Madly in love with a girl in my gym

>madly in love with a girl in my gym
wat dou? what to say? pls help

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Stop falling in love with girls you have never even met

Follow her home and rape her


fukken khazar milkers, mate

show me the bap

>Madly in love with someone you don't even know.

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how can you love a girl if you have never spoken to her user, now stop being a beta pussy and go up to her and strike a convo and go from there and dont act like an autist while doing so. look at it this way you are in your glory days ie your prime will pass soon and its all down hill from there. if she rejects you no harm no foul cause you can move the fuck on to some other chic. now be free autist and prosper

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You need to have value for her bro. So good health, that what this board is about, need to figure that out on your own. Women can size up guys pretty quick.

quietly desire her from afar and never say a word? Thats my strategy.

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I hate every girl I do know though.
Girls don't frequent my gym enough for me to fall in love with them. I'll see one about three times then never see her again.

It'll work one day, I know it


What an ugly beast

Imagine being such a shut-in that you mistake infatuation for a woman you've never even bothered talking to for "love"

>wat dou?

How do u talk to woman at the gym like parties and just going out my day I can talk to any girl and at least strike up a conversation but at the gym I literally can't think of anything

Ask her “are you working out right now?” It’s funny because both of you are at the gym


Never gonna make it

>find her car
>Park in front of her car
>have a friend slash her tires while you workout
>trail her when she leaves
>help her out by jacking her car and installing her spare.
>get digits and follow up
>meet at gym to workout together
>grab post workout shake

>bitter hatred at all women for years
>new girl shows up at work
>now have a schoolboy crush on her
>i havent felt this way about a chick i dont know since middleshool

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are you 6' or taller? if yes: just stand next to her and make eye contact.

>madly in love with a girl in my gym

No you are not. You don't even know her. You are just really attracted to her looks. This is why you will fail if you ever talk to her.

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you have unironically confused hedonistic infatuation with love, likely as a result of weak parenting or abuse as a child
seek therapy


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Easy, does she wear revealing/form fitting clothing? Has she made eye contact? Look for signs that point to she wants your small beta dick. Or heres a good trick empty a bottle of chocolate syrup rinse it out and use it as a water bottle bring it to the gym, ask her if she wants some.

I'm in the same deal but with my professor. I waited to go t college so I'm older than most and she is probably my age if not a couple years older. I think she is interested because I caught her staring after seeing my fit body, after months of wearing a winter coat. She also leaves cute notes on my work praising me too. I'm thinking about flirting with her when we are alone.