How do we refute this meme bros?

How do we refute this meme bros?

Attached: face is everything.png (753x657, 437K)

not a meme tho

You don't. Same thing for women. She can be 5'7" 135 lbs with 42DDs, flat stomach and a huge ass and thighs, even physically active, but if she looks like Rosie O'Donnell, it's over

Yes it is. There's no such thing as ugly. It's all about confidence bro. Trust me. Most women don't judge you like that. I know this one ugly guy and he gets laid all the time.

shave the left's head all the way and slap on some contacts and he is not conventionally ugly.

>there's no such thing as ugly
>i know this one ugly guy


You can't like others have said. Your body can be fixed, if you have a fucked up face, you're doomed.

That's not true at all

almost like getting a body like that also changes your face

Attached: bodauseivaikutanaamaannaisethuoria.jpg (476x646, 64K)

>guy on right is better looking that guy on left because i was told so
They're both average looking fucking dudes. I swear there's no hope for you faggots that complain about this shit. I guarantee most of the time it's the overwhelming autism that makes you obsess about this shit that is the problem, not your looks.

t. facelet

Roids make your face not look like that guy on the left

Left isn’t even ugly. Just pretty normal/boring looking.

yeah shed be fat as shit
protip: number = circumference of belly right below tiddy, letter correlates to how much larger the circumference of her tiddies+torso are than the first measurement
the “dumb thicc” picture youre trying to illustrate would be more like 32K

I'm the guy on the right, bitch. I'm just sick of hearing you ugly faggots complain.

>How do we refute this meme bros?
why would i bother to refute incel defeatist faggotry

By stopping the collective idiocy

I'm not ugly either but you're fuckin bonkers if you think women are just as likely to approach left as they are right. Nobody walks around shirtless 100% of the time so a lot of judgment is directed at the face, and right is better looking than left.

if the person who is ugly shaved his head and wore contacts and stop eating like a fat fuck hed be atttractive too, stop trying to excuse a quitter mentality

He's saying for women you brainlet

Attached: 1514878897906.png (478x523, 14K)

Also, left's head on a DYEL body would look even worse, so there's never any excuse not to lift.

Not true
People love butter faces

Guy on left isn’t even ugly though

Its satire brainlet

I have a feeling you don't know what the numbers mean in relation to the letters. Because that looks like a fattie to me.

Attached: explaintits.jpg (1024x883, 159K)