"Fighters" are cringey faggots

Mostly, they are skinny losers who fantasize about beating up the alpha bodybuilders. In reality, they would get absolutely crushed because most of them look like pic related.

>inb4 hurr durr lifters can't fight

I got some bad news if you think these twigs can pose a significant threat to anybody.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's on the back of black man's head

nigger adornments

>who fantasize about beating up the alpha bodybuilders
That is the main difference between bodybuilders and fighter. The fighter dreams of beating up the bodybuilder. While the bodybuilder dreams of beating off the fighter

I wonder if they could take down brawn Strowman

yet another retard who thinks fighting is all about strength and not endurance or stamina

>muh endurance

listen faggot. there won't be any need for endurance when skinny twinks like in the pic get crushed from the very beginning. fightlets are honestly quite sad.

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Please stop trolling.

>I’ve never been hit with a leg kick the post

>can bench 3pl8s for reps
>can't work heavy bag for 1 minute without collapsing

You do know when the ufc got started there were no weight classes right? The bigger dudes got their asses handed to them because they were always too slow. It's just a fact of nature, in a fight speed and endurance has a huge factor, you can't hurt what you can't hit. Sorry dude.

>tilted pelvis
>rounded shoulders
Both of them

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Strong levels of cope with fightlets. Just as I expected. This is due to rage produced by the fact that for all their shadow boxing and gay grappling, they'd get absolutely smooshed by an average gymcel.

Cool story, bro. Go do an amateur MMA fight and post it on YouTube for us. We want to watch.

Go get 'em, tiger! RRRRAWR!

Honestly don't get why people start shitty bait threads like this. Somebody fill me in on the mentality necessary to do it.

>the cope when in denial about reality

Fat ass living in momma's basement, eating his tendies and wishing he was something else.

And he never will be, because he spends time shitposting on Jow Forums and not going to an MMA gym 4-6 times a week and learning to actually kick ass.

OP will never make it.

But he clearly knows enough about fighting to understand that he's saying lunacy
Like it's clearly someone familiar with fighting trying to bait people

i could kick all your bitch asses irl

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Back to the_donald boys this is Jow Forums

I don't fucking understand how bodybuilders think they're going to automatically be good at fighting. It's one of the greatest cases of the Dunning-Kruger Effect I've seen in my life. Holy fuck, do you think you're going to be a pro football or basketball player just because you're a juiced-up freak? Why is fighting going to be much different?


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You are a retarded nigger and I would highly advise lethal injection. It's for the better of humanity.

OP here.

Fightlets are a joke in general. But Brazilian Blow Jobbers are the worst of them all. Right from stealing everything from Judo and repackaging it as something novel, to organizing fake shit like this and the early UFC's to promote their gay ass 'martial' art.

Go ahead and get in your guard faggot, I'll stomp your scrawny bitch ass to death.

>b-b-but muh Gracie jew jitzew

You know diffrent weight classes exist right?

Are you retarded?

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yes and HWs are built as fuck. thanks for proving my point, fightlet.

I don't get it, you just hate the little guys or what? It seems like you where calling out all fighters. I would say every fighter 180 and above can curb stomp you ass no problem.

los goblinos...

>what fightlets think they are
>what they actually are

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You're embarrassing.

fighting is just a sport. it's a fun game you play like hockey or football. if you take it too seriously you're a fag

Technicallt right, nigger means black. That is a black culture adornment, technically, but you are either amerifat or eurocuck so you instantly associate a color/word with an insult. Here’s some news, there are other countries with different cultures where nigger means nothing different than dude, for all races/colos of people, but it just seems impossible to you, because you are likely from one of the most retarded societies ( by percentage) in the world. Yeah, all of your geniuses are either foreign or marginally insignificant but what ever, you won’t get it.

Wow, that's even more embarassing.
The intent behind your post was quite

Bottom guy is clearly under 140, did you read my post asshat?

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Great post man really showed em, maybe you should sign up for a fight just to prove how better you are

this. go fight.

Lol at all These fag fighters in denial
Training in their pijamas and think they can fight with their karate chops and ki

Most American post aside from the OP.

user got beat up by a dyel the post

>big muscles = good fighter

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Go be edgy somewhere else.

Fucking lol'd.

I thought you cringe worthy Internet hard boys had died off. Choke yourself to death you pathetic cunt

>reasonably strong (5432 1rms with abs)
>go to bjj thinking i'll be decent due to power
>get smashed my first day, tapped dozens of times inc by girls when im gassed
>two months in consistently beating people who have been training for 1 year+ due to strength/power

If you train for self defence against nigs or dickheads and you aren't strong as fuck you are very stupid. The only time you shouldn't be strong as fuck is if your a fighter who plans on competing and you'll need the cardio to go for multiple rounds against another trained fighter.

I was 145ibs and kicked the living shit out of a bodybuilder who weighed at least 180.
I boxed for my childhood and wrestled in highschool, he had no chance.
Purely anecdotal but do what you want with this information

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>lifting for years
> dieting
> get insta knockouted by some nigger who trained some time with a punching bag

You gymfags make me cringe

>lifting for years
> dieting
> get insta knockouted by some random skinny nigger who trained some time with a punching bag

You gymfags make me cringe

what do you think would have happened if you fought a guy near 150-160

you are stupid, I dont know good those two guys are but chances are they would wreck you hard.
Fighting is a skill coupled with matching physical performance, they may not be able to bench a ton of plates but to hit your stupid head and knock you out they dont have to (just have to do hours and hours upon hours of punching)

fight would have been even easier.
I had a manic high and was pumped with adrenaline so I was ragdolling this guy and bashing the back of his head in.
I dont even think the boxing helped really, I just had so much control with just grappling

OP is obviously trolling and is just doing this because he wants to get a reaction out of people cause he gets no enjoyment irl

its best just to ignore these threads

At least this bait is juicier than the vegan/manlet/soyboy hate threads. "Could this type guy beat this type guy" is the most timeless fitness argument there is.

also announcing sage, not like we've had any moderation on this board since forever

>he doesnt lift and fight

what an absolute faggot.

Lol bodybuilders gas out after throwing a combination

lol we don't feel the need to hate on homo lifters cause we are already doing the superior pursuit. You have no idea how vulnerable you are. A dude half your size with good training could kill you with his bare hands, and it wouldn't take long. Big guys like you come into my bjj school all the time, hilarious how easy it is to choke you lot out. if you're so sure about this, please go to a local bjj school and challenge them. make sure to post it online too

>falling for bait this obvious