Is there anything more to squatting than keeping your back straight and going down far enough...

Is there anything more to squatting than keeping your back straight and going down far enough? How do i position my feet?

Attached: 1511695859438.jpg (900x1200, 107K)

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post more of her and I'll reveal the secrets of squats

Attached: 1509796449465.png (700x933, 945K)

nice, looks a bit fake tho

i got a webm too

Attached: 1509795678666.png (1125x1500, 1.74M)

please post before you get bent

they are fake bro but do you really care

Attached: 1509796632829.jpg (682x910, 142K)

Post webm fast op

Also gotta have hip drive unironically, and remember that butt and chest should start going up at the same time and same speed

it aint that good bro

Attached: 1509794629134.webm (800x450, 1.84M)

Give us a name, OP. For the test boost.

not OP, op is a faggot
i am the porn baron

>tfw no big tiddy android gf
Oil truck arrived

Attached: EC2D1D43-98A1-47A1-AF83-E3E91608A187-15593-00001D78A61F4D05.jpg (1096x735, 266K)

fucking hell she's perfect

the secret to squats in the long term is to continually work on your mobility, test different stances, feet position, position of the bar on your back, the best is up to preference but also up to what's mechanically advantageous for your based on your build.

>tfw day 22 no fap

god i'll have to lift this boner away. Tell me a name senpai, i feel like i'll break all my PRs today

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don't bro im sorry im tripping you up

who is this semen demon


Attached: mcmahon.jpg (480x270, 58K)

why does god allow me to see things like this without being able to have it

it's a fake latex chest that she wears but her actual tits are nice too.

Apparently her cosplay name is Shinuki, she deleted all social media, stopped cosplaying and started taking anti depressants cause people were getting off to her normal irl pics(?) and found her adress and name or somenthing

>why are people getting of to my naked sexy pics reeeee
i'll never understand women

Attached: 1497544383400.gif (316x213, 1.9M)

>those tits
>that face
>that body and pale skin
>puffy bagina

why does god do this to me

Attached: 1507826230086.jpg (180x126, 7K)

You forgot how to Satan, Satan. Who cares if they're fake, those are my type of fake tits.

Attached: 0bbd471a3f1a4e9ab0208675dd265779.png (1125x1500, 2.53M)

If they post naked pics/videos online they already have shitton of mental problems, so there's no point in trying to understand them.

Those are fake rubber tits, fake eyes (colored contacts), and fake hair. And women want a "real" man.

Attached: 1522038581000.jpg (590x350, 33K)

So getting doxxed is something to be happy about? I think I can understand not wanting people to see your irl pictures.

This. Her tits look off and not in bolt-on way.
She put herself out there, what did she expect?

>implying she wants a man
She wants men's money. Girls don't dress like that when they're looking for a man. That's probably why she wanted her cosplay life and private life separate. So when they want to find a "real" man, they wouldn't connect the two.

>getting doxxed

nigga she invited people to join her and friends on trips to cosplay events so she "could get to know her fans". Everyone knew her name

My knees hurt when too wide'a stance. Got to keep them nice and narrow

Unless she put her private info on public display then she wasn't asking for it, even if she did a crappy job hiding it. The fakeness of it all shows that she at least tried to hide her real face.

Hmmm. I stand corrected.

where are her real pics then


>The fakeness of it all shows that she at least tried to hide her real face.
She wasn't hiding her real face, she was dolling herself up to get attention. And she got it, too.

same can be said about traps

Same can be said about Jow Forums.

Enjoy boys