Mental/emotional fitness

hey Jow Forums, how’s it hangin

>log in to fb
>newsfeed today seems to entirely consist of relationship “memes” shared by single mothers and undesirable dudes
>log back out
>stare at ceiling while bumping lo-fi for five (5) hours

someday i’ll stop hurting

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a close friend of fine committed suicide a month ago

she really helped me with my depression i haven't done anything for a while now

Fuck off back to /r9k with these gaysexual threads

Sorry to hear about that, user. Start off with small tasks/responsibilities and work your way back up. She would not have wanted you to stall and burn out.

Mental/emotional fitness is fitness. Plenty of other thread for you to post in if you don’t like this one. Hope you’re doing well though

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I feel like im a disappoint to she always talked about how i was better than her(because u had goals) but honestly she was phenomenal artist and was pretty smart something the world needed not a dumb loser like me

The world lost a star user but she thought you have potential so burn brighter. Burn twice as bright for her. Be happy user
>cringey as fuck I know. Fight me

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Thanks user but here just look at some of the art she could make

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>still has normiebook

She deserved to live she was smart(real book smart) and talented and me im just a some dumb asshole

like my goals she thought i had were joining the army i tried explaining it to her that this was my because i had literally no other path in life

So, I can't connect to the world at all and I'm on a state of clinical depression for the past 15y. I've tried all anti-anxiety anti-depressant anti-whatever pills. Nada, no effect.
What is a good painless way to an hero without a gun (not American)?

>shitty anime meme
>using kikebook
>lo-fi shit
hang yourself you fucking pussy

I always thought succesful female suicide cases were extremely rare.

she planned it for months she took sleeping pills 10 minutes and drank sodium nitrite mixed with water and then went to bed

How do you know this?

she told me we were living in different cities so she would message me

lo-fi bumps retard.

>sodium nitrite
you mean the hot dog preservative?

>Made me chuckle
Buck up user. Be strong. Find a path and dedicate yourself to it

Don't give up user, a stranger from the internet still believes in you. I'd say that's a connection, even if it's a one-way street

i guess dont know much about it

haven't gone to the gym in a while everything reminds me of her

Start with a small goal or 2 for you to hit relatively soon. That should help kick in the motivation to continue. Not just with lifting but life in general. No one is going to hold your hand and save you. You have to save you
>we're all gonna make it brah

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i do lift at home its just that outside the world i feel nothing for it

Know why that is? Suppose it's good you're doing something

i got no one left i got no reason to live

i sometimes wish i could just go away from society maybe go away like to the woods

maybe save up enough money to buy some cheap land far away in the woods where i don't have to interact with people

I think this feeling is you expressing mourning for her. I'm sorry user but that isn't healthy to become a hermit.
Sounds cringey but honestly what do you think she would have wanted for you?

>only have 3 friends IRL
>over the years made a handful of friends online
>not just e-friendships, we've met in person, hung out in person, etc.
>as time passes, find social media is messing with me mentally and emotionally
>also feel as if friendships I've made are more one sided to my side
>find myself feeling as if some friends are just getting rude and disrespectful, others I feel have replaced me
>about a month ago it all becomes too much for me
>decide to just leave all accounts
>log in once to grab a link from one of my accounts
>see that only 2 people have asked about where I've gone
>they're 2 people I've barely spoken to, don't know too well
>everyone I considered friends has just carried on as if I was never around

Sorry for the blog post. I was upset for a few days, but now I'm just kind of mad/soon to be apathetic. Just thought I had met people who I thought were good friends. Guess not.

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Stop playing any and all video games.



Stop eating processed food.


I was there user. Now I'm a friendless loser but I'm trying to make new friends. No luck yet but I've chatted to a few people at the gym and at work so maybe one day I'll have a friend again

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stay strong user, i hope you feel better soon

no, unironically based desu

user, that's pretty heartwarming even for a short fleeting moment

not well tbqhf

>26 KHHV
>never broke out of DYEL due to lifting on-and-off for 5 years (this time i'm in it for real though)

Lost a lot of weight but all I have going good for me right now is my hair. I don't even really care about getting a gf I just want to fuck someone whose not below 3/10 or fat because virginity at this age is getting really boring but I have too much undeserved self-respect to cave in and get a prostitute to just I can get it off my chest because it's driving me fucking crazy.

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>clinically depressed pretty much all of my life
>finally decide to go into therapy
>fix diet
>start lifting
>start running
>start yoga
>take various classes just to learn something
>stop seeing myself as a piece of shit
>feel better

and then the twist!

>realize i have no friends
>everything i've done is make myself too busy to have time to feel bad
>want to travel and get a gf and experience the world
>no social support whatsoever, crippling loneliness whenever im not fully focusing on something

help me fit i need friends. mental gains is useless without social gains

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pls tell me how

>Stop eating processed food.
I get plenty of sunlight.

>Stop playing any and all video games

fuck that

she wanted to become successful and happy find someone marry

I told her that i wanted to die she would say that 'you're so strong you can bear it'

My ex of 5 years who I broke up with two years ago wants me to visit. I have been unable to form a meaningful connection with any women in the interim, have had a few several-month relationships. My life is pretty awesome right now otherwise and have been progressing well in the gym. I think I’m going to do it just so I can feel love and happiness again for a few days.

do you actually love her still though? how meaningful of a connection can you have after 2 years of no contact?

It hasn’t been two years of no contact. We hooked up a couple times that first year, hooked up twice the second year. We still talk every few weeks-months with varying frequency.