What is your daily routine like?

What is your daily routine like?

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>wake up at like 12
>practice new language
>read for awhile
>work out
>drive taxi for a bit
>play videogames and browse internet

moving to a new place soon, and a new job, but until then trying not to fall into NEET trap of doing absolutely nothing - instead I do mostly nothing

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>tfw read sitting like that on the toilet as well
>get the feeling that so do most others
>in my head fear that grills are laughing at me since they can tell I read on the toilet by the way I sit

>doesn't squat on the toilet
Never gonna make it.

Avoid work parties/ get left alone cos rank like me
Lift/run alternating
Netflix til bed

Chill with daughter
>tfw divorced life

>Chill with daughter
>not fucking her

fucking faggot

could be worse

just cause you can be edgy doesn't mean you have to be newfag

>wake up
>take a shit
>get out of bed

>t. /b/

>pray that my daily 100 chin ups will pull me out of depression

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its like poetry

This was my thursday
>0530 wakeup
>1 piece of toast and a cup of tea for breakfast
>train ride to gym
>hour long workout with lots of compound lifts and explosive stuff for my rugby
>protein shake and a banana
>train to work
>banana and a Sanitarium Up-n'-Go mid-morning
>sandwich and fruit for lunch
>rugby training (lots of cardio, sometimes we drag weighted sleds)
>curry for dinner
>bed at 2230

>wake up at 7
>eat breakfast
>go to uni at 8
>finish class at 11.30
>eat dinner
>return home at 12.15
>study till 13.30
>go to uni at 14
>finish classes at 18
>return home and eat supper
>study till 21
>do body workout
>go to sleep at 22
I go to the gym once a week during the weekend because it's the only time I can.

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>6:00 Wake Up
>6:20 Call in sick to work
>6:25 Go back to sleep
>9:20 Wake Up, Meditate
>9:40 Watch Psycho Pass
>11:00 Have Breakfast
>11:30 Practice Piano
>12:30 More Psycho Pass or YT
>15:30 Gym Time, its next door so no travel time
>16:20 More Psycho Pass
>17:20 More Piano
>18:00 Play Overwatch while chatting with NEET friend
>20:00 YT
>22:00 Smoke a blunt listen to $uicideBoy$
>23:00 Think about life standing on the balcony
>00:00 Sleep

I have the next 4 day off want to finish my book that I've been reading for 2 months now, probably not gonna do it.

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Got me

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Very similar here m8
>call in sick quite often
>go back to sleep after waking up
>Neet friend
>Think about life

Only thing is, I dropped the weed, one of the best decisions of my life

>Wake up 4
if working{
>study 3 hours before getting ready and going to work
>work 6 hour shift with lunch in the middle
>get home
>study 2 more hours have dinner at desk
>bed at 8}

>Study until lunch
>Have lunch
>Study until dinner
> haveDinner
>Bed at 8
rinse/repeat for duration of semester.

Holy shit, you guys are FUCKING LOSERS lmao.

>5:00AM wake up
>stretch, meditate, shit, oats
>office has dope gym, so lift, shower, and work 8-5
>Evening MBA classes till 8:30.
>eat meal prepped food; in bed by 9:15; asleep by 9:30

I always knew this board was full of NEET twerps

>wake at 0430
>0500 gym time
>0700 arrive at work and eat breakfast. usually have a Greek yogurt and some eggs. shower at work and get dressed.
>0800 start work
>1100 lunch, usually some kind of meat, rice/pasta, and some shitty steamed veggies. depends on what the cooks make.
>1330 get off of work, stop at the store to pick up shit for dinner
>1430 get home, check stocks, shower, fap, read for pleasure, and have a protein shake.
>1700 start making dinner, or order out
>1800 watch yt or Netflix
>1930 get ready for bed, take ZMA, and GABA. Also start listening to some ASMR
>about 2030 shhh no tears, only dreams

>mfw I unironically love my life

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>wake up at 6am without fail, no matter the time I went to bed, everyday, forever.
>Drink a lot of water with Vitamin C and a B complex
>Stretch, do a surya namascar sometimes
>Go for a run

Now that I'm with a runners high the sun is coming up where I live, so I sit in a garden close by and meditate for 10 to 20 minutes, I don't count them.

Now I have connected with my primal past and meditated away my worries, fears and anxieties and I'm ready to give it my best

> Take an adderall for my adhd and go to work as soon as I'm ready, I'm 23 and run my own business.

This is the life I want, 2 years until I'm 23, and I'm not even close.

