
Bar's open

>Be me, about a week and a half into a cut.
>Breddy good results, eating at a 800 cal deficit with IF.
>Been losing body fat, down about 8lbs so far, planning on cutting down to 10% for the summer.
>Already had two planned cheat meals and one planned refeed.
>Get off of work at 4:00, have food waiting for me at home, gonna break my fast correctly.
>Drive by a McDonalds
>Snap and buy like 10$ worth of shit
>About 2000 Calories of pure shit
>Eat it all in my car.

Feels bad man, not gonna eat again until tomorrow. At least I feel full, for once.

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>See cutie waitress at a place I go to eat at about once a week
>Makes eye contact but no smile
>Spend next few weeks imagining our life together
>What's wrong with me?

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don't feel bad op, i think this happens to all of us. I've done the same. just get back on your diet tomorrow.

>this 10/10 has been flirting with me, sending me signals, feeling me up and complimenting
>"I feel so safe with you, user" is what she toldme at the club last week
>Mogged 5 dudes trying to talk to her successfully
>Went in for the kiss and she told me no its not right
>She's got a dude of 4+ years
>Was ghosting me until today and she told me she was out with him and that she wanted me to meet him
>I was in sweatpants in my car to the studio so I declined
>Doubts she's using me to make him jelous

I dont want to be a homewrecker, anons. I told her to break up with him, she cant have her cake and eat it too. Yeah I like the ocasional hook up, but I didnt make myself into this for this... Life is fucked up, my dudes...

>only been a year since graduation and i cant remember anybody's name

Checked m8.

Feeling kinda shitty brehs. Starting to develop a bad, bad habit. Was a 24y/o kv, but in the space of two weeks I've seen 3 escorts - almost $1000 and I need to fucking stop because I want to save. I mainly just wanted to get some experience to avoid being complete trash performance-wise if I ever land a GF.

Also, I know they just say nice things, but all 3 of them complimented my looks and that kinda makes me feel worse because I've wasted all this time and haven't had a gf. Not to mentions that I've sperged hard in the past after being approached on the street/in clubs. One said my dick is well sized (what does that mean? Not too big and not too small? It's only 5.5x5 so I guess just discard her opinion?) What do you bros make of this?

>Was with her exactly 3 years ago
>Dream about her last night
>Tell her I loved her
>Watched Pulp Fiction together
>Wake up

Fuck this gay Earth.

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They're getting paid to complement you, but even if it was genuine it doesn't mean shit because you're not even happy with yourself.

Keep lifting brah. We're all gonna make it

that thot is not a good one user, you're a good man. carry on.

Get on my level.

I did that everytime I looked at a girl in a red light a till few months ago.

user she is just thoting. Move on, just got rid of a girl like that a week ago.

I know it's hard but you can do it.

>you're not even happy with yourself
Truth bro. Wish I could figure out why
>Keep lifting brah.
For sure. Lifting's the only thing that helps rn

Someone edit wojack into the diner

user, quit the escorts NOW cold turkey. You are not the right kind of guy to engage in that dispassionately and you will be taken advantage of for al you’re worth. Stop!

I wasn't invited to my best friends bachelor party. He went with several other of our friends. No joke they thought I was there with them the entire time. I found out when we met up for drinks a few weeks later when they were bragging about it. I don't know what to say or do. It would be petty of me to complain and bitch. Ostracism sucks

>No joke they thought I was there with them the entire time
breh...wtf? what did they say at drinks? I'd say find new friends, but need to know more about your friendship first

I don't know what to do brehs
>go on date with this girl few weeks ago
>have literally seen her in my dreams before, exact look and everything
>fall madly in love with her
>want to hold her and talk to her 24/7
>go over to her place (she still lives with parents)
>first time she's ever had a boy over, give her her first kiss
>loving life
>she's been slowly getting more distant over the past week
>we no longer play vidya together, always makes an excuse
>we talked two days ago, she says she likes me and enjoyed cuddling and kissing but wants to just stay friends because she's confused and unsure of everything
>if it helps she's also going through a lot of stress at school + friend issues
>feels like someone has literally shot a bullet through my chest
>haven't talked to her since two days ago, everyone is saying contact her in a week, give her space etc.
I'm so fucking scared bros, when I'm with her my OCD, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, everything just disappears and I'm truly at peace and happy.
Any advice on this?

