I saw this really tall chubby guy at a club, looked a lot like pic related, dancing terribly by himself...

I saw this really tall chubby guy at a club, looked a lot like pic related, dancing terribly by himself. Seemed autistic in his mannerisms, wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone. Regardless he still got girls orbiting around him. Are all women need to find a man attractive is his ability to take up a lot of space? theguardian.com/science/2016/mar/28/looking-for-love-manspreading-could-be-the-key-to-success-study-suggests

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girls just wanna have fun

THis happens to me. I start dancing like a retard in the middle of the floor and suddenly i have girls all around me. Not facing me but dancing next to me. How do i approach them?

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No, women want someone who is confident, fun and friendly.
They also want someone to chase them since they want to feel wanted at all times.
Women are happier with a guy uglier than them since that way they feel like they hold the pants in the relationship.
Also, if he was truly autistic women are sometimes very selfless or just want to post ong IG about how they are so kind and gentle and help retards at clubs.

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I feel like this was me, but I thought I was dancing pretty well desu...

Take one by the hand and twirl her around to face you. They all fall for it, I’ve done this many times

when did you see this guy?...

Like two weeks ago I think, just remembered it now

I’ve had sex with a girl in this club’s restroom without really talking to her, didn’t get to know her at all. It’s not that complicated at face value

There is a clear and well studied protocol in these situiations.

>1. Raise your right leg up to your left ear.

>2. Loudly scream "i like girls and they like meeee!!!"

>3. Push your ears forward with your fingers and start grunting.

>4. Stomp the floor repeatedly. Continue to grunt.

Next steps are very important.

>5. Select the target female.
>6. Begin to salivate on/near the target female.

By this point, everybody knows their place in the dominance hierarchy. But now you must seal the deal.

>7. Whilst salivating, beat your chest and scream "THE DEAL (rapid exhaling) HAS BEEN SEALED"

>8. Get an Uber to take you home.

Hope this helps my man!

It wasn't St Patricks day then so I'm in the clear

that guy looks like Darren Till but 40 years old and 20 years into an HGH cycle

thx m8 rlly helped. i fucced all the wimenz

Move towards a gaggle of women with your arms and legs akimbo, then loudly proclaim your intentions to mate with one (or all) of them. It helps if your clothes are sprayed with doe estrus so they know you’re in heat.

Your post seems right except

>Women are happier with a guy uglier than them since that way they feel like they hold the pants in the relationship.

I don't think women like to feel in control. They want to feel controlled.

Life is easier when you don't have to make the tough decisions.

There are studies to back that claim up though. Otherwise if you’re decent looking, insecure girls will suspect you’re cheating on them or you’re going to leave them eventually which leads to them to irrationally cheating on you because of these fears


I've almost never seen a really cute girl with an ugly guy. Girls almost always tend to shoot higher, especially considering they're probably -1 or 2 their actual attractiveness since makeup fixes a LOT.

>there are studies that prove me right

Dude you gotta at least post one link. You can't just say they exist.



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women want to feel in control when it comes to things theyre insecure about
guy cheating, finding someone better, being jealous of other girls, etc
in bed, sure theyre mostly submissive
if you have an ugly bf or husband, you being attractive is good enough, no diets, exercise, makeup, etc


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>hol on baby, i'ma have to call you bak

are we sure this guy isnt an alien spying on us

They were probably orbiting around him because he's so fucking fat that they got caught by his gravitational pull.

This is a good post, but admittedly I didn't check the link.

Height is everything theory.

Then slowly get closer to her, if she starts touching your chest she wants it then just grab her by the small of her back and kiss

Anecdotal but can confirm

People in general respond to confidence. Girls like dancing and they don't care if you're bad at it, they just want to dance. They're probably bad at it, too. It's just fun for them. They associate dancing with fun, so they in turn would find that person fun.

>really tall
there's your answer, ignore everything else.

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