Who /madeit/ here?

Who /madeit/ here?

>Pretty well off
>Aerospace engineer at NASA
>DD a corvette stingray and weekend a S1000RR
>perfect hairline
>above average looking
>qt asian gf

Is this the american dream? Did I made it brahs?

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>asian gf

so close

This. Racemixers deserve nothing short of the rope

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She's just a fucktoy. Going to find a 5'11 goddess when I move to california in a few years.

t. mom's basement

this, vibrating_cuckface.gif
agreed, racemixing with the eternal anglo is degenerate as well
>She's just a fucktoy
Apparently not if you call her your gf. Maybe she's the best you can do, you asshole.

>implying you wouldn't let her sit on your face every night for the rest of your life

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>35 y-o
>roider (barely, but still more than TRT level)
>retired, made 8mil from cryptos
>AMG GT daily driver and Kawasaki H2 for twisties
>dating a hot WHITE 25 y-o lawyer with as much money as me (her parents are well off

feels bretty good

I would, but im not happy about it at all

I wouldn't actually. How can you let a woman from the already-most-feminine race sit on your face? Are you some turbo fag?

This, but unironically
Lay off the soy OP

so much delusion ITT

Fuck you Chad
>shift manager at pizza shop
>kinda chubby
>average looking
>no gf
6'4 tho

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Mazda3 is patrician

creepy similar to my dad at 24
>aerospace engineering for NASA
>porsche 911 he repaired himself
>qt mom gf
>fit from racing dirtbikes semi-professionally to pay way thru college
please be my second dad

LARP, the thread

post pics of said mommy

>be Celtic Englishman
>start First Industrial Revolution
>take over the world
>start Second Industrial Revolution in the New World
>crush Germany again and again and again with our Celtic French friends
>tfw no gf
>tfw Germans still proclaim to be the "master race"
the cream will rise to the top.

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I wish I was larping as a early/mid 20s loser


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Ha ha

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Fucking disgusting kys degenerate

Congrats fag, ill fuck 4 girls as hot as ur gf this month, 1 a week

>single digit bf
>25ish FFMI
>2018 Chevy
>live in a million dollar home in Southern California
>fucked 4 girls this past week, 10 in the past two months

Still sad and empty inside desu


>have more testosterone
>still less desirable than soyboys

>single digit bf
>doesn't mention he's on steroids

>broken down v6 mustang
>gf that's been in a threesome and has had 12 to 17 guys before me
Gonna get rid of her soon because it's killing me

>Animal print

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>25 yrs old
>croocked teeth
>working with addict clients
>no car
>still have cutie gf for 5 yrs

I don't know op, did you make it?

Asking us won't answer that. Look in the mirror and see what your reflection says for an answer.

Your cars are nice but are you in debt for them?
What's your living situation like?
Were you assisted Or did you get it all yourself through hard work?

None of these answers matter to us because we're basement rats on a shitposting forum but ask yourself that, and ask yourself if any of that even matters.

Looking at it on paper op you're killing it. You're doing mighty fine.
Scrolling through the posts though I'm forced to change my mind.
Straight away someone says

>Asian GF, so close

And you hit the defence, not for your gf that you're supposed to love, but defence for your image on an anonymous board so these other basement dwellers like you and are impressed by you.

Your spreadsheet is good and you're doing well, but if you doubt yourself to the point where not only do you come here for validation but you rag your girlfriend - and therefore subsequently yourself - for our approval and support then the answer is no, OP. you haven't made it.
You've got good materialistic status as well as what the previous generation would label as "a bright future for your career" but your post suggests you're losing the battle for your own approval, which really is the only approval that will ever fucking matter.

Keep working at it. You'll get there.

mirin, post pics

That's like advanced natty lifter status boy.
Cut the cope.

I actually wouldn't
I only find caucasian bitches hot

>Was chub last year but now getting more fit every week
>Finishing my bachelors this semester and going for a master after that
>Own my own apt
>Parents are rich
>Don't have a car because I live in a country with good commuting systems
>All the men in my family has a full head of hair, even my 92 year old grandpa

Not yet, working on it though

Why would any of this be LARP? Some people can do it and others can't, it's barely impressive.

>>All the men in my family has a full head of hair, even my 92 year old grandpa


How it hurts to be born NW1

didn't know rp was part of Jow Forums


Get a white woman if you're such an alpha god.

"And then I took off thr VR glasses"

You are me next year, just finished writing my masters thesis in Aero at Purdue, and managed to keep my driftmissile 350Z in good enough shape while doing it. Why did you choose NASA when the culture and pay are so bad compared to industry?

>barely impressive
If a single person on Jow Forums can provide proof that they have a networth of 8 million+ I will eat a dick. Fortunately for me that won't happen since this board is filled with LARPing faggots.