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>ate bag of popcorn at movies w/ fruit punch
>feels bad because i am supposed to cut and i broke it
>feels good because i got to go out with friends

Im so fucking lonely guys. None of my close friends ever want to go out, so im always left alone seeing other people party on social media. I dont know what my problem is, i dont think i have a bad personality since i have tonnes of people who i would consider friends, but when they go out im never invited. Maybe im just not close friends with them. Everyone always seems to be hooking up and having a great time, while im just sitting at home sad. Since i never go out, i never have opportunities to meet people and form relationships. I really hope uni this year is better.

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Well, are you always busy or something?

I don't invite some of my friends to some things because I know they'll say no or is just not their thing, they do the same thing with me.

I suggest you to not take it personal unless you confirm he is a piece of shit.

I'm sorry, user.

Friends issues?

What does that means?

Perhaps she just thought you weren't needed at the time and put a stop to it.

You know, "I got my first bf Yay... but do I need it tho?"

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> be me, 19, have qt latin gf
>she's very insecure
>sex only in missionary, doesn't allow me to touch/see her pussy
>never texts me, boring conversations, almost no shared topics or hobbies, never tells me about whats going on in her life, literally only know whats going on from her whatsapp status
>mfw I have two more girls, who want my dick
>Thinking about leaving her
>too scared to do it, because I don't want to be alone

Bruh no joke. I've known these guys for over 20yrs. I'm shocked and confused.

She didn't say anything further about the friend issues, I think it's just stress from some of them. She had a really good friend online and when I came into her life he got very, very jealous.
I talked about a relationship very early on like the complete retard I am and she said that she wants to be my girlfriend and wants me to be her boyfriend but she doesn't know if she's ready.
She has said that she's asexual when we first met and she said two days ago that she just doesn't know how to be romantic.
I'm so fucking confused, she wants to see me and likes me but also doesn't.

I can't even do my schoolwork, play music, draw, play vidya etc.
I can't stop thinking about her, whenever I see her online or see her on someones snapchat story smiling I feel like jumping off my balcony, I almost did earlier but had to really stop myself man.

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Maybe that's it. But would have thought they would have told me about it. They are good friends I trust. Maybe I'm just a ghost

>feel full,
fat feeling full fuck

Also she's said that I'm actually the first boy she's ever liked romantically, maybe she doesn't know how to deal with these feelings? I don't fucking know man, she sees herself as trash as well, this is all so fucked

>ex gf asking me for advice on how to stay friends with a girl she really likes because it's painful
>she knows I know how to deal with the pain because I'm friends with her

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I damn near cried in the gym changeroom listening to Dirty Dancing just now. Fuck oneitis I'm better than this

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>Influence of online friends
>Didn't want to talk further about her problems
>Easy comes easy goes

Sorry user.
I have seen this kind of things before.
I might be wrong, but don't have high hopes about this.

Stay strong

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>walk into steam room with huge upperbody pump
>chick starts talking to me
>asks for my number
>doesnt text me
>a week later adds me on snap
>been snapping back and forth a lot
>shes on a trip somewhere
This chick thinks im attractive how do i get something out of this before my personality chases her away?

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Be a man and take some charge. You either fight for it with everything you got or you let her insecurities make her overthink this.

Shit man, please go on, I need to know how this will end
How am I suppose to be a man in this shit? I've tried comforting her, she never takes me up on the opportunity for a talk, I can't fucking do anything man.

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update if you like

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Only snap her sparingly. Act like you’re too busy or distracted to keep up a convo for very long. Secure a drinks date as soon as she’s back from getting fucking by foreign men on her trip

Man being alone is better than that. Trust that you'll be ok regardless of other people

As the other two said, don't do it, I can't imagine any good relationship beginning like that

Didn't she invite you to her house? Then you know where it is. Go to her house and talk to her.
Tell her you want to be with her and that if she wants it too then you can be together, all of this "i don't know how to be romantic" is bullshit and you should tell her that. You don't need her to know how to act, you just need her.

If she continues with this shit then just say goodbye and if possible cut all contact from her. It will hurt but it's better in the long run.

