Are you proud of your calluses Jow Forums?

Title says all

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I cut off my calluses and moisturise

I wear gloves because I don't whether a piece of cloth makes me not manly.

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haha this, we need to fight toxic masculinity every chance we got

Still don’t really have them. Been lifting for 2 years now...

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yes, soon ill be able to pick up red hot needle stacks and won't feel a thing.

i got them the first time I went to the gym


one of my friends back in the day said sluts used to lick his calluses and call them sexy.

Sure i guess. Theyre kind of annoying because they get ripped off while ik rock climbing and leave a soft patch

I got gloves a few days ago

Absolutely fucking amazing, not kidding when I say all my lifts went up from them. Particularly my pullups/chinups, literally doubled the amount I could do, but that may be more about my bar being thin/difficult to grip.

So fuck calluses.

Pretty noice tbqh

The thinner the bar the easier it is to hold onto you mong

I like my calluses, makes me not look like a fag

Never have them and never used gloves, everyone in the gym is confused about it. Any1 else never has that shit?

nothing to do calluses, I've observed that the thicker the bar the easier pull-ups become

do your parents know youre gay

imagine being this insecure about your own masculinity, you need to prove it in a 4chna thread, geez kek

>needing calluses to not look like a fag
Says a lot about the rest of your body


>used to get calluses
>watch video of rippletits explaining how to grip barbells and shit properly
>follow his advice
>literally never get calluses ever again

>Not having calluses so thick you can use them as pockets

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funnily enough, yeah

Fp alright p

Yes. I got all my callouses from hard work though, not from lifting.

Same, i believe i watched said rippletits video as well. I clean a lot too, low reps over 250lbs and i havent gotten them in years. I used to have compensating manlets make fun of my hand after hand shakes about them being soft and baby like... meanwhile im throwing around 2x their body weight

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Sorta but I usually forget they're there. I've gotten some funny reactions from handshakes though.

lmao you're an idiot show me how pullups to an axle bar would be easier than pullups to a normal bar

Calluses were only an issue when I was getting started. Only tore once. After a year of lifting, I don't think I can develop gnarly ones even if I tried and I'm very close to 1/2/3/4.

What's with you niggas and your calluses
4pl8 deadlift and I barely have any
What are you guys doing

oh man 4plate. tell us your secrets to godlike strength.