Let's see what happens once I fix my adhd and my conscientious finally balances itself instead of oscillating between a methhead scratching his skin and a obese american on a sunday.

>wakes up at 5:30
>goes to sleep at 22:30
shit, user, do you sleep on the train or what?

just laughed my ass off reading this in the kitchen at 6am while waiting for coffee

who is he?

Nah, I'm not really conscious of being exhausted during the day, and I have a good strong coffee before work. I get that it's not a great sleep pattern though. I get it from my folks.

>wake up at 7:30 after five hours of sleep
>eat and all that morning shit
>run home
>usual computer shit like games, yt etc
>fall half asleep on the couch for a few hours
>have a wank
>practice the piano
>watch some series or a movie or whatever
>read a book
>computer again until around 2am

Going back to work next week though so then it'll be just
>wake up at 6:30
>work from 7:30 to 5
>go home, shower, eat and sleep for a few hours
>work out
>watch some movie or whatever
>play a single player game because where I go I won't actually have decent internet aside from my phone's limited 4g
>still end up going to sleep too late

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Nigger finish the fucking book.

>wake up at whatever time between 12-14
>hop on pc and browse anything and everything
>have wanks throught the day
>22:00ish start thinking when will i change for the better
Im not making it Jow Forums im making excuses cuz im a lazy sack of shit and i have a weak will. Hopefully in the next year i'll be where I want to be. An amazing physique, an actual intellectual following my interests which I genuinely want to indulge myself in, and loads of money.

>wake up at 5AM
>workout when I come home
>either work some more or trade crypto
I-I like working and I'm tryna get rich in here

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>wake up at 7
>shit, shower, drive 15mins to work
>work 9-5
>go home, shit, head to gym.
>10 min cardio warmup (2km20 in 10mins)
>1 hour split
>go home, drink shake, eat onion
>smoke joint, raid on WoW/watch series/movie.
>whilst on PC, also make dinner coz munchies.
>brush teeth, bed.

so lonely... at least i have my sweet kitty there for me.

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> Wife wakes me up at 8
> Gets me a cup of coffee
> Spends 30 minutes just calling me 'cutie' and cuddling (not even kidding. My wife adores the shit out of me)
> Dumperino after caffeino
> Work from 10 to 6
> Hit gym at 6:30
> Back by 8
> Dinner with wife
> Watch TV, spend time with wife for an hour
> Work on my side projects for 2 hours from 10 to 12
> Sleep by 12 with wife

If you fall in deep, deep love with a person, dont be a faggot. Go all in.

Its worth every bit. You wont believe how happy you can be if youre with a person who truly loves and cherishes you

how are those hemorrhoids tracking bud

wake up 1 pm
masturbate for 4 hours
play some shitty video game i hate
masturbate some more
eat pizza leftovers or order next family pizza
go to sleep at 6 am

>You wont believe how happy you can be if youre with a person who truly loves and cherishes you

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>wake up 6am
>go to work
>if I finish before 18pm go to gym
>if I finish work after 18pm I just go home and sleep.

I hate being a wagecuck

>wake up 4:30
>gym from 5-7 (lifting + swimming or sauna when i don't swim)
>Internship 8:30 - 14:30
>uni classes 15 - 22
>sleep around 23

Whatever it takes. So used to it that i wake up at 5am even on weekends

>wake up 2pm
>fap to anime
>work as a janitor (for free) on a website
>go to Jow Forums and make a "why even lift when it is all about the face" thread
>let threads about mogging, PSL and similiar stay up
>check my list of posters that I dislike and go through every post they made while I was asleep to see if there is anything that I can ban them on
>spam pictures of asian girls
that's about it I guess

5am wake up
breakfast 1/2
5.20 drive to my warehouse
5.40 start lifting
7 breakfast 2/2
7.30 newspapers\news\email
8.30 do shit
12 back home
12.20 prepare launch
14 do shit
18.20 prepare meal
20 prepare to go out and actually go out
22.30 go bed.

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Wake up at 4:30
Get to the gym at 5:00-5:30
Take a shower at 8:00
Work from 8:30-5:00
Another hour or two at the gym if I'm feeling it
Go home, take dabs, fall asleep by 10
>no wonder i have no friends and haven't been on a date for 3 years

Study day
Wake up 5:30 am
1 hour to shower, brush and breakfast.
6:30 am walk to train station.
1hour train ride (practice my flashcards on phone)
Walk to university 15mins.

If early find quiet place to study.

