Reminder that FACE is everything. No matter how much you lift you cannot change your face...

Reminder that FACE is everything. No matter how much you lift you cannot change your face, people like me get girls instantly wet just by a glance.

They are genetically programmed to find high test slayer eyes and chiseled jawlines attractive. There's NOTHING you can do to change this.

Attached: crusader5.png (1326x654, 1.34M)

Sage. incel fags arent welcome.

Weak jaw, overdone eyebrows like a chick, wide nostrils/pig nose, big ears, dsl lips.

You'd made a great twink desu.

Do me next, user?

Attached: prob_gun_regret_this.jpg (1800x1800, 340K)

>grey hairs in beard


The ultimate soy face. You’re the guy who will always be “cute” but never hot. The guy who gets the girl after she’s had her fun with Chad and needs a soft provider.

slightly less handsome less mentally stable version of henry cavill

Bro pretty sure I know you, you’re Aussie right?

do more neck curls

which fellow degenerate is this?
Do i know you IRL or in CSGO?

we went to secondary school together

no facial hair and a better haircut and you could be an 8

Jesus christ. Jow Forums will give you serious body dysmorphia if you spend anything length of time here.

Kek, money > everything else.

>insecure little faggot afraid of turning grey
Haha bitch.

I'm Aussie although I'm not OP. OP is just a faggot using my face, I haven't seen anyone from HS in years. SE Queensland right?

I'll paypal you $50 right now if you give me his full name. Really want to send his entire post history on the archive to his family and ex gf.

Attached: gay futa.jpg (782x1163, 664K)

I've gotten severe bdd from being on these type of sites, what do

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>SE Queensland

yeah, I'm in brisbane atm

lol why do you want it so bad did this guy do you wrong. make it 100 AUS and ill think about it.

Message me on FB, I'm curious who you are.

really? same year, above or below me?

yeah I'm gonna keep them.

Reminder that I don't care.

he's not talking about op, he's talking about the guy that wanted to be savaged

You look angry as fuck. Have a warmer facial expression.

>make it 100 AUS and ill think about it.

Deal, what's your email.

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but I am angry

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Jej I thought you were Le Mainstreem Meteor man

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is he? i thought he was talkin bout op. i'm confused desu

[email protected]

ill message u after the money clears mate

We are talking about OP.

Don't Jew me, sending it now.

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can you post fallout with names redacted ofc

Cheek bones too low. Nose too small and feminine. You have shit harmony.

6/10. You should be pulling pussy if you're a normal dude. But seeing that you're posting pics on Jow Forums craving for validation makes me think you're some narcy mentally ill faggot.

>normal dude
I agree, a normal dude nothing special
>posting pics... mentally ill faggot

where the fuck do you think you are, sunshine. This is fit where pics get posted.
Either take that new fag shit elsewhere or post a pic of yourself, chicken shit faggot

... why try demonstrate your point using some pig faced peudochad though? literally the only good thing in his favour is the hairline

Grow a bigger beard and get a haircut that fits better. I'd say you're a 6 or 7 but you could get that up to 8 or even 9.

Kek you look like a white mark hall

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Not bad.

The facial hair, especially the mustache looks shit though, and the chin could certainly be much bigger and is the most obvious weakpoint of your face. The upturned wide nose with asymmetrical nostrils also certainly isn't ideal. The forehead is also a bit large, and the hairstyle doesn't help this issue.

Your face is no doubt better than average but you aren't a model.


Just a reminder.

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