What sport impresses them girlies the most, Jow Forums?
What sport impresses them girlies the most, Jow Forums?
the sport that gives them more money
American football
Always got me mires
Honestly, most girls don't understand. I'm big into guys who wrestle, but most girls like football players because that is all they know.
The sport of being yourself.
Somedayy someone's gonna gut that fat fucking pedophile.
Had I the courage.
What ever gives you that "athletic" bodytype.
different girls like different sports. If you want pussy play the sport you're good at
Pretty much
The one that gives them the highest status by association. Money usually goes hand in hand with that.
Either sports that make a lot of money or ones that actually test your mettle as a man i.e. combat sports
Whenever I tell girls I race sailboats they get annoyed with me.
What's his name, Jow Forums?
Surfing/downhill cycling/skiing get as many mires as ice hockey/boxing/rugby but those three have an unbeatable mog factor.
Dan "she's a fighter, hold her tighter" Schneider
I have praticed soccer, boxed, wrestled, athletics and rock climbing. Climbing gets the most mires, no doubt.
>What sport impresses them girlies the most, Jow Forums?
if pic related then cuddling, tickling and carrying/holding her on your shoulder, her legs around your neck
Checked. What baffles me is considering how high the suicide rate is in western society, why don't they take out scum like this first, then off themselves after? At least you die knowing you made the world a better place.
Is that Dan "show me your foot you little sloot" Schneider?
Dan "The Diaper Slider" Schneider
I've wondered this myself. I've always thought I'd do an assassination suicide combo if I had nothing to live for.
e-sports gets girls soaking tbqh
Combat sports, no doubt.
Fighting turns on 100% of heterosexual females.
I'm saying this as somebody who does no sports at all.
Used to be a state champion swimmer, LMAO.
speaking of cuties, why do most of the bois who sk8 look cute?
Who cares, what impresses guys most?
Dan "I've had tigher" Schneider
passing as a cute girl
Volleyball player asses are proof of a loving god.
Dan "only the pinkie fits inside her" Schneider
The fat fuck knows it, too, that why he's likely prepared with a metric asston of bodyguards and guns.
people squinting because they can't see you does not a mire make
Dan "No Survivors" Schneider
You have three factors:
the MOG factor, how you square up against other men - combat or high-contact sports like yankee football and MMA makes for a high MOG factor
the aesthetics factor, how good the sports makes you look; stuff like gymnastics will give you an amazing core and abs are better than the disproportionally big legs of a cyclist
the star/money factor, how much your status is elevated by the sport; if it's a team sport then this goes down quite a lot unless you are the star player; the best example would be an MMA fighter since it's a one-man show and if you're good you'll make a lot of money doing it
so probably MMA fighting since you practically do nothing but flaunt your body, mog other dudes and make money and fans while doing it
>idiots thinking they'll get revenge on the elite before an heroing
Your family and friends are going to get fucked harder than you can possibly imagine
This, girls want to go sailing all the time.
football and basketball, but only if it gives you social status.
>family and friends
Good point, although I'd wager that a lot of people who have nothing to live for don't have any family or friends that they give a shit about.
Physical, full-contact sports.
Rugby, American football, full contact handball, wrestling, boxing, anything where you're pushed to physically dominate someone else.
Makes for an alpha, for lack of a better word, personality and aesthetic build unless you're an American football lineman.
that's the problem desu, everyone worth killing is surrounded by unthinking, unfeeling human automatons who protect their masters despite knowing full well the extent of their evil
Based cunny poster from /tv/
>implying that wouldn't inspire the next round of assassins
Killing Seth Rich had absolutely no blowback for Hillary whatsoever, right?
Dan "The Cunny Defiler" Schneider
A sharp enough knife will give you enough time to take a shit down his throat before anybody attempts to stop you.
is that the nikalodeon guy?
Dan "Get in the van" Schneider
Dan "The Big Dick at Nick" Schneider
Or like mass shooters. Isn't it weird how nobody ever goes crazy and kills a load of people who actually deserve it?
Only girls that matter tee bee aych
>implying schools aren't a valid target
It's kids shooting up schools. Why? Maybe they're just reacting to being forced into government indoctrination centers where they're "socialized" by learning to stay sedentary for 8 hours a day to have feminism and holocaust guilt shoved down their throats and anyone who resists is identified and drugged to make them compliant?
I want to do it more often, but I lose all of my guns every time.
Sports which show you are in the in-group and have many friends. In my case it'd be soccer
>tfw commute 50 miles weekly on muh bike
>thighs of titanium
>upper body of a little boy
I just want a wide frame lads