Easily able to discipline myself to go to the gym 5 days a week and fit it into my weekly routine

>easily able to discipline myself to go to the gym 5 days a week and fit it into my weekly routine
>stopped smoking and managed to go cold turkey without the aid of anything
>had no problem cutting out junk food entirely without cheat days
>can't go past 10 days of nofap

Anyone else know this feel? I didn't realise masturbation addiction had such a hold on me

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You are not addicted to masturbation user, if you were, you wouldnt be able to go past day 2 or 3 without fapping. It's natural that you feel really strong urges to masturbate because of all the pent up sexual desire and/from being used to masturbating daily.

Did you relapse because you couldnt stop yourself from thinking about rubbing one out so much that you ditched responsabilities aside and rushed to your computer to fap furiously 5 times in a row? or did you relapse because you were bored, horny, infront of the computer and couldnt think any really good reason not to do it besides the magical powers promised by a romanian tap dancing forum?

Its my heroine. Just know you arent alone. I think the real killer is porn however. You are bioligically wired to breed, hence males have a high sex drive. This is not a bad thing it means you're healthy. When you add porn to the mix it creates problems.
>unable to maintain an erection without porn
>social anxiety
>hypersexual behaviour

You are rewiring your brain as well. Sex release all sorts of feel good hormones. When you get off to porn you are acting like a rat with a food buzzer. The rat is programmed to hit the buzzer when he gets to urge to eat. It's the same with porn. You are effectively turning a behavior into a drug. A very powerful drug that you always have access to. Therein lies the problem. With gambling, alcohol, and tobacco you are required to seek out those things. Porn is much easier to access therefore harder to quit.

All this being said, there is hope. It takes a lot of grit but it is possible.

Everything in this post is correct.

It's more like whenever I get the urge I can't think of much else, usually, I'm out of the house and I'm super horny for few hours before I can go home and reveal myself


Taking cold showers help lessen the urge.

1. Take regular shower with warm water.
2. The last minute or two, shower with cold water.

That's it. If you cannot tolerate cold water shower, then gradually turn the warm water down until you reach a comfortable level of cold water. Eventually over time, you will be able to take more frequent cold showers and for longer duration. Cold showers make you feel energised, but not in a bad way. The energy from cold shower counters your sexual urges, so it makes it easier to go through nofap.

>romanian tap dancing forum

I swear I never see the same version of this joke twice. Ever. How does Jow Forums do it?

I once managed to get to a 20 day streak, when my normal best score is 7-9 days. I started with a head start because i was sick for a couple days, getting the hardest part for me done without effort. Then it was a matter of not watching porn for the first week. However, things started to get harder after that, and i have discovered a couple of things that might be of use.

The first thing is why i fail, and i believe it applies to most of us here. It goes back to the whole rat park thing, dependencies can be beaten with relative ease if you have a helpful enviroment, wich for us would be a romantic companion. Not so much for the sexual relief as much as for the companionship, and all that stuff. I think the lack of romantic apreciation most of us recieve is painfull to us, and fapping fogs our minds taking the edge off. Now while this might be obious to many, i found that romantic visual novels can act as some kind of a patch. Offering, at least in the short term, emotional support for people without any orher option due to social ineptitude. It has at least for me proven to be closely related to my relapses.

The second thing i found out is that getting angry at my failiure after relapsing is useless, just like most recomendations on nofap. What i found actually proves effective is using a belt. After relapsing, i will beat myself with my belt, this way associating pain to fapping, which has also proven usefull, as you end up educating your subconcius to work for you, preventing you from relapsing.

I would also like to add that most methods talked about are only tactics, taking a cold shower might buy you some time, but you need a long term strategy behind them, or you will fail.

Sorry if my english is bad, im not a native speaker, but i tried my best.

Cold showers literally kill gains


When will this gains goblin meme die

maybe if you take them after a workout, but one every mornig is a must, even if only to develop the discipline.

You didn’t even read the title of the article. Good job.

I stopped reading after immersion. That means they put the dude in a cold water bath for some minutes, we are talking about showers. It should take you 5 min tops, and is a whole different scenario.

I'm on day 4 and have only felt minor urges. I'm going to go for 100 days, to see for myself whether this shit is legit or bollocks. I will report back to you Jow Forums, for science.

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This. Stop worrying about this stupid shit, OP. Just eat healthy and exercise.

I have given up on no-fap for now. After a week I get so horny I can't sleep, constantly popping boners. Also wet dreams are horrible. waking up in the middle of the night mid orgasm and shooting a enormous load all over myself.

for now it's no-porn. no fapping more than once every two days. no edging.

First thing was actually helpful
Second thing, wtf?

I thought that was a willy, haha!

Only on day 5, first time trying, I can't even get boners anymore, wtf

carrot and stick my friend, carrot and stick

I haven't jerked in months (144 days on the count)
Yet yesterday i was about to lose my virginity and got nervous, so it didn't get hard

Fucking hell

>unable to maintain an erection without porn
Never had this problem. The opposite actually

You go into flatline, but its not a bad thing
its your system closing things off for a bit because its not useful right now.

Wait until full reboot and you'll be right as rain again

It's normal. That's what's called a flatline. It's temporary.


You'll be fine just try again, dont get so nervous, just relax and have a good time

Smoking and doing drugs/alcohol obviously help with no fap: just a different way to lower the stress.

exercise helps a lot as well, and so does being sociable and having time with friends. You cant really jack it if youre in the middle of a good chat with mates

weed makes me horny

i find nofap is 1000 times more easier without it

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My nigga its completely normal to jerk off. Nofap is a fucking meme.

>Well it's not *actually* an addiction because of this anal-retentive semantic reason I've come up with, so...yeah, all clear, let's just go for it

This is the rationalization of a true addict.

Well, with that attitude you obviously can't