9:00pm catch train back home
10:30pm arrive home.
Sleep by 11-11:30pm


Wish I could squeeze more sleep in. Eventually it wears down my mental faculties.

Weekends and one day off during the week does wonders.

Hope to get into medical school by the end of the year. Procrastinating this past 1-2 weeks regret it deeply. Its 1am I'm typing up a study schedule for all my units and going to follow it like the bible.

Wish me luck anons. 5'5 midly roided manlet. It's all I have going for me and two parents in their 70's who are the only ones that give a shit about me.

> Wake up at 5:30
> Be at uni at 8:30
> Classes till 17:00
> Home and eat 19:30
> Training till 22:30
> Study till 0:00
> Wake up

I also work 20 hours a week during the off hours. So about 16-18 hours working/study days.

>wake up at 9:30
>work out
>phone shitposting
>lunch at 12:30
>video games till 17
>work out again
>dinner at 19:30
>watch tv till 21:00
>video games till 4:00 or video games till 1.00,shitpost till 4:00
it's been 7 years :^)

>You wont ever find out how happy you can be if youre with a person who truly loves and cherishes you
Fixed that for me

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>Wake up 7am
>Hit snooze 3 times
>Cold shower and work prep
>Leave by 7:45 to have enough time to get coffee down the street and be at work by 8am
>Work 8am to 5pm
My days after work inconsistently are composed of 2 or 3 of the following depending on the day
>go lift at gym or run
>go to an AA meeting
>hang out with the people in my neighborhood (food, movies, hookah, building fires, going downtown)
>coffee shop chill w/ book

Be a good dad to her, user. Sorry things didn't work out with baby momma. You're gonna make it

I don't know how you wake up at 5:30.... 7am is hard enough for me

How many credits is that?... seems like a lot of hours of classes for one day

Finish the book faggot or I'll fucking destroy 2,000 of your braincells

As far as I'm concerned there's nothing but good in quitting weed

Well golly gee, someone discovered Jow Forums

God bless those who can work and go to school at the same time

So I don't understand? Are you an obese methhead who meditates on the idea of cleaning up and running your own business?

Why ASMR? I know what it is. What does it do for you personally?

How to learn piano if I can't afford piano?


Me too buddy

change your eveningtime habits. do it for the kitteh

>tfw I found that person
>tfw she lives in a different city because I had to get out of that shithole after graduating college
>tfw we're not in a relationship but still talk all the time
>tfw not sure if I should commit to her long distance or just bang slootz in my city

Living the dream

You said so much while saying so little

Stop smoking weed

Sleep is important user. Don't neglect it

It makes me sad thinking back to the lifestyle when I used to stay up until 4am. The only people I know at age 25 who still stay up till 4am are all NEET drug-users

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>wake up 30 minutes before class
>go to class
>go home
>watch youtube
>go to gym
>eat dinner
>do dumb unproductive shit on the computer
>do dumb unproductive shit on the computer


>Sleep is important user. Don't neglect it

Thanks. Appreciate the response. I promise to hit the sack early tomorrow night and stick to better sleep hygiene.

Rome was not built in a day, but the first brick will be layed tonight.

I'll tell you things that have personally helped me (not just shit i've read on internet or tim ferriss books)

>Reducing caffeine intake (I only have one cup in morning but I've had best sleep when I eliminate it completely)
>Alteril (it's a supplement. google the components of it)
>Magnesium (I recommend the magnesium powder in the product called Calm"

wake up
go to spin class
home, coffee, shower
1 hour of algorithm study (CLRS)
head to class
home & dinner
walk & play w/ doggo
relax and off to sleep to repeat


Agree completely on the caffeine. I stopped drinking it a week and half ago. Switched over to green tea. Definitely helping me fall asleep faster, mind doesn't feel like its still going.

Alteril - will read up on this

Magnesium, I have a 1000mg calcium + 500mg magnesium supplement. What is your timing for the supplement before bed or anytime during the day?

Btw, on the off chance that you do buy the alteril... I recommend only taking one pill even though the recommended dose is 2 pills. Thing is there's just too much melatonin for me. I can only handle like 2mg of melatonin or else I have a sleep hangover in the morning

>What is your timing for the supplement before bed or anytime during the day?
IF I take any sleeping supplement (Alteril or Magnesium) I try to do it at around 45 minutes before I'm in bed

Fuck it I'll just post it for you

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LOL thanks!

I've tried 10mg of valium but just felt groggy the next day. Never used it ever again.

Do you feel mentally alert the following morning? well rested?

