Be in gym

>be in gym
>see 9/10 qt squatting
>forget I'm a real person out in the real world, freeze up and stare at her
>she sees me in the mirror
>racks the weight and turns around
>i'm standing there in the middle of the gym like an idiot
>she looks disgusted, like she can't believe what she's seeing
>i run to the locker room, lock myself in a stall and cry
>at this point I am panicking super hard and don't even want to go back out in case she's still there
>i sneak out the fire escape door which sets off the alarm to the whole gym
>sprint to my car and drive home at over 100mph
The way she looked at me cut deep ;_;
I'm trying to use this as motivation to keep going and get to a point where she won't look at me like a creep but I just want to die desu

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A thread died for this

Brother fuck that bitch
Just don't give up cause if you do
More will stare at you like the way she did

Maybe dont stare at people you creeper

This is the approach I'm trying to take. I want to improve myself so this never happens again. It's just a big hit to the heart atm.
You don't understand, this never happened to me before. I literally just lost control of my body and froze up. She was so qt

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god this sub never fails to deliver

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>this sub

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Should have just asked her if she wanted to get a coffee or a drink sometime and get to know each other

She looked at me like I had just killed her dog
I don't think this would've been a good idea

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That girls outfit is embarassing. 0/10 middle class trash trying to emulate her betters.
Also OP why did you cry? If you have social anxiety that bad you need a therapist.

I do have really bad social anxiety. I go to the gym late at night so there are normally less people. I cried because I care way too much about what other people think of me and the fact that a cute girl thought I was some disgusting creep really broke me. I know pedestal etc but I just couldn't help it. I should probably seek professional help.

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If you're that devastated by a facial expression, at least we know you're not technically autistic. On the other hand, you're also completely detached from reality and probably hardcore projecting your severe anxiety onto whatever facial expression she made.

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Probably. I know for sure this is not normal behavior, especially from a boy.

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You definitely need professional help. What you're describing is textbook anxiety. Even if you're not open to meds (I wouldn't be, personally), therapists can be a big help.

You type like someone who's never been punched in the face, aka not a real man.

Learn how to look at chicks subtly with the mirrors and shit like everyone else does dude.

Those hairy legs...

Yeah...she's very lez.


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Jesus Christ, how about you stop being a little bitch and stop giving a shit about what some roastie think.

anytime you ever sperg out like this just fucking say some random bitches name all surprised then apologize and say she looks exactly like a dead friend. Gets you out of almost any social awkwardness.

t. an autist

If you were alpha you could've just flexed a 'cep

Unless youre literally Quasimodo you're overreacting.

Keep lifting and also see a doctor about your social anxiety/avoidant personality.