Inject 250mg of test

>inject 250mg of test
>take 0.25mg of adex
>feel even hornier and more aggressive than a 14 year old on nofap even after jacking it 3 times in a row
Lol at you gymcels doing nofap, cold showers, taking 50 different supplements and eating raw onions for a fraction of the same effect

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Other urls found in this thread:

No steroids please: I don't want my dick to atrophy.

But literally the opposite happens. Increased testosterone and blood cells mean your libido skyrockets and your dick is fuller from more blood. PCT properly or blast-and-cruise and you're a walking sex machine.

Roids are so goddamn tempting, once I have the cash to do it right with blood tests and everything I'll probably start /fraud/ing

>take drugs
>brag to everyone at how impressive it is that you do things beyond your normal limits at the detriment of your long term health
>doesn't realize that the only reason that getting fit and big is traditionally only impressive because of how difficult it is
This is literal nigger tier logic. Like that fucking nog whose brother got shot. So he takes his daily morning five lines of cokes and then storms the fucking courthouse hooting and barking like he's some shit

your testicles temporarily atrophy and your dick permanently grows
lol at this high inhib momscience cope still being spewed here
>muh drugs
>muh niggers
go complain about how leaving the basement is degenerate on your containment board


adex is 1$ ugl

test is 4$

pin is 0.25


It begins as a whisper, a promise, the lightest of breezes dances above the death cries of 300 naturals.

That breeze became a wind.

A wind my brothers sacrificed.

A wind of staying natty

A wind of not dying young

You will attack the natties, with your entire fitness industry.

There will be heart attacks and kidney failures. Yes...there will be.

Roiders gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses!

OP has sold himself to death itself.

1g of test i meant

don't wanna go sterile

don't wanna go bald

steroids don't make you permanently sterile
even when people's sperm counts have reduced to 0 from steroids they've regained fertility with hcg, hmg and clomid protocols

don't wanna get acne

is it possible your sperm quality degrades?

what if I'm already content with the sex I'm having

The oracles word stands as a warning.

You will go bald.

You will go sterile.

You will get acne.

You will get heart failure.

Your will get kidney failure.

You have sold yourself to death itself.

>just meds to feel superior
>"b-but i don't want any nasty sides"
>lol just take more meds to combat the sides, faggot

roidhead logic

>ever being content
>not wanting to constantly better every aspect of your life

It doesn't make any difference whether you use steroids or not, YOU WIL STAY BETA AND DYEL NO MATTER WHAT

behold your god

>You will go bald.
fina + keto shampoo
>You will go sterile.
Many pro's have childeren
>You will get acne.
accutane, control e2
>You will get heart failure.
genetics, diet, blood work, cardio supplements
>Your will get kidney failure.
genetics, diet, blood work, cardio supplements
>You have sold yourself to death itself.
Everyone dies

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Does it really get better than cumming inside her pussy?

Niggas on low does TRT get hit with shitty blood work, you think taking roider levels of test are going to be just fine?LMAO

Read this in the voice of the guy who lost his eye in 300

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a twink like jay alvarrez literally looks objectively better than this.
being a natural alpha > being a roided beta

literally shows that you have no idea about pharma and will probably wreck your body pretty bad while not even looking alpha. i mean, it WOULD be kinda justifiable if you would turn into an alpha.
btw i think hrt when you're older is a good idea desu



My bloods are perfect on 300mg test-e. Cholesterol/LDL, kidney, etc better than most people of my age that don't roid. Diet and cardio are most important

what was it again? o yeah.. BTFO

But i looked like this natural LMAO bigger and more shredded than you will ever be ON steroids.


But if i have no idea then how i can be better than you in every way possible? makes you think, right lmao

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No amount of steroids will fix your insecurity and plebbit mentality.

but are you happy?

>tfw 26nmol/L natural test level

enjoy your drugs dude

*28 oops

>muh drugs
>muh niggers
wow you really changed my mind there

>he thinks roids just magically give you muscle without effort

If anything it's harder to make the most of your roid cycle because you have to literally be in the gym every day and also eat shittons of clean food and fit in some cardio to not mess up your lipid profile

Do you actually think he would inject himself with bathtub chemicals and shitpost the same pictures all day, over and over again, on a mongolian cartoon forum , if he was ? Dude is obviously mental and using roids and lifting to cope with his shitty life. Doesn't matter if he admits it or not. I visit Jow Forums like every 3 or 4 days or something and keep seeing his cope reeking all over this place

>being proud of having body dysmorphia

>>he thinks roids just magically give you muscle without effort
they do

that's why there are a bunch of people promoting retarded-ass routine while doing steroids, anything works.

