Me? I lift for Ana

Me? I lift for Ana

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literally who

Fuck off

Me? I lift for Ann!

Attached: P5_portrait_of_Anne_Takamaki.png (512x512, 1.02M)

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When you understand acting and the mind of most western actors and people's real like that become highly unsettling.
I can see the cracks in their well trained fasade and the lack of that spark that defines the emotion she is emulating.

she's ugly

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I need full name


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I think you're projecting your own worthlessness and depression.

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Horrible taste

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i lift for dagon

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BASED Ana De Armas poster. someone post her milkers


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>fake skin (makeup)
>fake hair (dyed, yes it is, and straightened)
>fake face (plastic surgery)
>fake impression of height (theyre manlets)
>fake sons (your sons will be sissy hapas)
asi*n women are inferior to thick latinas

you truly homo or nig

/tv/ soyboys get the fuck out

No he's right. It's incredibly difficult to convincingly emulate an emotion you aren't feeling at the moment.

Bump the fuck up

>lifting for a homosexual exhibitionist

oh no no no

Truly the patrician's choice.

>tfw when no qt fighter girl to breed

puffy faced gook

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