Is this achievable natty? This is my goal body

Is this achievable natty? This is my goal body.

Attached: thomasmok_.webm (480x600, 1.81M)

yeah for sure man
just train for a while, setup the right foundation, make strong, then do bodybuilding shit and cut down on cals and eat a lot of protein
you can dew it

yep he even has a pretty bad frame dude

just get lean to look similar to him

Only if you are asian.
And a real asian too none of that thai viet lao pinoy shit.

I've been lifting for like 2 months and I look almost as good as him. shit is ez mode

oriental describes only china, korea, and japan. also why the fuck does asian mean exclusively pakistanis in the uk?

If I'm a legit 5'10" barefoot, what weight would I need to be to look like this?

Really? I thought he has a good v-taper.

I am a real Asian. Medium width shoulders, medium/small waist.


Because not even pakis want to be called pakis.

Paki here, i can confirm i hate my race.

not the best of the best frame

i mean most dyel guys from cbt could look like him

>having this low of a standard

Attached: rain.gif (250x385, 2.83M)

bro i'm not hating on you i just want to know why asian refers exclusively to pakis in england

We don't have many east asians (my city is a notable exception) but we have a sizeable Indian/paki population because muh colonies a

i meant in comparsion to a guy like this, the op pic has a bit of a wtaper

Idk about that bro, here in Denmark we usually refer chinks/japs/thais as asians, pakis are mostly considered darkskinned middleeastern or idk darkskinned shitskins

most indians i know don't consider themselves asian (america here)

practically twice this size is achievable natty ya dangus

180lbs. maybe 4 years of serious training if you're starting out as an asian twink.

roiders would know

Anyone showing off their body for money and internet fame is probably roiding

that was some horrendous posing

because of political correctness
