Is eric vegetarian?

is eric vegetarian?

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he is on GOMAD what do you think

Then I think yes

Is that the wife? Any more pics of her? Thought the guy can do better.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on whats happening with Eric in the last year?
He had some thing with the WWE, how did that go?

>that hgh gut
she is disgusting

have you ever seen a woman naked outside of porn?

dios mio....

He trains like a madman for 18 years with 1% genetics while consuming 4 liters of whole raw milk EVERY DAY and a dozen eggs almost every day CONSISTENTLY.
Lets say for the last 2 years he hasnt been eating meat, do you really think it matters or is of any importance?

even if i havnt in know for a fact that my lovely princesses are natty unlike that golem slut

Have I just been spending too much time on Jow Forums looking at roiders, or is 18 years for THAT, a little unimpressive?

Started reading this like a grug post t b h

Realistically if he is natty his physique probably would not have changed much in the last 10+ years.

pls tell me youre not vegan

jesus are they really that dumb?

Dude zercher deadlifts 500+ pounds for reps, wouldn't call that unimpressive, diminishing returns are real and they're a bitch.

That's funny because the other side of the spectrum, the NattyOrNot spergs, think it's impossible for him to be like that naturally and that he's a fake natty (like everyone is, for them)

He's definitely not unimpressive, I assume that by "THAT" you don't mean his lifts, but his physique. He said on a few interviews that he doesn't really care for size or aesthetics (as long as he's big) so that's probably the reason why he doesn't look that advanced, but if you think you can get his looks, naturally, on a short period of time time then yeah, roids have given you unrealistic expectations

He's definitely impressive compared to a DYEL, but 18 years man, that's probably well over half his life
I guess as the other user said, diminishing returns are real

He would mog every roidcel ever posted though just by not looking like s giant manlet

You only reach "diminishinig returns" if you actually keep training optimally for your entire training history.
Eric has been doing retarded heavy singles on retarded lifts that have little impact in the musculature so obviously he doesn't have a typical bodybuilder look.

If he did lateral raises, biceps, triceps everyday(kinda like he started doing recently) for years he would look even better.

yeah, I don't know why a Chad like him settled for her, she's nothing special desu

probably fugged and got her preggo so they stuck

She's had a kid, so...

Who is she, then?

She has shitty tit insertions.

rofl what a womanlet

You can drink milk as a vegetarian, retard.

Milk comes from an animal, idiot.

Vegetarians eat animal products you fucking retard, they don't eat meat.

You're confusing vegetarian and vegan. Vegetarians don't eat meat.

Vegetarian just means no meat they still eat animal products such as cheese milk or whatever else
You're confusing vegetarian and vegan

wow we really needed 3 posts saying the exact same thing. fucking brainlets

not even who you're replying to, don't fucking @ me

Kill yourself you retarded faggot.

>Vegetarian and vegan are the same thing
JFC, user. Get it together.

kys fuck face

literally only 1 or 2 guys posting ITT.

>There are 23 posters in this thread.