Can he be saved?

Can he be saved?

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literally who?

Feeling the fast moving in
Letting a new whey begin
Squat to the floor that you know
You don't have to move on to get swole

He worked in the aperture laboratory. I think he escaped a while back.

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I loved when he fucked off of the DoTA tournament flailing his arms, truly the peak of his career


add to the PR's you keep
remember to get lots of sleep.

>Can he be saved?
well, turns out you can't bulk on cocaine

Can literally get laid 5 times in a singl night

He's been lost since he killed those kids in 2008

He's worth millions of dollars and is regarded as one of the greatest musicians of all time in his genre.


He isn't a musician.

lol he's far from a musician dude

he clicks a bunch of shit in froot loopz and ableton live and shit comes out that some people consider music but it's not really music just ear candy, also he is nowhere close to a musician

Nice cope. Any of you faggots wanna tell me how he made his money?

he makes music. he is a musician. stupid samefag fuck.


famous millionaire dead-mow-five

he likes using dead memes
>nyaan cat

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Wow that sounds really easy bud. How come you don't do it? Too good to stoop so low as to be a millionaire by pushing buttons, touring the world and fucking bitches in every city?

calling deadman5 a musician is like calling modern art art

He himself said that he considers himself more of an engineer than a musician.

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pick one and only one



he's more of a programmer

is it 2009?

Definitely not a musician

>"hey user, wanna see Deadmau5 live tonight with us ?"
>"Electronic music is shit, i'm only listerning master race musicians and ..."
>"Yeah ok, right, see you at lunch monday"
>muh ... muh instruments ... you plebs
>browse Jow Forums

Never change Jow Forums

I wouldn't associate myself with anyone who listens to the garbage he calls music, or anyone who listens to electronic

Also your age is showing

Calling music you don't like garbage is pretty pathetic desu.

Your'e pathetic. LOL

>Realizes there are people who doesn't enjoy what you enjoy
>Doubles down on being narrowminded

Absolutely fucking perfect example of the average user here
Enjoy your double digit IQ and ignorant bliss

Lmao despite the boomer retards in thid he is defiantly a musician but he's defiantly not the best in his genre

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Le 128 bpm sidechained bass

good reply

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Deadmau5 has made some really good music but he’s failed to adapt to changing times and also has a pisspoor attitude. I would categorize him as a sad pathetic has-been, but not as much of a has-been as most of the edm artists from the mid 2000’s who are still out there playing the same lame shit like it’s still cool.

He was on the H3 podcast yesterday.

Couldn't finish it, it was last my bed time. Only seen 40mins of it. Sleep it key.

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Go to bed, Joel.

Calm down sweetie pie. No need to get all riled up.

Lmao at all the musically illiterate faggots in this thread claiming he's not a musician. He's not the best in his genre but he's far from not being a musician. He literally gets payed to write music.