Why does Jow Forums hate on fat people like boogie that are actually trying to better themselves?

Why does Jow Forums hate on fat people like boogie that are actually trying to better themselves?

Whatever, it doesn't matter. Hate all you want, boogie is ignoring all of you pathetic losers anyway.

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Because people on fit are insecure. It's not enough that they're improving themselves and doing better, someone has to be worse.

Boogie, even with an medical procedure, has seen the error of his ways and he is trying to improve. That deems respect.
It's easy when you have good habits from childhood and just improve them. It's way harder to leave bad habits behind, or worse, addictions.

>people like boogie that are actually trying to better themselves?

this is bait right?

he's 400lbs despite stomach surgery

We hate on boogie because he’s been “trying” for years. He’d “start” dieting and do a weight in 4 months later and will have lost only 5 lbs. At his enormous size that’s a fluctuation in water weight. He shows he didn’t actually do anything. All he had to do was STOP FUCKING EATING and he couldn’t do it. At his weight he had to be eating 4000 calories a day minimum just to stay at equilibrium. A tiny change like eating one less bag of Doritos in the evening would have started him losing weight. But no, the only time he started seeing results was when he got a stomach band, something that physically stopped him from eating because he’s too fucking weak-willed to just put the fork down.

Fuck this blob.

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Boogie will lose weight soon enough. When they take a leg from his bloated diabetic corpse.

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Who cares if he got surgery. At least he's doing something to correct the problem.

He didn’t actually change his ways. On the off-chance he actually gets to a healthy weight he’s going to yo-yo right back

>i shouldnt hate on a child rapist for not raping as much as he did

Boogie, quit posting these threads

I don't like Boogie because he had a wife and millions of fans plus he is rich yet he still couldn't stop stuffing his face with over 4000 calories a day. I can't imagine having that kind of support system and still being a fat slob, he never tried to change and I have no respect for him.

>It's easy when you have good habits from childhood and just improve them. It's way harder to leave bad habits behind, or worse, addictions.
This so much. I always try to be understanding of obese people because my mind is not in the same place as them. I've been growing up in a healthy family where we eat properly nutritious food and basically skip the whole snacks, soda, and junk food thing entirely. It's super easy for me to eat healthily, it's a habit that I grew up with. But for some people, food is a crazy addiction, more addictive than cocaine in fact according to new studies. It's easy to judge people without any idea of where they are coming from, and it's clear that Boogie had a very hard childhood that he coped with by eating. Food has become a huge crutch for him and it must be utterly terrifying to let that crutch go. I just hope he get's to a normal weight and notice how much easier and happier his life will become. Mental health is deeply connected to how you treat your body. A lot of depression and misery could be averted if people ate more balanced and did some outdoor cardio training a couple of times a week.

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Anyone who goes for bariatric is weak.

And that's the problem with surgery. Unless you get these fuckers in counseling or do CBT or something to rewire their fuckedupness, they'll never change. My mother in law was like 4 bills, had the surgery, and games it by eating and drinking like a dozen meals a day instead of three. She's 60 now, and probably 375, 20 years later.
> Large iced extra extra extra extra light with cream and 13 sweet and Los.
> That's her Dunkin Donuts order.

>Why does Jow Forums hate on fat people
Because they raise my taxes and are an eyesore

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we need to ban boogie posting

boogie just gtfo, besides yourself and a bunch of fatass coping cunts that make these threads literally no one cares about your bloated nasty ass. FUCKING LEAVE YOU FAT CUNT

The reason most aren’t a fan of him is because they see his weight loss surgery as cheating. He didn’t have the discipline to stop on his own so he got surgery to do it for him. The issu that I have is that this is like giving an alcoholic Antabuse that slowly wears off. Yeah, he’s going to not drink while it’s in his system because it makes him violently ill, but once it wears off he’s going to be right back at the bottle. As with the alcoholic, boogies problem is his addiction to food. Weight loss surgery is treating the symptom, not the cause. Unless he starts working on his mental addiction, he’s going to eat himself back up to 600lbs onc his stomach has healed and enlarged itself. The man needs to go to overeaters anonymous and stop blaming his mental problems for his addiction.

Fuck off boogie

>surgery because lack of willpower
>actually bettering yourself
pick one and only one

>m-muh wife is divorcing meeeeeeee

He physically can't eat enough to gain all the weight back. His stomach is the size of an egg. Face it, boogie has a really good chance of making it.


Damn Booger, replying to yourself 3 times? It's like you're trying to be as pathetic as possible.


I Love Boogie Hate Threads

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who is this

As an ex heroin junky i understand addiction and i can see how food is addicting too butt there has to be a point where you realize this cannot continue. So many morbidly obese seem to not even try and control themselves.

>boogie is ignoring all of you pathetic losers anyway.

boogie fans are really this dumb
making a twitter paragraph about them isn't ignoring them. It is pretending to ignore them while showing that he is clearly but hurt about it.


I'm pretty sure stomachs can grow in size, if he doesn't address his issues the next time something hits him he's going to bounce right back to where he started.

True alphas don't bring others down that are trying to better themselves.


