Stop browsing Jow Forums on a daily basis

Stop browsing Jow Forums on a daily basis
This place will ruin your mental health

Only a few generals on Jow Forums is worth it. /lit/, /sci/, /his/ are worth browsing.

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I was ruined before I came here.

Stop watching rated R movies ,they'll fwighten you!

/Fit /his /out

The holy trifecta

and of course... /Biz....... But mainly for the lols, not for actual financial advice.

pol for motivation and to stay enlightened
d for test boosts.

Jow Forums is the lowest IQ board

Jow Forums /o/ and /tg/ for the best bros

Not much of an accomplishment.

>Jow Forums /his/ /out/
For some reason, this strikes me as the combo of a guy who has lived through a lot of trauma and emotional distress and now needs hobbies like that to overcome a permanent sense of alienation and detachment. Is that accurate? I'm sort of basing this on people I met.

on average? possibly. but the highest IQ posts I've ever seen were over there.

> /lit/
> worth browsing

pick one

I was contemplating it lately and I'm leaving this shithole right now thanks to you, cheers

Keeping yourself in an ideological echo chamber that without kremlin posters shilling would be nothing but nazi propaganda and merchant memes for 'enlightenment' WEW lad

Not him, but you described me pretty perfectly. Supplement Jow Forums in there as well.

I can tell you don't visit pol.

people actually fell for the russia meme unironically??

the lowest IQ board on the highest IQ website = average

I'll take the compliment, I used to before it became full of obvious propaganda

>highest IQ website
Kek, this is a site where the predominant opinion is that university is a Liberal brainwashing camp because washed up NEETS are mad they can't into academia

Chillax Jow Forums not everyone here is as miserable as you are

>>Jow Forums /his/ /out/
>For some reason, this strikes me as the combo of a guy who has lived through a lot of trauma and emotional distress and now needs hobbies like that to overcome a permanent sense of alienation and detachment.
Damn, that's very accurate.

Is there any board not strife with insecurity, competitiveness and general aggression? That you can hang out and all anons are good bros lifting each other up . Is there something like this?

not as insightful as you think, thats probably valid for yourself and many young men nowadays. bugmen, behind the soy and consumerism, are no different in the sense that theyre alienated atoms looking for SCIENCE! and pop culture to get them through their wagecuckery

>university is a Liberal brainwashing camp
it objectively is you absolute nigger

This board can be but in order to do that you need to filter out the crap.

>inb4 "he doesn't like to have fun"

If trying to get a negative reaction out of a stranger you'll never meet is fun, you need to leave the house and go for a walk.

> engineers doctors and lawyers only go to college to get brainwashed! since a few majors are memes that means all of college is illegitimate, this also makes me feel better since I was too dumb to get into college!

let me know when you let a doctor operate on you without a degree, or use a phone or enter a building made by an engineer without a degree. what a delusional retard you are

I've been here since ~2010 and I generally agree, but I'm also in my 30's and have the knowledge and experience to know when someone's full of bullshit, lying, is mentally unstable, talks out of their asses, trolls or copy pastas stuff he read elsewhere and disregard them; had I been 16 like most Jow Forums users I would have been much more impressionable and this place would have poisoned my views on women, minorities, finance, fitness, lifting and personal improvement. I really pity the young people here who can't tell when they're talking to someone who bullshits them out of his basement based on absolutely no personal experience.

Haven't been to /lit/ or /his/ much, but /diy/ is an absolutely fantastic board compared to most as well, and is very dear to my heart. Unlike most other boards its users actually practice their hobby and have practical love for it (compare that with Jow Forums's audience who only started lifting 3 weeks ago, /v/ who hate video games and just post porn etc.).

I dont know where else to ask but can you guys give me a direction on breathing techniques?
I think it has a lot of potential but i dont want to delve into ancient indian texts and apparently i aint got time for yoga class because busy engineering student

Stay strong brothers

>worth browsing

What in the fuck.

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Came here to say this. It's Jow Forums: history edition, completely overrun with thinly veiled racist ideology and brainlet questions.

Every single second you spend browsing /his/ instead of reading a real history book damages your ability to objectively consume and assess actual history.

Jow Forums is the New /b/
They are purely cancer and should be executed

/lit/ and /his/ are pure trash.

The best boards to browse are the slow-as-a-snail boards. Anything even remotely fast is 99% of the time bad.

Agree on /lit/ the penis measuring is pathetic. Extremely negative environment. A pretty nice slow board is /trv/

Most of the internet is like that. Insecure DYELS (mostly) and fat chumps getting back at the world behind a screen.

The Doki Doki general on /vg/ is a bunch of sad dudes cheering each other up

After I stopped going on/pol/ my attitude dramatically increased and my outlook on life is better. Jow Forums is only good for happening threads

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I find that i calm down if I breathe out, then wait for the inbreath to come naturally back in.

A pretty positive board, unironically, is r9k . It's wallowing and self-pity, yes, but there is genuine camaraderie in there

I pity you, brainlet.

you are looking for /wsg/ my fren.

Keyword is "daily".

>Jow Forums the reich-wing propaganda forum.

Pick one and only one.

>pol for motivation
Jow Forums is probably the worst for your mental health.
Don't go down that rabbit hole.

/his/ has to be the most brainlet board on the entire site. I can't imagine a single reason why anyone genuinely passionate about history, rather than ideologically-driven wehraboo revisionism, would want to jump into that cesspool.

>not spreading/sharing your knowledge and helping others on Jow Forums


>implying I come here because I feel like I'm part of Jow Forums
>or because I like to discuss putting weights up and down
>not laughing at people idiocy
Jow Forums is legit one of the funniest boards. Regardless if people are doing it genuinely or not, this place is gold mine.