A quick question:
What is the right way to do the weighted sissy squat?
Is this the right way:
Or this:
A quick question:
What is the right way to do the weighted sissy squat?
Is this the right way:
Or this:
Why not just do a proper squat?
I am also doing a proper squat. Would you suggest I leave out the sissy squat and focus on the regular squat?
The only proper way to sissy squat is on my cock ;))))
not him but sissy squats seem like the most retarded and pointless exercise
This. Those seem like Obama-tier exercises
Use the smith machine
Hmm, so leave it out then? This guy says it's not that bad:
Most exercises have a place in some program at some point. If the regular back squat is still enough to drive progress than keep doing that. If it isn't then you might need to add something else. I can think of better things to do than this though.
OK. What do you think of my routine (pic related)?
Can it be improved?
read the sticky
>full body routine
I have in the past.
what do you mean?
What's your progression protocol?
Um, I don't know what you mean by progression protocol. The sticky doesn't mention anything like that.
do SS or SL
you're just starting out and there are programs already built for people just beginning that hold your hand every step of the way, don't try to re-invent the wheel when it's been done already
How are you increasing the weight by modulating volume, intensity and frequency?
Do a PPL or a brosplit. Full body routines are not very efficient
I appreciate your help, but I am not familiar with those abbreviations. What do you mean SS and SL?
I am just starting out, but I am not reinventing the wheel, because I am following one of Drew Baye's routines. He seems to know a lot about high intensity workout, I am currently watching his lecture:
3 sets and 10 reps for each excercise.
With the same weight every time?
Forgot to say, I increase the weight each week when I can push more than 10 repetitions from each exercise.
okay well this guy is a literal who
starting strength (SS)
stronglifts (SL)
do either, they are extremely similar and will generate similar results
SS was make by Mark Rippetoe who is a very well known strength coach and SL is basically a ripoff of SS but with slightly more volume
Why are you doing this guys routine? Genuine question
What is PL and brosplit? And why are full body routines not efficient? I am happy to believe you, but a little more info would help.
Most powerful method youtube.com
>Why are you doing this guys routine? Genuine question
Well, he has many other workouts as well. He has full body workouts, split workouts, etc. I have watched his videos and read his books and he seems to know what he is talking about.
I will take a look into SS and SL, that is helpful.
See this:
PPL = push pull legs
Brosplit - usually a 4 day split routine. Image is my PPL, see if it works for you
Alright, well that isn't exactly optimal but at least you're making some sort of progress. That's going to stall sooner or later because of your choice of exercises and rep range. My candid advice is to just do SS (or any of the myriad beginner routines that follow a similar protocol). Big barbell lifts done three times a week with more weight every time. If you really want to continue with your routine I would recommend dropping the big lifts (squat, bench, DL, OHP, row) to 3*5 (maybe 2*5 on the deadlift) and cutting back on the assistance work - if your OHP is increasing every time there's no need for lateral raises. I assume you're going 4 times a week a la 12x12xx. In that case focus on one upper body lift and one lower per day. For example:
Squat 3*5
OHP 3*5
Deadlift 2*5
Row 3*5
Squat 3*5
Bench 3*5
Deadlift 2*5
Row 3*5
Calves, forearms, arms, etc. can be done every day after your main lifts for sets of 8-10. Add in some accessories like incline bench on bench day, dips on OHP day etc. when the main lifts stalls assuming your recovery is on point (i.e. >3500 kcal per day with 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep). When the lower body lifts stall drop the deadlift volume or frequency substituting rack pulls or power cleans one day a week. Squats are usually enough to drive themselves for a long time so don't bother with accessories like sissy squats.
Very helpful. I have some questions, but this gives me a good start.
Torrent a copy of Starting Strength 3rd Edition and Practical Programming 2nd Edition then read them. It's about 600 pages all in all but will answer most of your questions. This is not the kind of information you can just distill into a Jow Forums post as my hideous attempt has hopefully demonstrated.