I will never make it

I will never make it...
1 year lifting 4 days a week.
1 year eating straight and hitting macros.
1 year of following a strength routine.

I'm still semi-fat. Weighting 6kg/13lbs more than when I started. 1,83m/6'0" 95kg/209lbs
Only improved in form, but all my lifts are the same as in the beginning.

DL 110kg/242,5lbs x5
Overhead 46kg/101,4lbs x10
Pendlay Row 50kg/110,2lbs x10
And the one I'm most ashamed of, as it's the one I try to hit as often as I can:
Bench 50kg/110,2lbs x10

I plateaued right where I started.

But it gets worse.
For 2 weeks now, all my lifts go down. I lost no weight, I added non, but my lifts go down for no reason!

I can't do this anymore. I don't improve. I followed everything and invested my time, but I made no gains at all.

I really want to end it all...

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Do SS, you giant 'tard.

Attached: bert-stare-o.gif (320x162, 920K)

With dedication like that, there's no way you haven't drastically improved yourself. Perhaps your standards are simply too high?

You don't have to be at the end of your journey to appreciate the distance you've crossed.

You didn’t even try to cut you stupid cunt

One year is nothing when you’re a fucking noob. You probably do shit inefficiently to begin with. Their are men who dedicate decades of their lives to achieving a good physique.

Genetic dead end.

>waaah im a dyel

Tell that to me when you’ve plateaued for a fucking year and you’ve got nothing to show for it except 10 more pounds of fat

You probably have shit form, i don't understand how your bench is pretty much the same as your overhead unless you are injured or something.

I'm also not training for a fucking physique you mong, or else I would've not taken a streangth based programm!

Did in the beginning.

I don't know myself. It makes no sense at all, but of all the lifts, overhead was the only one to slightly improve.
I can't bench more for the love of god.
My form is pretty solid and actually the only thing that improved at all...

He might be doing some wobbling push press instead of OHP while he cannot use this impulse on bench.

How's your diet? Getting enough sleep? Actually working hard in the gym? Are you filming your lifts to check form?

You didn't give a number for your squats. Are you squatting? If so how much?


You may not be smart, but at least you can pick up heavy things, user.

Your numbers reveal that you simply haven't eaten/recovered properly between your sessions in order to progress the weight. You did not 'do' SS, if you did you would be strong.
Also check your form, you have an ohp 4kg less than your bench so you're probably benching wrong

Their is the correct word to use in that sentence, brainlet.

Lift less days, take your sets to failure more.
Your plateaus are mental.

Not the first usage of it

Squat is at 80kg x6
(~100kg on smith machine)
I get about 6 hours of sleep.
I'm at my limit at the gym. Also still get soreness.
Have not filmed my lifts, but asked veterans at the gym to rate my form.

This happens during the third set. My push press is actually not that much higher.

Fuck, I didn't see that one. Carry on.

Read it again, dipshit.

>6 hours
Sleep more

Show us your lifting routine and tell us how much you're eating

>6 hours
Oh boy. Now post your diet so we can close the case.

You're probably not getting enough food/sleep/rest. Work out 3 times a week instead. Eat better and get more sleep.

I will try that.

I ate at a 200kcal surplus with 1,5g protein per kg weight.
Are 3 off days not enough recovery?

I have a pretty narrow bench, because if I use a wider grip I somehow get cramps in the back, if that makes sense.

Not OP, but I've switched from 5x5 to PPL because I plateaued and started gaining more fat than muscle. Does taking more rest days really make it better? I thought I was plateauing because I wasn't lifting often enough.

For dietRoutine
Bench or OHP 3x10 1xf
Squat 3x6 1xf
Dips (breast) 3x8
Biceps variations until I can't repeat with 10kg.

DL/OHP (Depending on what I've done the set bfore) for DL: 1x10 light 1x5 heavy
Pendlay Row 3x10
Pullup 5x5
Triceps and forearm until I hit limit.

take supps (you have a deficiency somewhere, probably multiple somewheres)

eat more

train harder, but train to get a burn, not joint pain (don't stop till the muscle in your desired lift is burning, seriously)

after training, make sure to stretch properly

And 10 mins cardio before every workout.

also 12x1x2x

Are you doing bodyweight dips and pullups? At 95 kg? Doubt it with those lifts.

Nope, assisted

Damn, you almost mogged me.

>eating at a surplus when the goal is losing fat
You should cut, you'll look a lot better and your numbers will still improve.

My goal is not losing fat goddamnit.
I just want strength. My physique is already fucked beyond repair.

Ok dude honestly you should read SS. There's likely some issue in your bench setup that's causing back pain.

Diet and training wise, you're not eating nearly enough to gain strength and muscle, 200kcal is like an hour of brisk walking according to my maps app. Chances are you might be consuming that surplus during training. You'll have to find out with experimentation how much you need to eat, but it's more than +200

Do a well established beginner routine, SS, greyskull, 70sbig etc. It's difficult to add weight to 10 rep sets, so if you want to get stronger focus on the progression of 3x5. That will get you stronger significantly quicker.

My advice: read SS and do the program as in the book, starting where you are now you could be done in a few months

you complained about still being semi-fat in the OP.
The weight you're lifting rn isn't heavy enough to really be affected by how much they weigh.
"Lifting for strength" is an excuse to be fat, even more so when you're weak as fuck.
I'd change the rep scheme up and add in some more accessories or move to SS or Greyskull LP.
Look up pyramid rep schemes, I feel like they helped me gain strength.

If lifting is making you miserable, stop. Take a month break and get back into it. Cut in the meantime.

Try to deload for three weeks at 30% reduction in weight to let your cns relax.

Thank you. I will look into SS again and actually read the book now, rather than just following a posted routine.

If I get symmetric streangth correctly I'm kinda in the beginner/novice milleau. I just want to get all my lifts (especially bench) to novice before ever consider cutting.

I just don't know why I can't add up weight like others. I have the feeling that I can't follow linear progression because adding 2,5kg on everything would result in a failset for me.

What's cns?

I won't stop. I actually want to improve.

I think cutting while reading the book is probably a good idea. You’re possibly overtrained from having such shit recovery for so long, and it takes a long time to come back from that.

With a ppl you effectively have two rest days between each push/pull/legs session and the next because you're hitting the other muscle groups

Yeah don't rely on some copy pasted template of a program it really doesn't tell you enough. The SS book should give you enough info to fix any form issues you might have. If you need more info on them then there's plenty of YouTube video etc that go in detail on form. If you do want to lose some fat it is possible with an LP for the first few weeks when the weights aren't very challenging.
For that brief period you can eat less and lose some bodyfat, but once you get to weights that push you every single session then you'll need to be in a surplus.
Problem is you weren't eating enough to gain or lose weight

Every novice can do LP, you're stalling because you're doing high rep sets, which are not as conducive to progression, and you weren't eating enough

>1.5g of protein per kilo
>most likely eats like shit
>at a surplus when he's fat
You're not progressing cause your shit's off point

>fucked beyond repair
Just admit you're a lazy fat sack of shit who hates dieting, holy shit. If you cut properly you'd look just fine