How do men live with having gold digger gf's/wives? If the only reason a girl was with me was for money id feel like shit.
How do men live with having gold digger gf's/wives...
A lot of the time the men are only with the women because of their looks. Each asset is desireable. If they happen to get along and like each other for more reasons it's a bonus.
Its like the kind of people who buy cosmetics in a $60 game. No benefit, just makes them look better.
user, it's actually better then most relationships nowadays.
A hot young gold digger who keeps up her end of the bargain and is a live in fucktoy who knows her job is to keep the herself hot, keep my home looking spotless, food on the table, and to pop out a few rodents is much better then the used up 4/10 thots who honestly believe they are entitled to something without having anything to give.
good tits but is she an oven dodger?
>keep my home looking spotless
lol you're a fucking idiot if you think she'll clean
sounds like you're envious of them
A Pattie girl with tits like that? If I had money I would pay her to be my gf
Why wouldn't she?
How new are you?
the only problems with this plan are the countless mental disorders your children will develop as a result of her rampant selfishness and poor moral character as a mother
You seem to assume that a man who has the means to find and keep a top tier gold digger would choose a mentally deficient one.
She's Jewish, so you probably can.
I'm broke, so I probably cant
A real gold digger would expect you to hire maids, nannies, cooks, and other household staff. She'll stunt your children emotionally and only cook for you maybe once a year - it'll be shit, by the way. The closest she'll come to cleaning is maid outfits.
Nigga, just carry some change near her, make sure it rattles. Her Jew-Dar will go off and she'll look for the cash.
>gold digger
>mentally deficient
choose two
you don't have much experience with females do you
Oh, and as she ages she'll become more insecure about her self worth. Maybe she'll ask you for money to start a retarded business that will inevitably fail, but not before you pump even more money into it at her pleading insistence. Or maybe she'll get get into charity work (throwing fundraising balls and staged photo ops, nothing icky)
Rich women don’t clean, and a gold digger is by definition with a rich man or wants to be with one.
He really doesn't. Gold diggers won't just be submissive fucktoys for you. They will require increasingly higher and higher upkeep to reward you with sex.
Once you've gotten enough things for them, they'll divorce you for half your shit, and no a prenup wont help you, as everything you've earned AFTER it she is STILL entitled to half.
Weak men are dumb.
Stupid idiot. If the bitch wont cook divorce her, she wont get shit until after 2-4 years of the marriage
Why would you post the photoshopped version. She looks better unedited than the weird blob you posted.
user, you can't keep pretenind that all gold diggers are this one kind of chick.
Men can choose what kind of woman he wants.
And gold diggers who come from places that aren't besotted with the fantasy of eternal youthful beauty know that it is fleeting and know how to use the invaluable resource of their looks to create opportunities for themselves.
Wanting an unattractive woman who has all of the aforementioned negative qualities and thinks that she doesn't need to live up to her half of the bargain in a relationship is worse and that woman is the norm.
Just how fucking thick are you to think marrying a gold digger is a positive... Ever?
Suppose you're old and rich and don't give a shit. Having some hotty riding your dick until you die isn't a bad deal for you
Marrying a gold digger is a lot safer then marrying a woman who claims to want to do it for love but is in fact two faced and never shows the other face.
It's happened too many times to too many men.
The manipulated man and the lie of marrying for love and YOU JUST KNOW LOVE and being yourself and other such nonsense.
They don't even let men think about finding a nice attractive non gross loser woman to settle down with without making men sound like creeps or monsters.
It's a way to take logic common sense and certain...GOALS for lack of a better word, out of relationships and give women all of the power.
That's not good.
Entering into a relationship with cold logic and looking at the strengths and weaknesses of a partner is how a man keeps from getting fucked.
> If the only reason a girl was with me was for money id feel like shit.
no you numale cuck, the only reason the girl/wife is with is to pop out your kids
How do you live with gold digger? You are rich and you pay her, and in return you get kids, if she refuses you kick her out and find another one.
Now you ofcourse find one that has good enough genes and is physically fit, attractive and also intelligent to a certain degree, the (((OP pic))) you posted is not what I would consider fit and intelligent and definitely doesnt have good genes (but probably smarter than average)
if you want the wife/gf for emotional support then you are fucking stupid
>tfw ywn
I need more and in better framerate
< a year fag
this khazar milkers?
Looks like ice Poseidon with big milkers
you guys seriously don't recognize her? you know her brother, you know her gif/webm.
Lmao you've never met a gold digger if you think the whore will cook and clean for you
the only thing guys on this board care about is having a girlfriend or wife who is good looking or a good body. they don't care about any other features. thats why this board full of ultra rich engineers are fine with having gold digger gf or wives
If you're rich then why not just get the best plastic surgeries money can buy? Most people could look like a model with just one or two surgeries.
Who is this?
i dont see a difference
the veins on the tits are airbrushed