Hope everything goes well to you.

I can't just go to her house, way too much of a pussy. Would it work the same over text?

I've also been very clingy and gay with her, if I go to her house it would be almost stalkerish

I cried yesterday listening to Wearing the inside out and thinking about her.

Stay strong user, the grass will be greener

Its just telling you to be prepared to be officially alone again.

I have seen shit like this before and it was like clockwork.

What was your only "chance" but since you are a pussy forget about it.

Not really your fault, just choose a bad gal (except for not confronting her you fag)

>bulked today
>wanna poop
>dad is very sick and has been vomiting every 10 min
>dont want to go to the bathroom and he has to use it

I hope he gets better.

Only sending selfies back and forth every few hours. And shes back home not abroad. Idk if drinks will work since im under 21. This is all at uni

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I want to confront her but I'm 100% she wouldn't come out of her house, she's extremely shy
Everyone, even people that have known her longer are saying give it a week
What do you brehs think?

just cut your losses user. there are other girls out there.she's not as good as you've built her up to be in your head user, they never ever are

You don't understand man, I've been with other girls and felt only a sexual attraction but with her it's something else. Like I said I've literally seen her in my dreams once, I don't think I can live without her

Praying for him, brother.

Just stay out, user.

Listen to .

Just play Dark Souls and listen to King Crimson, it's what I always do.

Stay strong.

user she's just afraid of getting her heart broken or something. It's ok, it can happen, you need to assure her and make her trust you enough so she isn't afraid of starting a relationship with you. Keep in mind she may get jealous easily at the beggining for the same reason.

Could work but I wouldn't recommend that because from what you told she seems very insecure and you just texting her wouldn't really show that you can be the one that will make her feel safe and secure and it seems like that's all this girl wants.
No harm done tho because if you can't even do that for a girl you supposedly love and can't stop think of then you are probably just lonely and don't really care about the girl.

Thanks man!

I'll do both of these and assure her that she can trust me, but should I follow the advice of family and friends and wait a week to do so?

She would come out of her house and if she doesn't, ask her parents to let you in and then talk with her inside the house.

I think waiting a week is stupid but at the end of the day it's your life and your choice.

well, you're wrong. you can, and will, live without her. the first time you feel these things, they are incredibly intense. you lack the perspective that experience will provide you-- this girl who you like a lot and kissed once is NOT the one and only girl for you. there are many other girls out there who actually like you enough to hang out with you. go meat some of them.

>C on the midterm
>A- on the course grade report

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But where the fuck do I go to meet them? I don't want to do online dating, no tinder bullshit, the only way I even met this girl was through a friend miraculously and I started messaging her memes and shit

>>go over to her place (she still lives with parents)

this is normal in todays age. and let me guess shes only 19 or something

>100 on assignment 1
>0 on assignment 2
>45 on test 1
>assignment 3 due tomorrow
>1/3 of the way done with it, will take all day tomorrow to finish
>have to go to the gym tomorrow

>she broke things off about a year ago, said she wasn't really that into me
>sunk into deep depression while she slept around and partied
>stopped lifting, but also stopped eating as much
>lost some weight (quite a bit of fat, but also some muscle)
>started getting over her late Dec/early Jan
>start lifting again
>she contacts me for the first time in a while to hang
>think, "sure, why not. I'm totally over her"
>now when hanging out she uses me as an emotional punching bag to talk about her ex that made her depressed
>give her advice based on how I copied when she stopped wanting to be with me, but never made it clear that's what I was doing
>Specifically stuff about being able to forgive someone without condoning what they did, and learning to let go
>"Wow, user. You empathize with me really well."
>she doesn't realize that she's the one that inspried this advice

What a complicated feeling of sadness and disgust.

she (and the guy posting) are probably underage

abundance mentality my son. your city is invariably 50% women. you will meet more girls through your friends, work, school, and pubs.