A study showed that taking steroids and sitting on your ass gives you twice as much muscle than natty lifting.

I am happy when a see a dyel cuck like you that i can MOGG on site. That face of despair and defeat when you see me that makes me more happy than everything else


sucks to be a fucking dyel ugly loser, damn

>but i only visit Jow Forums every 3 or 4 day
that makes me less of a loser guys that is the proof, LMAO!!!

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roider cope

that doesn't sound like a yes my friend

>I am happy when a see a dyel cuck like you that i can MOGG on site.
>sucks to be a fucking dyel ugly loser, damn
MOGGING dyels on the internet is what makes him happy. The absolate state of his life. Lmao.

only if you are a beginner.

jesus christ stop already, the cringe hurts

MEANING: Depends on the situation. You weren't that good in school, i suppose. lmao

In real life fucking dumbass can you read.

how can you see your face when you're behind your keyboard hiding from me. Way to go fucking mentally disabled retard

I never saw this form of coping before, it's EVOLVING

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Why can't you just be happy?

I see only that you have MOGGED your sanity into delusion. Nothing else. Sad existance desu

Who told you I am not happy? What is being happy. Elaborate. One day you can be unhappy and the next day you can be happy depending on many factors

Just go on with the cope, get me harder than the craziest fetish porn there is. In the meanwhile i stay bigger, better and stronger

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>What is being happy.

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For what purpose though? Are you actually competing in any sport? Then i understand. Or are you just taking it because you are insecure and cant get get decent gains or a gf or whatever naturally? Because if so you are beta af and roids probably wont fix ur problems

>$210 for a 15 week cycle

>takes roids
>masturbates 3 times a day
>cant get laid even with roids
>calls others gymcels

>boasting about injecting test and then masturbating
>doesn't have a gf to smash
Why are you even proud of yourself?

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roids were literally invented to grow muscle mass while you sit on your ass

thats not a joke, they were synthesized for cancer and aids patients who had muscle wastage due to their diseases

you utter brainlet

jesus you are an insecure sad man

>injecting the chemical jew
hope you guys dont do this

Mainly this. It's bad enough the rate it's receding. I don't want to give it any other reason to fall off

Testicles atrophy, not penis...

It's cheap asf. PCT 3vials of Test E and shipping cost roughly $285. Enough test left over to double dose the last 2 weeks or frontload the first 2, or even extend the cycle 2weeks. Blood work from privatemdlabs is $65 for the female hormone test which covers estrodial, free T, and some other shit. Why didn't I hop on sooner. Right now I'm leaning down to be at the right bf% for the cycle.

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Finasteride or dutasteride. Duh?
>I dun wan do dat eiter
Then kys

You remind me of when supermong would post here, and we'd all laugh at how insecure he was, and he'd reply a dozen times with these big long paragraphs, NAH BRUH I'M NOT INSECURE I'M JUST A BEAST YOU'RE SO JELLY HAHAAA.

You're so fucking pathetic, dude.

aggressiveness and unsatiable sexual desire is a sign of estrogen dominance, dummy

you have fucked up

Definitely hopping on once I’m stable in my career and a few years older

rip natty test

enjoy being /fraud/ you insecure faggot. you'll regret it the moment you finally get laid

Its called hcg dumb ass look it up you natty brainlet.

>taking more drugs to offset the side-effects of all the other drugs ad infinitum
Kek. This absolute level of COPE

Dude, you look good. No one can deny that. But your mentality and attitude are really sad. You could do so much more. Roiding obviously works for you. Why don't you try being supportive instead of trying to be just another shitposter. You come off as insecure, despertate for attention, and the fact that you come to this board to shitpost is just really depressing.

You have the potential to be helpful and be someone that others look up to or come to with advice. All you have to do is not being a douche.

Like I said, you look great man. I'm a fan of your pre-roid body personally, but you have got the gains that many dream of. Just try not being a faggot for a little bit, and I think you will realize a change in yourself too.