>wake up 5am
>get home, eat
>lay in bed drinking until I pass out

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Yes as long as I don't take too much melatonin is what I'm saying

Pump me full of as much Valerian root or magnesium or L-tryptophan as you want..... But as I said, I need to take 2mg or LESS of melatonin or else I have a serious melatonin hangover the next day and feel like I can't function

The future is now, old man.

thanks user! I wish you good karma!

>wake up at 0600
>work at a brewery from 0700-1530
>work out from 1600-1800
>get home 1830
>make dinner and tomorrow's lunch
>free time from 1900-2130, usually spend reading or watching movies with roomies
>in bed by 10:00, asleep by 10:15

This is for weekdays. Weekends I sleep in until 0800 and then shitpost online a bit, go for walks around my city, stop in coffee shops. and maybe once every two months get shitty with the boys. It's a simple routine but I like it.

>How to learn piano if I can't afford piano?
See if you can go and practice at a local school or something when there are no classes?
I got lucky in the sense that the place I work and live at had an old piano that I started practicing on. Eventually bought myself a Roland FP30 for some €600 I think. I also started a course on udemy for €10. Suppose its pretty difficult to pick it up for free though.

> 6am wake up, oats
> 7ish lift heavy things repeatedly
> 9ish get to work
> Do science stuff, fuck off in the lab
> 4 or 5, head home, eat dinner
> Vidya/anime til 8
> Second dinner + youtube/anime/book
> Asleep by 10

Pretty comfy desu, I do this 5 days a week and then visit my gf and play vidya most weekends.

>tfw my gf is somewhat wife material but shes so cold to me sometimes
>also im like an 8 while shes a 7 at best

>School starts at 8am. (I'm a 18 yr old HS senior)
>Grind my ass off taking AP classes because senior slide is degenerate.
>School off at 2:30 Gym time
> Do homework until work at 5.
>Do homework at work until 8
>Meditate, read, go to bed at 10.
Mfw the only thing keeping me going is fucking bitches on the weekend and friends.

Not trying to start shit, but unironically what is the appeal of anime?

When you go to uni, just remember that you're in first year. If you say shit like "technically I'm in 2nd year because of AP and IB and blah blah blah" people will not respect you.

>It makes me sad thinking back to the lifestyle when I used to stay up until 4am. The only people I know at age 25 who still stay up till 4am are all NEET drug-users
you got my age and neet status right,2/3 not friend

*not bad lel

Tbh I don't even know if I'll have enough college credits for a whole first year. Either way I'll be in freshman dorms so I'm not gonna be a day about it.

>up at 4 (depending)
>have some morning time to myself, drink coffee, get ready for work
>leave for work by 6
>drive for over an hour to get to work
>work until 4:30
>drive back to my town and pick up gym buddy around 6 (traffic always sucks heading home)
>hit the gym
>drop bud back off at home
>go home and do my routines, make dinner, read or watch anime or play vidya
>smoke weed till i go to bed (time varies, usually around 9 or 10)
>have weekends off
Hectic but manageable.

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That's fair, my nigga. Be humble. If you have a meal plan, don't dirty bulk - I made that mistake hard back in the day.

I was only introduced last year by a friend so I'm not weeb tier. It's just like any other show really, can have deep plots, interesting characters, good music, etc. Tons of different genres so most people could probably find something that interests them.

this is gonna be me in a couple of years

Not if you start today

2100 - 2130 wake up, shower, dress
2130 - 2150, breakfast, pack lunch, leave for work
2158 Swipe in
0000-0015 First break
0200 - 0230 Swipe out, Lunch
0400-0415 Second break
0600-0630 clean up, swipe out
0630 - 0830 fuck around on the internet
0830 - 1030 gym (MWF)
1030-1230 more internet bullshit. chores.
1230 bed

>wake up somewhere between 10am and 11 am
>fix some breakfast
>go to 4chinz
>browse , watch yt
>play some vidya
>2pm take bath and shit
>have lunch while watching steves' videos
>go to sleep at 4:30pm
>wake up at 6pm
>walk my dog, play with him
>do same neet shit till 8:30pm
>hit the gym lasts till 10p
>take a shower , eat dinner
>do the same neet shit till 3am
>go to sleep


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>Wake up
>feed cats + pack lunch
>drive to work
>drive home
>dinner + netflix or read

repeat forever

sound like you need a more normie daily schedule. get any job, user until you become used to getting up in the morning, going to sleep in the evening and not taking naps if thye are not absolutely necessary.