Don't go to the gym, it's called priorities.

i would have guessed that as well but that parents thing makes me rule out high school

Honestly, you know the situation better than us. Something similar happened to my gf (she was afraid of getting into a relationship since I was the first one and it was new for her). It took me a while to realize what the real problem was since she wouldn't tell me for some reason. I told her it was new for me too but I took these kind of things seriously and I really thought both of us would be together for a long time. Yesterday we celebrated our three year anniversary.
About how long should you take to say all of this, you have to be the one to decide that. It depends on how often you talk to her, who usually initiates the conversations, and if she prefers to chat/speak with you all the time or have her space. Don't be anxious, but don't get too relaxed either. Usually I wank before taking a big decision like this to clear my mind.
Best of lucks user.

*advice on how I coped

Nigga you might have to skip gym for a day, I was only able to pull the grade up by taking the final exam and all assignments after the midterm as priority 1

I'm 18, she's 16

Thank you brother, I always initiate the conversations though she's said the reason she never does is because she's afraid she'll annoy me, she can chat all day but it's usually a few very fast replies, then 10/20 min intervals, sometimes hours.
I'm happy for you and your gf bro, god speed to both of you.

>user, quit the escorts NOW cold turkey
I'm gonna try breh (and I definitely agree with you, this shit isn't for me at all). Funny thing is that trying to go cold turkey with fapping and porn led me down this path (as well as just saying fuck it, I'm 24 and need some kind of experience).

Why would you even talk to her man? She wasn't there for you when you were depressed, no reason to help her now

so fucking autistic

If it helps, she turns 17 this year and I literally just turned 18

Thanks man, hope to see you on the next /feels/ thread and see how everything turns out. Whatever happens just remember we're all gonna make it

>children who literally just turned 18 still in high school are posting here about their problems with other underage girls

why do we still come here guys

NoFap is a meme. Quit watching porn by all means but jacking off once every few days has absolutely no effect on your hormones, brain, etc. oh and it’s FREE. If a meme like nofap is making you change shit in your real goddamn life you should try and quit Jow Forums

I'm a guy and I was in the same situation as the girl once. I was so unsure of everything since I haven't had a relationship before so I didn't know what being in love felt like. Because I was leading her on, she lost interest(I saw her crying to her friends about what's wrong with her and why I wasn't interested).

Took me into getting my first (not her)GF to realize that I loved her so much, but it was already too late. It's been almost a decade now and I still think about her.

My advice: Give her space first and then contact her again and have a heart to heart talk. Don't fuck this up, user.

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I've been on this site since I was 11 if it helps

Bruh, listen to me. Just practice social skills with ugly girls. Find girls that dont intimidate you, the key is not caring whether they reject you or not. If shes ugly, you dont care, if shes beautiful then you create all these ideal situations in your head and freak yourself out. Just get out and practice, practice, practice. A 2 will be easy, stroke your ego and you can learn women's signals and learn the attitude they respond to. Trus me big boi

Alright, next Friday I'm messaging her, no idea how I should start the conversation. Do you think I should just straight up confess love, ask her how's it going etc.?

>haven't had a gf in 2 years
>last gf I had was a complete trainwreck of a person
>still think about her as even with all of her bullshit there were bright moments that I will cherish
>social life consists of me playing games with my bro from college who lives across the state from me
>don't even know how to approach/find a gf since college you can easily meet them
>I'm 25 with a decent job
>tfw still haven't hit 1pl8 bench for reps after a few months of lifting

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Wtf how old are you? Pretty sure youre way too young to worry about lonliness lol

>emaciated skelly
>start using some workout machines at my work
>one is a chest press
>work up to 70 lbs (yes, im a skelly)
>notice the machine brings my shoulders back pretty far and it is uncomfortable
>shoulder starts making cracking sound
>now going to have to stop for probably weeks until my shoulder hopefully heals
>cant do anything, bench press, bicep curls, tricep stuff, anything because of the shoulder

why do i even try

Ask her out(don't ask her out in the movies), make her feel important, and then pour out all of your heart with confidence. Tell her your feelings but don't rush her or else she'll get confused. Ask her how she feels, if she's still unsure because of friends, family, or school, then tell her why should she care about their opinion and ask her what she truly feels. Remember, CONFIDENCE.

1 week rest should be enough and if your shoulders are being push back by that much, you should lower that weight and concentrate on the eccentric motion.

I was trying to quit fapping before I started coming to Jow Forums, so I haven't been memed into it. It wasn't once every few days though, more like a few times every day.

