Manlet cutoff update

>be at language lessons
>were supposed to describe eachother
>girl calls me AVERAGE height
>im 6'2

Friendly reminder that manlet cutoff is increasing by 0.1mm each and every day.
Thats correct, by 2020, 6'7 guys will be manlets

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it is common knowledge that females always see the top 20% as if they were the top 50%.

see: the ok cupid/POF data

6'2" is unironically manlet cutoff -- there is a new generation of healthy adults

>tfw 6' manlet

If you're 6'2 in a country like the Netherlands, you're indeed a manlet

>t. 6'2 Dutch manlet

Nice i wont be a 6'7 lanket anymore

>Be 6'
>See a bunch of cute girls
>Hear them say we need to find someone tall to get this down for us
>They look in my direction
>Hey theres someone!
>They walk right past me and ask the guy whose like 6'2 if he could get it down for them
>He's like 50 and looks like Shrek
>Miss an opportunity to meet some girls by 2 inches.

>Things that never happened

Oh well, dumb roastie is dumb

>average height in Australia is 6'2
>all I want is a 6+ THINN amazonian gf
>They only go for 6'6 guys

Life is suffering lads. Should I move to the land of the miniature Amerimutt?

She probably just couldn't remember the right word or something, unless you're in a tall country. BTW Netherlands being tall is a meme, the numbers are self reported not measured, Dinaric alps is where the big boys live

I live in the netherlands. Those numbers are very real. As 6’1 myself I find that among young people (morning commute to uni) that in of average height or sometimes of below average height. Especially if I only include my own white peers. Immigrants and old people bring that number down. The average among young people is probably higher than 6’1 or 6’2.

Women are fucking retarded when it comes to shit involving length. I had a chick think my dick was 8x8 when it's 6x5 on a good day.

where you live?
I'm 6'1 and people call me tall

I've been to the Netherlands, you might be right that young white people fit that average but that's about it. Go clubbing in Croatia if you really want to get heightmogged

Oh shit, only '2 more to go, i need to find a gf asap

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>just made the cutoff
fuuuck brehs its getting closer

The fuck do you guys live? I'm 6'1 and get called 'tall' or 'big' all the time.

Honestly does height really matter as much as people make it out to be? Like it doesn't matter how tall you are, there will always be gals looking for buttons to press and holes to sink their hooks into. Just stop caring.

I remember this short chubby blonde gal that I used to see all the time at the bar, just existing made her have a haughty opinion about me. One day someone came in two inches taller than me, standing 6'7", and she came up to ask my height before walking off to talk to the guy about how tall he was.

There's always some gal that will try to do things like that.

how much do you weigh though? a big frame makes a lot of difference

80kg most of it muscle, Im quite broad I guess but not that far from the male average

I'm 5'8 and have secured a date with a girl that's about 5'8 too. Just be confident bro

inb4 ghosted, i'll wait on the next tinder thread for your story

That just means that you aren't interesting enough to leave an impression on her.

The more interesting or intimidating you are, the taller people will remember you being. The human brain inflates and shrinks objects based on impression.

yes and no

being tall is like having a fast car or a huge dick or being loaded

each "perk" adds up

Friend of mine claims anything less than 7in is "disappointing," but I know for a fact that she thought a 6in was "big"
This is why women are so bad at parking. They have no idea how much six inches is.

She started at my work and I gave her my number and asked her out in real life lad

Height(lile all things) is all about perception fellas. I'm 6ft even and everyone has called me tall my whole life. Even people that are the same height as me never get this complement like I do. Why? Because my thin frame gives me a lanky appearance which in turn makes me be perceived as taller.

>be 5'11"
>talking to female co-worker
>she describes her boyfriend as short and skinny (she is about 5'6")
>eventually meet him
>he is 2+ inches taller than me and jacked

She wasn't even being ironic when she said it either. The guy is minimum 6'1" 190lbs

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Who cares what some dumb bitch thinks

Women are dumb fucking sluts and don't know what they want. Listening to them and doing things to make you happy is self sabatoge because they are never satisfied. You'll never meet their expectations and will end up broken and empty if you do. They drain the life out of you because they want a strong man who will stand up to her and make her feel secure. Giving in makes you feel weak and hands control over to her. Women never know when enough is enough because they always want more and giving in makes them demand more and more from you until you're a broken shell. Stop trying to meet women's expectations. Fight back and make them meet yours. That's what they really want deep down inside of their primitive monkey brains.

