Wear height enhancing shoes. It took me from 5'10 to 6'1 and the extra respect I get from society, women, friends, family and work is astounding
Wear height enhancing shoes. It took me from 5'10 to 6'1 and the extra respect I get from society, women, friends...
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Good luck when you're trying to bang a chick in your massive shoes like some Robert Downey Jr. looking fuck
>implying height can save you if you have a weak jaw/baby face
Imagine believing these manlet threads and feeling the need to wear those things
When will they learn.
3" is a bit much, but yeah because everyone heightfrauds these days I have gotten 0.75" insoles, combined with boots it boosts me from 6'5" to just under 6'7"
Lol nice heels faggit
6ft 2, might have to get a pair of these
Good god, all these shoes are so fucking goofy-looking.
i'm 5'11 manlet but i'd never fucking wear these
imagine taking a girl home and seeing her face when you take these clown shoes off, holy fuck
These are bad for your heels user, it's the same shit they say about how heels on women are bad, shortens your tendons or something.
I knew a guy who wore these at my last job. He was an absolute loser. Don't do it OP.
Why would you take them off?
It's not the reasons people wear these that disgust me but more so the type of mindset a person has that feels the need to wear them
There are actual midgets out there and a quadriplegic motivational speaker that have hot girlfriends because they aren't autismo
lucky for you those in soles took you barely above the Manley cutoff
This. You fucks are pathetic.
>mfw 6'4 and wear 2" lifts
>mfw I then claim 6'2 when a 5'10 manlet claims 6'0
>take girl back to your place
>take off shoes
>become noticably shorter
>lose your confidence
>can't get a boner
>she storms out and tells all her friends about how you wear high heels
Nice job OP.
>not being 7ft
Should probably just quit now little man
I'm 5'5"
How can I get diagnosed so I can get free orthopedic shoes?
Attraction is built in the first 5 seconds you have to say/do sometimy dumb to ruin it. If that extra 1.5 inch gets you more girls who cares what some lanklets think. Just never wear them again after the night you met.
Also if you are trying to be a politician you should always wear these with maximum heel fashion allows.
> girl will notice height loss in the dark room with her on the bed.
She would notice in the morning and ask because most roasties are rude because they can get away with it. All you say is "idk what you're talking about".
I'm 6'3
Should I get some?
Even as a manlet I won't sink this low
>Even as a manlet I won't sink this low
I'm 5'6 and I already have. UMADBRA.