Rate me guys
Rate me guys
you look big
Am I hot
mirin tris
this really you?
If that's you, mirin tris and bis. What size are your wrists? (nohomo)
Mirin so hard I call Bullshit.
>Timestamp or gtfo
204 lb 6 1
you will look better if you were more lean
Wanna cyber
show us your legs :^)
arm pressed onto flared lats trick
i do it too
Is this a Triceptatops?
Anyway I have tricep question, I feel like mine make my delts look small, should I stop exercising them and rely on their work in other lifts only?
You look very good.
In a vest you kinda look like a gene modded xcom soldier
Looking thick solid tight
Forearms and delts need work
Chest is okay, but you need to thiccen it up a bit
Traps need work, too
>inb4 someone asks me to post pics of myself, he asked for an opinion
He might not need the advice of a fat dyel though
Looking good
Your neck could do some work tho, it's ruining your physique
>every day is biceps and triceps day
Looks awful with those disproportionately small delts and forearms.
I'm huge brah
But in all seriousness, his physique does look off because of the comically big triceps and the, by comparison, skinny forearms and unimpressive delts/traps