Jow Forums will never understand that though. They'll continue to harass boogie for no reason


It's simply because he HAS a wife AND millions of fans. So he starts thinking he is better than he actually is. If people tune in every video to watch boogie be boogie then people must like him right? Because the youtube comments filter only the good ones it is only possible for him to get positive feedback from his fans.

Its just a bit of fun. I dont mind the lad anymore than i do other fat people. I think its a poor lifestyle choice but to each their own.

I hope he dies soon.

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because this fat fuck gives 0 shits about actually getting in shape, he wouldn't eat all kinds of shit if he wanted to change. His mentality is shit, he thrives off the negative attention like a parasite and if he had it in him he could have done it already, hell even a 2 month water fast would set him straight. He's a waste of space weak willed sack of shit who would sooner get meme fat loss surgeries than do a water fast.

boogie is a milktoasty jelly spined nice guy .
but i hope he loses the weight and is happy


Tfw everything boils down to mental health and the mindset-worldview you develop in your early years
Tfw you realize how little we are actually in control of our lives
Tfw you forgive everything and love everyone, not an ounce of hate left inside you
Tfw enlightenment

Nobody here really cares that much. However the way he talks about losing weight and talks as if he's martyring himself, and nobody could possibly understand how hard it is, is pretty annoying though

I chuckled.

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Because all he had to do was not eat shit food. All he had to do was change out chips with broccoli, or exchange french fries for green beans, and he would have been fine. Instead of a burger, he could have had a grilled chicken breast. Instead of pasta, he could have had brown rice.

He could have still eaten like a pig, but all he had to do was not eat shit food. I understand addiction. I understand not getting help even though you desperately need it. But all this mother fucker has to do is not eat fried sushi and he would lose so much more.

Addictions are difficult, and it takes longer and more to heal mentally than it usually does physically. I understand that. Food is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome because you have to eat. You can't just cut it out of your life entirely, you have to be around it. I also understand that losing a massive amount of weight in a short amount of time causes more problems than just loose skin. It's a lifestyle change, not an overall fix. It takes time.

But all he had to do was change what he ate, not how much he ate, and it would have been a start.

If you can do something about yourself to make yourself better, and you don't, I just don't understand it.

>It's way harder to leave bad habits behind, or worse, addictions.
And yet I managed through having this amazing thing called willpower. Were boogie not such a spineless chump he could've done it too. It would've taken years and been painful, but he could've fixed himself by himself and been able to say in the end that he truly did it. Instead you've got this repugnant attention whoring faggot crooning on and on about the progress he never earned and trying to pass out motivation and advice as if he's actually been through a struggle that doesn't involve standing up unassisted or trying to wipe his own ass. Worse still he does it and then has the audacity to tweet about it whenever he does it so people can suck his dick online.

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>p-pls stop bulling me

These pretty much. Stop making these shitty threads, idgaf if this fat piece of shit is going to make it or not.

He wants people to pay for his mistakes and take him out rather than get educated and use his own resources.
He's been a successful YouTubers before the ad poc so fuck him and his socialism.

Notice he doesn't get mad at the level of corporatism in our food or Healthcare, but why he can't get shit for free.
He is so fat I don't think he is low iq, but the people who eveb know his fucjing name are low iq and the levels just sink the more you know or watch his videos.

Remember he got famous for fake rage and using his fastness as a gimmick fuck him.

Serious question: what is Boogie famous for? All the tweets I've ever seen of his are about something he just ate or a feeling he just had

True alphas use inner strength, not a stomach band

there's a thing you can do if you see a thread of low quality that does not interest you
pass it by
do not enter the thread

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>acts high and mighty about ignoring bullies
>constantly responding to shitposters, goes so far as to post his tripcode on twitter to prove his identity

He's fucking 40-something. If he did it right, he'd be dead before he was finished. It's not about some ego boost of being able to say he did it, it's about squeezing as much time out of his short life as he still can while he has the chance.

>implying boogie has ever visited Jow Forums

If that's the idea why doesn't he just keep eating and at least enjoy himself until he dies. The surgery just means he's going to spend the final days of his life unable to indulge in the one thing that brought him joy. How sad.

Because he wasn't enjoying himself, would you enjoy being unable to get out of bed or take a shit without help? The only reason he ate himself to that point to begin with is because it's just a coping mechanism for some serious mental fuckery, it wasn't to bring him joy.
He's buying himself a few extra years, and ensuring all the years he would have had anyway can at least be enjoyed with some level of human functionality like being able to walk.

If eating yourself into that state is your idea of fucking fun then you're never gonna make it.

You sound miserable, Boogie.

The absolute state of the world right now. I want to kill weak little faggots like you god damn badly.

there were literal threads on Jow Forums cheering boogie on i think everyone here is pro boogie

Only would i say ''Wow i actually respect and admire boogie'' when he actually reaches his goal and gets thin...or atleast not hippo tier fatass

how much would boogie even have to eat now just to maintain his current weight

>le internet warrior

I do it because I know they'll revert as soon as someone brings donuts into work. Do you know how many fat women I've spent hours making plans for and changed my schedule to work out with to ensure they succeeded, only to have them dump me for their equally fat friend who found a lemon water diet cleanse on Facebook? Only one because I'm not stupid enough to do it twice.

Back to Jow Forums you go with your little buttbrothers m8

Uhh, by making this statement he's not ignoring them.


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