Dry Dog Food gains

So Jow Forums, ultimate sad fag here

Right now, the gym is basically my home since I'm living in my sedan.

I want to continue eating healthy, but it's very difficult to store food in the car so I've decided that I should give up on trying to eat chicken and vegetables in order to be more cost effective. So recently I have been really doing research on canned foods like canned chicken and canned beans but not only are they more expensive than the more raw forms, they are unhealthier by far.

I've calculated the amount of protein I need to eat in order to prevent atrophy and ruin my physique, it's 115g per day. I've been stuck drinking protein powder for the last couple days and it's starting to also get expensive. But really what other product can I eat that doesn't need to be refrigerated, can be bought cheaply, and provides me with enough protein that I need to stay in shape?

That's when it hit me... dog food. Now, if I were to buy the canned dog food, while it would taste better I wouldn't be saving much money and protein powder would still be cheaper. So I have to eat the dry kibble since it's much less waste, cheap, and comes in bulk. I've only started doing research on this, I don't know how many calories kibble has and how much protein I can obtain from it because there are no nutrition labels on the containers.

Would any of you guys happen to know how many calories and protein a kilogram of dry dog food would provide? (Not that I would eat a kilogram a day, but I'd be able to split it up into what my needs are). I know many of you would say "it depends on the brand" so it would be best to include the brand of kibble you are referencing when you post the nutritional information about it.

What do you guys think? Is this even a good idea? (are there really any better alternatives?)

Attached: Diamond-Naturals-Dry-Food.jpg (500x333, 53K)

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Lentils? Beans?

No, dog food.

On the off chance you're not trolling, just buy the $1 loaves of French bread, eat one of those a day plus 3 scoops of protein powder and dedicate the rest of your life to not being homeless

I have no clue, is dry dog food actually something humans can eat without getting sick and stuff?

If you really want to go this route then check out fish meal made for farm animals.
>$500 for 2000 pounds
Can't beat those prices

Protein powder at 18 servings (30g prot. per serving) at $14.50
1 meal = 1 serving = $0.81 per 30 g & 180 kcal

Beans at 3.5 servings (per can)(8g prot. per serving) at $0.54
1 meal = 1 can = $0.54 per 28g prot. & 385 kcal

To reach my protein intake goal, I would need 4 meals.
4x beans = 1540kcal ($2.16 per day)
4x powder = 720 kcal ($3.24 per day)

Protein powder is more expensive but also has fewer calories so I would get abs more than twice as fast than with beans.

Additionally, I wanted to see alternatives that would help me cut costs and calories. Beans would cost me $65 a month (It takes me at least two days to make that kind of money)

Dog food at ???? prot.?
1 meal = ???? kcal?

Also I could only use electricity when I'm at the gym to charge batteries (like my phone and laptop). I could also get an almost unlimited supply of water from their sinks and fountains.

this is from me and my dog's food

>Metabolizable Energy is 3510 kcal/kg (421 kcal per 250ml/120g cup), with 29% from protein, 30% from fruits and vegetables, and 41% from fat.

Attached: 1499591662989.png (1305x663, 51K)

This seems like an interesting idea.
That's about .25 per pound, and that could potentially mean I could cut costs by a lot! $0.75 a day sounds very reasonable if I only have to eat 3 lbs!

How are nutrients measured for this? How many calories and protein is in 1 kg do you think?

at 120g that dog food will have 34.8 g of protein and 421 kcal.

So I would need 3.3 servings of 120g to reach my protein intake. That would mean 1389 kcal per day.

It's lower than beans in kcal, (but so far powder is still most effective which would make sense)
What was the price and volume?

You would probably die from shitting your brains out eating only beans and protein powder

dog food is the new onion. well have people eating this shit once it's memed well enougj

Also, find a soup kitchen to visit and learn how/where to dumpster dive



Lack of fiber will definitely make my poops small but really really stinky. The beans should be sufficiently fibrous for semi-decent bowel movements.

I'm not hungry or strapped for cash. I could technically rent a place. But I'm saving so much living in my sedan, (like more than $1300
a month!) Which is chump change for many, but I need to use it to invest it in education or grow it in ETFs/Stocks/Indices and whatnot. I'm making the same amount of money living in a sedan than I would be living in an apartment.

As of now, I'm ugly and need to pay for my sins of becoming fat and not decently-rich enough. This is truly as journey I need to go through for at least another 3 months

It's probably like 60% crude protein so what...600g of protein per 1kg lmao. It's comparable to protein powder so no way in hell would you eat it kilograms at a time.

So then why do you want the most cost productive option?
I get saving money but when that comes at the cost of eating beans out of a can and drinking four protein shakes a day I feel like you could do better than that

be mindful of calories, it looks like it'll be very easy to overeat dogfood

Wow that means I'll only have to eat 200g of the stuff to get my daily intake! That brings cost down to $0.11 a day. That's literally $3.30 a month!!!

Unfortunately, I would have too much of a surplus. This would last for 149 months or 12.4 years. I'm not sure if I'll be planning to live that this way for that long

Attached: 1365736578394.jpg (379x374, 17K)

>never change /fit

Just make sure to ROAD.

I can't imagine a multivitamin would be enough to hit all your deficiencies though