Redpill me on Mellatonin

Is this shit a major sleep gainz boost or a soi boi ploi?
I have seen no negative side effects taking these tablets maybe once/twice a week personally.

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makes it harder to sleep when you're off it

I took 60mg once and blacked out

I've had pretty bad insomnia since I was a kid, at worst it takes me about 2-3 hours to fall asleep. Melatonin cut this down to ~40 minutes, although it does increase the amount of times I wake during the night. Seems like a good trade off to me so I take it every night. It's illegal in this cucked country, so I order it from America and hope it gets through customs.

what prompted this?

I tried to stop drinking so I ended up abusing over the counter medicine

Pretty good to take if you want to have a hellish night of fever dreams that feel like they're never going to end.

Melatonin helps but it’s subtle, it won’t knock you out and you still need good sleeping habits to get your moneys worth.


Hang in there you are going to make it

I dunno man, it definitely helps me fall asleep but I always feel groggy as FUCK when I wake up in the morning after taking it. Like even If I sleep 9 hours, if I've taken melatonin, I feel like shit for many hours the next morning.

Might just be anecdotal but it doesn't seem worth it, the sleeps feel 'more shallow' to me.


i take it between 12-1, listen to the idiot by fyodor dosteyevski, and sleep until i wake up around 4 and fall back asleep till 8

Yeh I relapsed on my alcohol addiction but I haven't drank in nearly a week, gym is a good distraction.

Btw don't overdose on caffeine pills shit sucks

Try a lower dosage or switch to instant release if you’re on an extended release one. A lot of melatonin on the market has way too many milligrams per dose you only need like 2.

>Btw don't overdose on caffeine pills shit sucks
How much caffeine did it take you to do this?


I know it takes more than that to kill you but it wasn't fun at all

That's a lot. Did you have a tolerance when you did that, was it all at once and was your stomach empty/full?
I take about 800mg/day to stay properly awake.

melatonin just helps you feel tired rather than knocking you out, but the tired feeling doesn't last long so you should pop it 10 minutes before laying down. not going to cause any dependency, just good for when you need to go to bed at a normal hour and aren't very tired. any morning effects are just from your lack/length of sleep. 3mg is plenty.

don't take diphenhydramine (benadryl). makes you feel awful the next day, can cause dependency issues. it's more of a knockout pill than melatonin but it's just generally shit overall.

I take the 300mcg and still cut them in half and it works great. Anymore and I get serious dreams and usually nightmares.

I didn't have much of a tolerance, I had an empty stomach, and I took it all at once. I was up till like 7am throwing up every ten minutes and I took them at 8pm

What compelled you to do that?

hes a mans man, user

Mental instability

I take 10mg every night because the SSRI I'm on gives me insomnia. It seems to help.

I tried to buy some of this shit at a pharmacy when I visited the UK. Said I could/don't without a prescription. Absolute cuckholdry. Fuck that place. Thanks based George Washington.

Prescription melatonin? I've never heard of this. It's over the counter here in Freedomtopia

there are recorded deaths due to caffeine toxicity at lower doses than that. did u throw up?

As I said I was throwing up every ten minutes or so until I was just dry heaving

I've learned my lesson and will never do that again

Sounds rough user. Hope things get easier

Thanks. The one upside to being on this stuff apart from it being pretty good at mitigating my anxiety is that it's harder to cum, so I don't have to worry about being a two pump chump anymore.

I take 10mg every night as I'm trying to quit drinking and it does knock me out

>tfw have to use it to counteract other meds

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>my alcohol addiction
How did you get addicted to alcohol in the first place?

>take melatonin
>skin gets darker
>iq decreases
>likelihood to commit crime increases
>yearly income decreases
>likelihood to abandon biological children increases

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I use it semi regularly. Only problem with it is building up a nasty tolerance.

That and you will be very deeply asleep and groggy in the morning. Try to keep your dosage of it low so you are able to sleep without it as well.

based Jow Forums poster

3 mg is like 300x the amount of melatonin the natty brain produces

Except it's not illegal? You just need a prescription.

Get your Mello from a farmacy, not a fucking supplement store

as a shift worker who rotates days and nights each set of shifts. Its necessary, alot of people say it doesnt work but it's because they think it induces sleep. all it does is reset your sleep cycle naturally. they also sell it at absurd doses like 10mg, recent studies show that all you need is 1-2mg, you have to test and see what works best for you .

ive been doing shift for 3 years and have found 1.5 to be the sweet spot for me, I take it 20 mins before lying down.

one thing that does happen is very vivid and lucid dreams, Ive always had dreams every night, but since melatonin I can remember every single detail word for word scene for scene. sometimes I'll wake up and the dream continues where it left off. and sometimes ill know I'm in a dream and just enjoy it like I'm watching TV . very bizarre

Tried them and they did literally nothing for me. Just take benzos like any normal person.

This. Except it barely costs money

I take 10mg nightly. It helps me fall asleep but all the talk of weird dreams and waking up periodically during the night are true for me. Same with feeling groggy. I tend to nap for 1-2 hours in the afternoon to shake it off.

Hoping to ease out of it as I work out more, as I used to sleep pretty well when I'd utterly shatter myself working out.

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>listening to classic literature.

Jesus fucking christ lad.