Everyone is lying about their height like their penis.

I met some guy who was probably 6'2 but was absolutely adamant that he was only 5'10, I have no idea if he was trying to make the shorter people feel insecure or he was just that fucking stupid

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You are just a manlet

i'm 6'0

Thank god for all the Mexican immigrants helping to pull the average US height down.

>be me
>people used to describe me as tall
>will only get smaller from now on
Fucking kill me please or bless me with gainz.

looks like you met a Jow Forumsizen

>girl tells me i'm tall

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I've been really adamant about only being 5'11 (181 cm) because it says so in my passport, but when I checked again it was issued in 2012 when I was 16/17 so I've probably grown a little bit since which would explain why I'm visibly taller than friends who claim to be around 6'0, I thought they were just lying to get around the cutoff height

Belgian here, dutchies are easily taller than us, and our average height is 6'0.
It's a country of giants m8.

This. On one hand I blame insecure fucks for lying about their dick size and height for years and warping their view. But on the other hand women are genuinely fucking retarded when it comes to that shit. It all comes down to perspective for women rather than objective measurement. If you're taller than her, and taller than any other guy in the room, you're tall. Doesn't matter if everybody else is 5'6" and you're 5'8", you're tall. If your dick is 7", she'll still think it's small if her last boyfriend was 8".


>tfw dick is barely, if even 5" and pretty slim
>live in a really small town so word will inevitably get around
is my only hope to find the most petite woman around and hope she's never watched porn?

And that poor swamp boy grew up to be...

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source: your ass
belgian avg height is 5'11", dutch 6' self reported and not measured. Only legit measured tall region is dinaric alps, at just above 6'

Women have absolutely zero spatial awareness. It’s why they’re such bad drivers. Their poor little brains just can’t handle it.

>tfw woman brain
I suck at driving and when I see someone close to my height I think they're taller than me, until I see us in a reflection where I have a few inches over them

>average height in Australia is 6'2
Not it isn’t, it’s 5'10" and it’s getting shorter every year because of all the subhumans we’re importing.


Nah, just get good with your hands and tongue. There are some dudes in your town with 6.5-7" cocks just lazily thrusting into girls because they don't think they have to try. Learn how to get a girl off, even if it's with your hands, and they won't care about the size of your cock. Their focal point is the fact that you gave her an orgasm.

spilled water on myself when reading this thanks user



i thought they closed Auschwitz down years ago

>6'0 turbo manlet chink
I hate being a subhuman

>mixing imperial and metric

If you're 5'7" or over you are not a manlet

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Manlet is a state of mind. You're only really a manlet if you're actually insecure about your height.

When the average woman is as tall or taller than you, it's hard to not develop some insecurities.

Your insecurity is what turns them off though, not your height. Quit stressing about it. Sure, some might reject you for being short, but who the fuck cares what they think? There's plenty more women out there.

the average young male at 6'1" weighs around 70 kg, atleast in western europe. Auschwitz would be sub 60

70kg at 6'1 would be ribs showing tier

not really. Are you american? Your sense of height/weight ratios must be quite fucked up if you think 6'1" 175 lbs is skinny, when zyzz did his famous pose picture he was 185 lbs at 6'1"

>Your sense of height/weight ratios must be quite fucked up if you think 6'1" 175 lbs is skinny, when zyzz did his famous pose picture he was 185 lbs at 6'1"
The AVERAGE young male isn't ripped on roids or particularily athlethic with a super low %bf though.

>tfw literally in netherlands

Just emigrate man, you're still tall in the rest of the world.

I'm 5'9 and have been called tall all my life since my family is short as fuck. Despite all odds I managed to be the height of an average burger with a 5' mom and 5'5 dad.


>be 180cm
>called tall on an occassional basis
>never know how to respond because of Jow Forums

Don’t live in americuck though

>In anthropology class
>Looking at picture of a guy standing next to a gigantopithecus model
>(Female) professor says "he's an average American man of European descent, so he should be AT LEAST 6 feet tall

thats because you perceive your height at where you eyes are