>apartment gym is nicely outfitted
>heavy dumbbells, can bench and squat
>I'm often the only one there except cardio bunnies who show up for 20 minutes at a time
>tfw nobody on a cycle I can ask about a source

Do I jet buy bitcoin's and get on the deepweb and hope for the best? I look way better after lifting and dieting but I want to leave humanity behind

You're still small and frail

I always laugh at natties who come up with incredibly contrived health reasonings because they won't just admit they're scared of needles/breaking the law

>Taking more meds is bad because naturalistic fallacy

Kys you twink

Lol at all These fags here
>muh cheating
All your heros take roids Arnie the Rock Mel Gibson
I always was the same talking about honesty and showing what you can do naturally fuck that shit you only live once and only have one time the chance to see your body roided up in your peak of youth

based Mast

Thats right, you only live once, so why would you fuck it up by destroying your organs for no benefit to yourself or your linage?

You're not a actor, you're not a pro athlete, you taking steroids is fucking stupid. You ave nothing to gain from taking steroids besides impressing other random men.

You are not bill gates why use a computer lol

>wanting to better yourself though drugs rather than discipline

Lol at the end of your life there will be no karma or judgement if you did things „the right way“ fuck that use everything you got to get an edge you are just weak nigga

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Is that a woman's dress or an oversized tanktop?

what are the chances of getting prescribed TRT at fresh 22 years old(in shape) with a test levels of 402 ng/ml TOTAL test and 10.90 pg/ml FREE test ?
I checked out and this puts me in the lower spectrum of testosterone levels, including 80 year old fucks.
I've had low test symptoms for the past 6 years

>I've had low test symptoms
Such as?

Lmao you one of these white fags only working out in shirts and baggy shorts to hide your moobs
Life is fun show what you got man

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Dude Just buy Test online and start pinning ffs

no motivation to do anything
always tired no matter what, and I eat pretty fucking well and include the meme test booster foods like broccoli, mushrooms(well those are more estrogen inhibitors), saturated fats, shit load veggies, maca, ashgwanda, supplemente vit d and zma.
I also sleep MINIMUM 8h per day

I also have foggyness in the brain, my libido is out of order, like I want to fuck my girl but when it comes the time I just feel tired

it sucks, I even had to get gyno surgery since I had it since my 17years, left chest had 10g of gyno taken out

Fin will kill your dick based on what I’ve heard here

How is it that you’ve been posting here for years and you’re still so insecure? Why do you even keep posting? You’re mentally ill. Lay off the steroids and get some therapy.

Nigga you look 5'9 185lbs, no one is impressed

I don't know how to run a proper TRT without fucking my fertility or having gyno again, just want to double my T levels so I can have proper levels instead of having my grandparent with the same levels as I, not interested in bodybuilding doses or whatever

idk mang there's alot to be said about taking the easy route to everything.
Not even saying that "judgement" or "karma" will rain down on you, but how are you supposed to grow as a person if you always take the easy way.
Using roids to "better yourself" is weak

Please I get to have a burst of endorphins everytime I walk past a mirror or shop window or reflective puddle

I can spend hours admiring my own magnificence

And what exactly do you have?

When you get bigger you either have to go longer or find a tailor

Yea keep hating whitey „I’m 200lbs I’m a real man „ get rid of your fat belly first.Man i dont do this Shit to better my self or for some kind of made up ethical bullshit. We all just pumping weights that’s it. I just wanna look juicy i dgaf about numbers weights and moral

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I almost want to cruise test just for the libido. Years of being alone have just ruined me to the point where I barely even want it besides once or twice a month.
Feels like I'm a 70 year old geriatric fuck.

How long have you been alone?

I haven't had a gf for 2 years after I cheated on my fiance like a cunt, but I still need to jerk off minimum once a day and want to fuck every girl I see with a hot ass.

I'm 30 btw

What age are you guys starting at?

Stupid faggot he doesn’t even need symptoms of low test. HE FUCKING HAS LOW TEST LOOK AT THE BLOOD TEST RESULTS

You went get gyno if you use an AI. You won’t become infertile unless you’re using during the male peak of puberty - 13 to 15 years old.

where can I learn how to properly run TRT then?
Something legit not some shady article written by some clueless amateur bodybuilder or something

26. Never had a real gf and have only had sex like three times. Combination of unrealistic standards relative to myself and being a recluse.
I'm sure my T levels are fine but I feel like I've conditioned myself to not want it.
My GP already thinks I'm on gear so idk if he'll even entertain the idea that I have no libido.

Literally type steroid forums into google and go to the TRT section of any of them. In reality, you’re probably going to just want to cycle or blast and cruise because you’re going to be on TRT for life anyways,

>roiding for this