Just joined a gym for the first time today, gonna work out tomorrow. Any tips on how to not look like the "new guy?"

Just joined a gym for the first time today, gonna work out tomorrow. Any tips on how to not look like the "new guy?"

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Lift with a friend. Make sure to do deadlifts.

Read the goddamn sticky

nobody cares about you, so don't worry about it.

no one cares what youre doing as long as youre not endangering anyone

if youre really worried hop on a treadmill when you first get there so you can scope out the gym and see what machines do what, etc.

Seriously no one gives a shit about how you look. Read the sticky and watch youtube clips in between sets to correct your form

Don't be self-conscious about using baby weight to start.

You're gonna look like one anyway, but it dosent matter.

Always tip the receptionist, a buck will do no need to sperg out and give her a tenner because its your first day

No one is watching you. the big guys have seen hundreds of newcomers start and leave so they aren't judging you no matter how much you think they are

Focus on form over doing bigboy lifts, if you're consistent bigboy lifts will follow suit

Tip the receptionist?

>he doesn't tip the gym receptionist

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have a plan and dont ego lift. Then literally nobody will care about you ;)

>if you decide to squat, make sure to go below parallel
>if you decide to bench, make sure to touch your chest

these are the only two things that if not followed make me cringe.

What the fuck. 'murica?

You are the new guy. But who gives a fuck cause there's literally a new guy every week.

You need to tip the receptionnist in america ?

Is that weird for you?

It's just a meme

I swear I saw this exact post a year ago. pretty creepy. major Deja Vu

We do it in the netherlands as well

>being this new

Why shouldn't you appear as one? likely you'll get some help from "veterans" if you do


ask for help.
let them know you are the new guy.
take advice, work hard.
then you will evolve in; the new guy who works hard.
after a while you are one of the regulars.
start helping the new, new guys


everyone looks like that
you will look like that
only the sourest cuck will judge you for looking like that
own looking like that

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The best advice I could've given myself would've been to use loads appropriate for my experience level. Nothing screams "I have no fucking clue what I am doing" louder than Johnny One Plate quarter squatting 2 more.

Try to have fun man, lifting weights is supposed to feel good even if it is hard and often painful. Don't get lost in the gains, they'll come if your programming makes even the slightest bit of sense and your technique is good.

Kanker op

No one cares you fucking retard

Strangers never care about you as much as you think they do. Recognize this as the combination of narcissism and insecurity that it is, and set it aside.

Since you are dyel most people can tell you are pretty new. Nobody will care.
People will notice the new guy who tries to lift way to much and has horrible form.
Nobody minds the guy doing babbyweight with correct form.

Bullshit. A normal workout schedule is one hour working out and thirty minutes having a laugh at the new people.

You're gonna look new, aint no shame in that.

Be consistent and regular, be friendly, workout, and leave.

People respect a noob that's giving his best and is keeping at it.

Go straight for the big weights. First impression is important.

You are the new guy, make this a source of your confidence, not an insecurity. Your future swole self would remember this day with a wide smile.

Unless you joined a roid heavy gym, there are gonna be a ton of people there who don't look like they lift even though they go all the time.

But don't even worry about looking like the new guy. People are more than happy to help, especially the people who clearly look like they workout.

do a bunch of bicep curls, shrugs, misc machines, avoid compound lifts. if you do compound lifts with 25lb plates, with no control, like a total new person, you will be found out. if you just curl some 25s till failure and do a lat pull down and shrugs and shit like that, you'll get a good pump, feel good about urself, and not lose confidence. this is unironically my advice. also, do pull ups, in all seriousness. u need to be doing 20 pull ups by the end of the month big boy.

Don't listen to everyone in this thread OP. People are there to judge you, that is why they go to the gym.

You need to reach for the heaviest weights and workout with those first. If you can't show that you have the confidence and ego to handle them you will forever be ridiculed at your gym.

don't give a fuck about what others think of you, just go there and enjoy it

Shit advice neck yourself retard


Get some flip flops and jean shorts. Immediately head to the squat rack and load up 2pl8. Male sure you go ass2grass. If possible shout "LIGHTWEIGHT BABY". This will earn you the admiration and respect of fellow gym patrons and anonymous internet posters alike

unless your form is decent, you are going to be "that guy"
ultimately, do your best, learn how to move weight safely and never quit
try your best to measure and document your progress -- important aspect that is often glossed over
good luck