking vry good my man, lighting is wierd tho. How long you been lifting? Just started the cut yesterday can't wait to look decent again.
6’1 160 I stopped lifting for 1 year and lost all muscle this is my first week back. Will I make it?
pic is about a month old but I look the exact same
Got a pic from before your break?
You should regain it way quicker the se ond time around. Something about muscle nuclei. Go hard and keep us posted and you shall make it you cunt
Getting back into it still got a ways to go
What ur squat my dude, you look way heavier
R8 my back fukkos
also try lifting
5'8" 187lbs
sorry I'm 5'7"
I was think of my weight for some reason when typing height and included the 8 from 187
Sub 250
Got limp legs
That's actually what I'm working on
As far as you back goes it's looking pretty defined. Do you swim?
6'2" 155lbs
still a noob but I'm getting there. lifting seriously since Jan. eating is hard, bros.
Lol no just squats and deads my dude
Do it, squats and deadlifts, get big
Essentially same stats as me but you look much bigger, what upper body workouts do you focus on?
Work your chest friend for
Pretty much just swimming eating and a fuck ton of pull ups. Swimming long distance especially with paddles will work shoulders (sprints will actually give a nice pump) and pullups for my back. I used to do crossfit but it's honestly just circuit training not worth the money. I also do Kettle bell workouts on occasion.
Are my legs disproportionally big for my upper body?
Dem hips~
You're fine. Maybe just focus more on upper if it's bothering you?
Bench is 285, incline is 260. I think it's JUST my insertions, that and I'm very fluffy atm
Yeah I will just not sure whether to cut back on the leg volume
Are my hips too wide?
I would say no, but it’s close. Get that chest and shoulders poppin
What are your lifts? I have a similar body shape I need to know
Those are good numbers so you're probably right, not trying to insult
Appreciate it, was gonna start swimming soon, so most gym pools have paddles? Haven't ever looked
No it's actually an attractive proportion (no homo). Your upper is kinda meh by comparison. Hit that bench, hit those dumbbells!
Not really, you'll have to bring your own but they're pretty cheap.
6'7 reporting in
>elephant tattoo
I have to ask are there tusks in your crotch?
>inb4 manlet
Been "working out" on and off a couple years now, only started lifting seriously about four months ago. Lost 20lbs slowly, now I'm cutting seriously, currently at 158lbs. Four months ago I was 182lbs with less muscle.
nigga chill
11 months progress.
6'0 170lbs
how am i doin?
Cutting with a solid routine for the past month. Lost 10 pounds with mealprepping and IF with morning workouts.
5'8 155 lbs
Trying to get a 6pack in before summer. Wish me luck Jow Forums
Pls shave ahmed
>shoulder hair
wide hips of peace. mirin arms tho
Very well done, user.
So white that I'm literally reflecting this shit.
5' 8" and about 174
184 cm
75.2 kg
I think about 17% BF
Literally my goal body.
What was your routine my dude?starting lifts vs now?
Also send b4 pic pls
5'6" 171
Stuck around 15% and thinking of trying clen but should probably try cardio first.
any advice?
looking strong, keep going. cut in a few months if Aesthetics is your goal.
good build but needs more work.
189cm 6'2
96KG to 82KG
211 to 180
BF estimate? and what is best way forward to keep fixing my body?
Nice physique mate. Mirin those legs. Looking complete af , don't see anything lagging apart from the chest maybejust a little bit , but its more about insertions than actual size. Besides clen (which is natty in my book) , have you taken any AAS ? Also mind you share , routine , lifts and ur experience ?
Nice tricep developmemt yo, whats your tricep workout atm
Just start smasking back and shoulders amd youll look have some nice X frame action im no time
Skelly af i know
Pull your pants up to your navel so your torso won't look so long
you need to start lifting asap
Also mirin, but you really look more like 12-13% bro
5'9/176cm btw
nice abs - couple more month and you can reach proper Ottermode
180cm, 84KG
No AAS yet but would like to try test in a year or two if my liver shapes up.
Only 165/265/335/435 but I plan on testing those again soon. 4-day split of chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/back, legs sorta becoming a full body w/ daily focus. No rest days are probably is holding me back a little though.
I tend to err on the side of caution/pessimism. My neurologist wants me to get a dexa scan so I should have a better idea soon enough
The main energy expenditure when building muscle is building the extra fibres from scratch in the first place - this is why it takes time and a lot of work and diet. When you take a significant period off, you don't lose those fibres - you keep them but they shrink - and so when you start lifting again, you get back to where you were a lot quicker. You'll find your strength and joociness shoots up pretty quickly to where it was before.
Future goal
Wow thanks, really?
I think I look like quite the skellington myself.. Doesn't make sense.
I was sarcastic bro.
5'11 180lbs
Deadlift 475
Squat 385
Bench 260
Press 160
You’re goals to someone who’s just recovering from running
Wish I’d focussed more on body building because it’s more fun
5'9 170lbs
If anyone’s wondering
Started at 53kg now at 62.5kg after on off exercising to pass army selection
Srs if I had that chest I would be proud compared to mine lol
5'4 111lb
Thanks :)
>on nofap
>sees this
Pls don't do this to me
what is wrong with you all? the gayest thread in the gayest board
dick rate threads on /soc/ are pretty gay
I'm 5ft11 too and this is the weight I'm shooting for. Now I realise I probs need to hit 185-190 to have the look I'm after.
>tfw same height as OP, but 5 kg heavier
You convinced me, I need to cut
Start doing legs too
183cm 69kg
Skeleton mode but just started lifting
how long, exactly have you been lifting? you look above average
Probably only 2 months into it seriously, I've hit the weights for nearly a year now and I eat properly too
How does Jow Forums take selfie for CBT?
How does one get gud at taking selfie?
What % is this?
Cutting at least 10 lbs down to 155
Take hundreds of pictures every day until you find the perfect lighting, then get a pump and pose until you look much bigger than you are
At least Jow Forums is white again
I left a while back when it became very ethnic
there's at least one chink in here
you maybe 5'7 but damn son you look good my nigga
Pls be my bf.
You are lower than 15 Bro. Looking good. Disclaimer: no homo
Hell seger
5'9, 155 lbs
Negerbrallor ju
Legs look great
How tall?
5'2" feelsbadman.jpg
5'9 looking like that at 155 lbs. Listen buddy you're not 5'9 or you're not 155 lbs
You are training back 2 days in a row ? Isn't it very taxing for you recovery ? Do you split it between horizontal and vertical pulling or upper lower back etc. ?
Yea still far from my goal, but made decent progress in 1y
mirin. post more pics
Hello fellow chads.
5'9" started at 215 currently at 200ish. two months progress. tryin not to get discouraged. never worked out before in my life.
187 lbs.
How am I doing?