I hear ya, have to try join some clubs/find a social aspect to some of my hobbies. I've just finished uni and most of my good mates have moved overseas, so I have fuck all social contact right now and that's made it easy to fall into this escort trap. Even up until a year ago I'd have viewed my current self as pathetic for seeing escorts.

I've asked to see her a few days ago (before the just stay friends incident) and she said she doesn't know what she wants, but she does want to see me.
Do you think she'll be different in a week when things calm down?
Also yeah I'll be confident, I've been able to fake that shit pretty nicely in the past. Should I go over to hers or do you think a lunch date will be better?

Give it a week. Lunch date or hers? That depends, what do you think she likes the most? If it were me, we'd just go to a bar and drink so that we can talk, but you're clearly still too young for that.

Actually I live in AUS, legal age for drinking here is 18 so I could go to a bar.
She says she enjoys her alone time and gets anxious when she doesn't have it, she hardly ever gets outside the house except for school and work so I suppose her place would be perfect.
Fuck brah, I'm so excited and scared

You can do it, user. Bring a food she likes and maybe some drinks if she's into that. Is she into social media and posting about food or that something like that? Bring her a food she just posted about, girls love that shit.

What about some flowers and chocolate eggs? I know she likes easter eggs

That's fine, bring some other snacks too so that you're not gonna get a stomach ache from only eating chocolate.

>she's feeling confused and unsure

congrats on the friendzone bro

if you were a 10/10 7.5" wealthy confident chad do you think she'd be "feeling confused and unsure"? thats just her way of trying to let you down easy

Alright, thank you so much man. May God shine you with good luck

I'm quite lengthy in the genitals and have done modelling work, your mindset will only create toxin in your life brother.

>we thought you were there the whole time user! oh wow the joke is sure on us eh

congrats, youre the annoying friend that nobody really wants to hang out with but they do it anyways out of a weird sense of duty/habit

you dont think people would fucking realize you werent at a party, if you were that good of a friend??

I don't get this girl
We had a talk a few weeks ago, just discussing relationships, and she said she hasn't wanted a relationship for a long time, doesn't even feel a want for sex. Says she loves the connection you get with someone and the love that comes when it's such a strong connection. Yada yada

Over the past few months she has been getting into all my interests, she's started to read philosophy because of me, started to learn German cause of me, started to garden cause of me, watch certain movies cause of me, etc. She has seriously absorbed so much of what I do it's almost weird. She's described the type of qualities she likes in a guy and I match them perfectly.
She's not the smartest person, but she wants to be smart and she believes me to be very smart. She comes to me with questions about everything, literature to academics. Anytime we have "deep" talks it's mostly me saying things while she goes "I've always felt that too. I'm the same way. You're so right."

Yet through all this I never feel the slightest inclination that she ever wants to get intimate. I don't believe it to be an attraction issue because me and her sort of hooked up a year ago, but then we stopped talking to each other for a few months after until she contacted me again 2 or 3 months ago.
It's really annoying because I'm insanely attracted to her now because I've essentially turned her onto all my favorite things and molded her into my ideal type unintentionally, we click so well now. It feels like we have that "connection" that we've both spoken about, but for some reason she doesn't want to admit it

>be 300 lbs
>lose 120lbs
>gain 50lbs
in the span of about two years. im still way better off than i was originally but i can't find motivation or self worth to start a workout regimen. all i want is to look good in clothes again...

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that literally makes it worse

best advice you could ever get for this sort of thing isto be happy with yourself before you try to make someone else the source of your happiness.
If you depend on someone to make you happy, you are bount to fall when they are not there. Fix your issues instead of using someone else as a crutch.
I know it sucks, but it'll all get better as soon as you feel happy by yourself.

>Be me at college gym
>Walk towards seated row machine
>Qt does too
>say 'Oh hahaha you wanna do rows too?
>Decide to so them together
>When I start my set I say 'gonna put on some more than normal because you are standing there'
>She blushes, tells her friend she is gonna complete her workout with me
>She is training for army so she really pushed me
Feels good man
Forgot to ask for her number but it turned out we row for the same team and thus will row together

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lol im not the one who cant get a gf my dude