Option A (ideal circumstances)
0400 - Wake up
0400-0530 breakfast/coffee/news reading
0545-0700 - work out
0700-0730 - shower/food/get ready for work
0730-0800 - drive to work
0800-1700 - work
1700-2100 - dinner/evening news/read/do whatever
2100-2130 - bed routine/brush teeth
2130-0400 - sleep

B (work is busy)
0600 - wake up
0600-0730 - breakfast/coffee/news
0730-0800 - drive to work
0800-1700 - work
1700 - 1900 - gym
1900-2300 - evening routine/dinner/news/read/whatever
2300-0600 - sleep

For most I like to keep it at A. Depending on work, B is put in place.

Weekends are a bit less structured/other stuff that's not work. Typical clean/go out/ do productive stuff.

I don't know if I can get out of NEET life
don't know if I want to

asmr relaxes me quite a bit. as the day comes to an end I tend to get anxious and think about stuff I need to do the next day and other projects I'm working on. it's kind of a mental cue to help me know it's time to rest

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I'm this guyI fully believe that discipline = freedom. By that I mean when you don't have discipline, you are subject every whim and desire that pops up. These distractions do nothing but hinder your life potential. There's that picture that gets floated around here about "hell is when the person you are meets the person you could have become" and I believe in it. I belive in you, user. Don't be afraid to not only get your feet wet again but take the straight plunge. Go do it. Even something that seems small and insignificant to others is a task worth endeavoring. As long as it means something to you and you're proud of it, you're headed in the right direction for yourself.

Just go. It's hard, but at the same time it's simple.

Do you have someone paying your bills? Your life is on easy mode so your mind is bored.

Only way for you to change yourself is for something big to happen. Like your supporter dies and you're left on your own.

>wake up
>play vidya

I'm working on it.

I love Jow Forums

>Work my depressing job

The basics like hygiene and eating as well.

>no mention of meat or eggs
You fucking degenrate curry nigger

My regimen is working but now im at that point where my man boobs and back fat are sticking out noticeably with the weight loss

Will push ups work?

>wake up at 8
>breakfast and prep for day, head to gym
>workout 9:30 to 11:30, head to work
>work from 12 to 9
>home at 9:30, dick about on Jow Forums et al. maybe play a little bit of guitar, maybe read a bit, maybe watch some chinese cartoons
>go to bed about 11:30 to 12
Weekends and days off are just spent whittling away the hours with one interest or another before I get tired and sleep.

And you won't believe how sad you can be when it all goes away.

Average day I guess,

>7:45: first alarm goes off
>8:00: the alarm I set downstairs goes off so I have to get out of bed, get coffee
>9:00: work
>11:00: work out
>1:00: work/volunteer
>4:00: Have first meal of the day (Protein shake)
>5:30: get home, eat
>6:00: Hang out with friends/video games/other enjoyable activities/continue eating
>9:00 (or later if I'm out with friends): lay in bed doing crosswords until the melatonin forces my eyes shut



Wow like your totally a chad or something. You have everything figured dont you. And you work!

>Not sitting on the toilet for 45 minutes reading books to let the shit slowly rub your prostate as it eases out

>Implying there's a universe where you're going to make it

>underage jordanian national detected

well one of the reasons I lift is to join the army
im a young stupid cunt
ill probably regret it but yeah there it is

also trade crypto made some gains last year and getting absolutely justed now

Thats the whole point. You go all in even if you know that you might lose it. What do you stand to gain by protecting yourself?

It might all go away one day and it will leave me a wreck. But these years together are so worth any futute pain

depends on the loss. Some people end up killing themselves after big losses. Get jaded to the point of digging themselves in a hole for the rest of their lives.

How do people on less then 7-8 hours a day function ?

I lift, run, uni, study and work. If I dont sleep at least 7 hours I feel retarded the whole day.

>not using a squatty potty

What are you, gay?

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coffee, adderall, & nicotine's how I do it.

>up at 6
>Brush teeth, moisturize, shave, dress, etc.
>Let dog out
>At work for 7:30
>Leave work, go to class, go back to work until 5
>Go to gym, sauna, shower, dress, etc.
>Go home and either study or veg out on video games

8 more months of hell and I can get very far away.

>wake up at 0530 for Army and PT
>0700 breakfast
>go to fucking classes until 1500
>go to the gym at 1530 and stay for like 2 hours because I have nothing better to do
> din din time
>2100 vidya or homework I put off to the last second
>2200 wonder why I havent just ended it all yet
>2300 benadryl and bed

I need people to talk to this is lonely and hard

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