I'm the CEO of STEM I make billions every year I'm 6'9 350lbs 6% bodyfat got 5 gfs in a polygamous relationship currently waiting for my private jet fleet to be built think I'm starting to make it

>skinnyfat chubby
>sort of well off
>unemployed never had a job

i consider suicide every day

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>balding, nw2.5 at least
>decently handsome face
>good voice, do some radio work
>shitty office job, but slowly improving my station and up for a huge raise in june
>6/10 but extremely loving gf
>currently hate body, let myself get really out of shape after being in the best shape of my life
>can still bench 2pl8 and climb v7 routes at the climbing gym, but not aesthetic at all
Im in a mediocre spot.

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Own business 200k+
Married two daughters
Million dollar home with 85% equity plus investment property
Fat ass
231lb down from 275lb in October
Lifting 6 times per week
3pl8 Deadlift already
Just wish I hadn't let myself go while accumulating wealth


all of this then
>qt asian gf
ultimate beta gf

unless you're asian then ok

>qt asian gf

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>Calling your gf a fucktoy.

You've certainly not made it.


Better be the newer mazda3, the only one that looks remotely decent. Shame about the capped engine.

> Student in NLP
> No car
> 5'11
> Fat in recovery
> 23
> Perfect hairline
> Beautiful and sweet girlfriend.

Well at least some things are going well for me.

>Married two daughters

You've made it. I too am pursuing the dream of marrying my two daughters.

Fuck hey you consider suicide and you're financially well off without ever having a job while cunts overseas battle it out like 12 hour days for pennies you probably lose in the washing machine.

Must be tough for you having a dry dick and not a single other care in the world that comes with being broke/overworked/short on free time/financially stressed/upset at a wanker boss/facing daily traffic/having to be very conscious about spending.

I'm unemployed and well off too, only since February, but it's the best thing Ive ever done.
Fuck you ya weak twat.

>bragging on a Korean daytime soap opera discussion board
So close

In order to make it you must leave Jow Forums forever.

>have a new group of friends
>consistently hanging out with them
Feels good

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/making it/ anyone?

>19, 200#, 6'6", thick hair, straight teeth, Austrian genetics
>Double major in mechanical and aerospace engineering with focus on astronautical ship design
>Lifts going up, fat going down
>No gf, just Tinder pussy every weekend
>Active social life, wherever I go on campus I know someone there
>No money for a car, gotta wait for my internship this summer

I feel like I'm on the cusp of making it

>held back in school for 3 years due to illness
>just starting first year at college-to-uni transfer program at 21
>haven't had a job in 3 years
>no money
>about to have college debt
At least I'm losing weight because I'm so depressed I can barely eat without throwing up. I've lost 80lbs since November when my dog died and I finally went full hermit mode.
Hopefully I'll be making it by next year.

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give a rest already

>asain GF

>Fridge mode
>Systems engineer
>Full head of hair
>Earn ~£32k with further 7k raise in the summer
>tfw no gf
Mixed bag really t b h

Dad bod physique (still cutting)
Decent Savings
No Job / No (running) Car
About to travel the world for a year or two
Good Hair
A little above average looking
No Gf / but there is a girl i just started to fuck around with

i'm getting there (slowly), but 5 years ago i was climbing up past 275 now i'm down to 195-200; no loose skin & only minor stretch marks.
i might actually make it

>195lb, lean bulking
> >toned
>stem student
>no car
>good looks
>a gf

slowly making it eh

>stem student
>no car

Bet she's already cheating on you kek

calling your "gf" a fucktoy to justify yourself and appease to some basement fatcels trolls

so alpha, definitely made it
btw nice green text of fantasies

This post speaks the truth

if you were actually good looking you'd have a white gf. that's the truth.

>qt asian gf
Failed. Literally /notmadeit/ if you're white and doesn't have a white girlfriend.

>275 lbs.
>8% bf
>36 inch vertical
>9 figure net worth
>angel investor
>underground garage filled with custom built luxury/race cars
>every women to ever have looked at me has wet her panties
>27 different wives (one for every one of my homes)
you all need to pull yourselves together. "success" in this planet is very easy

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Everything is brilliant except:
>no gf

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This lmao

This entire thread is garbage LARPing.

>skinnyfat (stopped lifting 1 year ago due to injury and struggling to pick it back up)
>survivable income
>shitty job
>no car
>okay hairline but dad is completely bald so will lose it one day
>average looking

please god just fucking end it

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You're 24 you dolt. Hairline doesn't mean shit. You gotta get into this slate 30s safely.
Even then...

>slave labor tier factory job
>dd an 02 civic
>hairline fading fast
>basically average looking
>6/10 milk truck aryan gf
So many broken hopes and dreams through teenage years, just trying to make the best of it

why do people feel the need to make posts like this?

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>Still holding
But why

I’m not, this is round about jan

What compels you guys to brag on here? Post your pathetic bodies or go make a post of normiebook for attention

>qt asian gf
u done goofed

are you happy?
all you talk about is status bullshit.

>dead end software engi job

>compulsive masturbator
>no gf
>no car
>no license
>failed four colleges
>now in trade school

at least I bench 2pl8 for reps and have had gf's

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>Unironically Chad facial genetics
>Nice skin
>Blue eyes
>Financial advisor for millionaire clients
>Hot girls left and right

This is the friend I grew up with not me