Dick problems

>1 year ago I masturbate everyday 3-5 times a day
>Current year have GF
>Have sex with her at least 3 times Every time I see her
>Have trouble popping boners after second nut during sex
>Need to jack off has dropped tremendously
>Very hard for porn to give me a boner

What the hell happened to my dick Jow Forums. I used to have a rocket dick that would go off without asking for it. I'm only 21 and now that I have a gf I'd like to use my penis. I have been doing more cardio and less weight training to help with sex, would that have any effect?

Pic unrelated

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It's called being gay user.


Just try to reset yourself bro. Spend a few days or a week away from porn

>gymcells, framecells, and facecells are slaving away on their looks while 4/10 status chad is fucking your girl

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Variation is why porn was so good, once compared to sex porn sucks. You need variation in sex, i don't mean just different positions

Fucking same bro, its mad annoying.
It comes and goes though, sometimes I have like a one or two week period where I cant help but fap everyday, but recently i can go a whole week without fapping. No problem popping boners when im with my girl but after the second nut i usually cant nut again right after unless i wait like 30 minutes

wtf do I do lads Im only 19 I didnt ask for this

damn but I really like this one

bump for interest

OP you should try group sex or pimpin out ur GF for $1,200 a hit. Not trolling that got me rock hard.

I haven’t gained any weight/body fat, but my dick has visably gotten smaller in the past 4 years. I realized it when I was checking out some old homemade porn vids of me with the gf. My dick is probably an inch shorter now than in the videos, and noticeably thinner. I asked the gf to be honest, and she said she has noticed a difference over the years.

I’m in better shape now than I was then, and my cardio is definitely better. Does my dink have aids?

>OP try being a cuck like me!

Camera lens and your eyes have two different focal points, your perception of proportion is off

bumping this fucking thread. I'm 27 and my dick recently stopped working. Have a doctor's appt next week:/ I fucking hope cialis is going to do the trick for me. Hadn't got laid in over two years my dick was working fine. Recently found a decent looking chick with a nice body, that actually wants me to fucking fuck her and my fucking dick decided to die like a month ago. I actually already did fuck her but couldn't keep it up. Can still fap/cum to porn though...
Still, fuck my fucking life for fuck sake.


you might just have performance anxiety
the more you worry about it the worse it gets. just focus on how good everything feels in the moment and dont worry about your dick.

being fat just makes your dick LOOK longer brainlet. no matter how much fat you gain, your dick doesn't get smaller because there's no fat underneath your dick only on top

nofap dummy.

Every first time with a new girl my dick failed. It was diamond and at the exact moment she spread her legs 404 boner not found. After that i could fuck them for hours
You need to focus on her and not on yourself ... aaaaand if it does not work, just smoke a small joint. It works quite well for me

Nah like for instance it used to be like if I got an accidental look down a girls shirt or something I'd have to fight off a boner, like as little as a couple months ago, now there's this hot girl at work with a fucking amazing ass and I just look at it angrily, pretty much no bloodflow. It's the fucking worst. Like being a bear with no teeth in a butcher shop or some shit.

bump, more dick adviiice

Drink a lot of milk ?

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squatting, growing glutes and thighs, unironically srhinks your penis

use it or lose it brah, look into jelqing

>every post mentions porn/jerking off
>hurr it milg
Back to your vegan subreddit, skelly

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>tfw death grip gave me incredible stamina but I'm unable to cum from p in v sex
It's a blessing and a curse

Guys, sometimes your dick knows something you don't. The only woman I couldn't get hard for turned out to be a legit fucking psycho, like she's locked up now.

Damn, can I show your dick nudes of my gf?

I'm not vegan or vegitarian but after I stopped drinking milk and eating dairy products I feel a lot healthier.

you're losing a bunch of zinc every time you shoot a load. u had to run out evventually. supplement dat shit
theres actually a whole combo you're supposed to take a long with zinc but i forgot what it is. startpage dat shit

Check your life, couldn't be more wrong. Never been to reddit my whole life, also I roll bear mode

Excellent example of a chad

>bear mode

Do you smoke?

>every dicklet in this thread who can't into IRL sex

Should have listened to your parents and never fapped to porn. Now your libido is irreversibly f*cked

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Is it too late for no fap?

textbook placebo brainlet. if you told people white bread was healthy I'm sure everyone would magically feel healthy all of a sudden

>can still fap to porn

Fucking worthless.Your brain has become conditioned to require porn. You're like a few steps from getting into gay and tranny porn.

Is there hope for a complete month of no fap for a 21 year old virgin?

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Stop watching porn you fucking imbecile. Don't jack off for a few days, then invite her over. Also, spend some time getting to be comfortable with her before you try to fuck her. You're anxious around her, and you can't be that way if you want the sex to be great.

>complete month
Don't kill your libido like that. Just do NoPorn, and jerk off once every 3 or 4 days using your imagination.

Had the same around that age, I would eat more, stop drugs, do heavy squats, sleep, etc. I think the dip is natural, in your teens those new hormones are raging, and you can coast on them. Also get better at sex

pimpin out your GF?
are you a cuckold?

It is never to late to reset my g

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Cardio raises cortisol. You're shooting yourself in the foot. Start lifting again and use walking as your main form of cardio, with some HIIT maybe once at the end of the week.

it's never too late for no fap

Cardio raises cortisol MOMENTARILY. Then increases the threshold at which your body will begin to release cortisol for an extended period of time. Effectively decreasing cortisol significantly

you've got a monkey brain bro

>Have sex with her at least 3 times Every time I see her
>Have trouble popping boners after second nut during sex
welcome to real life user. This isn't porn where you fuck for hours on end. You bust two nuts, you get less horny, your dick doesn't get hard again cuz it doesn't need to. thats how a normal sex drive works. personally, i'm done after 1 nut but it takes a while for me to nut. why are you worrying about something thats 100% normal.

>Need to jack off has dropped tremendously
maybe because you're fucking a real girl 3 times in one sitting?

>Very hard for porn to give me a boner
this is a good thing retard

don't know why i mentionedmy bad