Don't eat meat today

Don't eat meat today.

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okay jesus, based fish fry for dinner

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Just make a meat shake, fluids don't break the fast.

I haven't had meat in 7 years.

>this is considered "fasting" to Amerilards.

>has a calorie

I think even Jesus would want you to eat meat today

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Shakes count as meals senpai

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Im Jewish ill do whatever i damn well please, and youll pay for it

That's a Catholic only tradition right?


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fish is meat

Based jew

Catholic means universal

>praying to mary

It's next week for us Orthodox, we're supposed to fast 40 days up to easter but most people just fast through the Holy Week.

>not understanding intercession

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>christ isnt enough

>fish isn't meat
Please, stop this retardation.

I'm gonna cut anyway for summer, but I haven't hit my targets yet. Gotta eat big to get big. In fact, eating big is actually harder for me than cutting, so really, I feel like I'm making myself uncomfortable so it's pretty much like fasting in that sense anyway.

All this fasting bullshit is for people whose only happiness in their life comes from stuffing their putrid faces 24/7. I feel nothing but disgust towards people like this. It's always people who are 50 kg overweight who talk shit to me about eating meat during these fridays. Talk to me when your BMI isn't obese. Obviously not meant towards you, random Jow Forumsanon because chances are you're healthy, but fuck it's irritating.

This is the problem I have with the Catholic religion. It's like Idolatry of the saints, praying to Mary, or whoever else.

Oh I understand it allright, it's just fucking stupid nonetheless.

>When will protties and orthos learn?

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>Thinking we pray "to" Mary
How do you cope being this dumb?

Rate my dinner Jesus.

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Want to explain it for me?

Today I ate fish soup in the name of God

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>the teachings of the new testament and 2000 years of sacred tradition is stupid

Protestants are without a doubt the dumbest of all major religious groups

Because Catholics are the most pagan religion out of all, but they literally think that just because they having a clear succession to the first pope makes literally everything they practice and believe in godly.
>"oh you eat meat on Good Friday? You heretic scum, you are the reason for all moral decay we experience today"
>"No, me eating fish is perfectly okay. Fish isn't meat. Also, I'm only stuffing my face to the brim till I literally have to puke only once today, so clearly, I'm fasting"
Jesus christ, could a religion be possibly more based on hipocrisy and self-rightousness?

Pathetic christcucks pls go, make way for the chad of religions

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is tuna meat?

Realistically, taking one week off won't affect you that much but if you don't want to do it, you don't want to do it.
Nosy people are extra annoying when it's the time of the year that they remember they are religious.

Fish doesn't count as a meat today.

Right, and I hope your clothes are either 100% polyesther or 100% cotton and not a mix of the two, because that is clearly forbidden in Deuteronomy. But I guess me quoting THAT part of the Bible is ignorant of me, I should only quote THOSE parts that align with how catholics currently practice their faith, right?

Look, protestantism needn't have happened if catholicism wouldn't have become the most corrupt, power-mongering, and outright evil institution of the given times. They overstepped their boundaries vastly. If anything, catholics should be thankful towards their protestant brethren that they ushered them back towards their original "pure" state.

absolute witchcraft

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Who else is doing all you can eat sushi today..for the lord of course.

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We ask the saints and Mary to pray for us. We don't pray to them. We just ask them because they are closer to Jesus than us.

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>if you don't want to do it, you don't want to do it.
>Nosy people are extra annoying when it's the time of the year that they remember they are religious.
You. I like you. I wish more people were religious in the way you are.

>yfw catholics are literally outsourcing their prayers

>Mary, please do the needful

>he thinks we're still bound to mosaic law

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>SS of religions

>Don't eat today.

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I don't eat meat any day, tho.

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The old testament is the old covenant with God
Christ established the new covenant with God

>But I guess me quoting THAT part of the Bible is ignorant of me
Literally yes.

and with ur spirit

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But I don't practice /believe in religion.

>roiding for this

Just eat meat and get the same results.

Sorry Jesus. Im full blown faggot so I eat meat every day.

Christcucks BTFO

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Why not NOT eat meat for the same results, then? I'm vegetarian out of convenience and health benefits more than ethics, so if I can get a body like that with improved cardiovascular health and a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease, why wouldn't I?

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We can tell

>vegetarian for health benefits

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No, it's a vegetable that just happens to have eyeballs, blood, organs, bones and a brain. ...


However, in the new testament, it is pretty clear that it serves nothing more than obedience and enslavements to the powers that be.
>Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear
>Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable.
>Don't be rich because you'll never get into heaven (paraphrasing)

It's only goal is to keep the pleb subservient. Not saying it's BAD for doing that, don't get me wrong, it's pretty fucking brilliant as a system. It's just that I personally don't want to enslave people "for their own good", I'd rather live my life following moral principles - and if someone is an evil overlord, I'll call them out on it, and not advise their subjects to keep silent and continue being miserable albeit good slaves.
Because, you know, I think that's an evil thing to do.

>rejecting order, hierarchy, and all things in accordance with Logos


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>However, in the new testament, it is pretty clear that it serves nothing more than obedience and enslavements to the powers that be.
Half of the New Testament is written by St Paul, and consists of letters that give insight into early Christian thought. The passage you're referring to is Ephesians 6:5. Ephesians 6:9 is an injunction to masters to treat their slaves well, so it's not like its just one-sided

2000 years ago during the Roman Empire where you do have slaves, Ephesians 6 is actually highly moral and progressive advice. You have to bear in mind the brutality of the times, this is when gladiatorial combat was still used to entertain people. Same applies to the old testament, at the time it was written people were living in tribes in bronze-age Palestine, and that's a rough fucking world to live in, so the advice contained in the old testament is actually quite useful and practical.

What Christ did was replace the tribal morality of the old testament with an individualist morality fit for a more advanced civilization. The message of Christ is to live the best and most virtuous life you can, and voluntarily accept responsibility and the unfair suffering of existence, and accept responsibility for it. Christ demonstrates this by taking the sins of all mankind on himself and then accepting the cross. Through acceptance of responsibility and suffering you will transcend suffering and become transformed, as demonstrated by the resurrection.

This is a timeless message and applies to all aspects of one's personal life, regardless of what era of history you find yourself in.

>I'd rather live my life following moral principles
Yeah cool, where do you think moral principals come from? The things you take for granted as moral principals are because you've grown up immersed in western Christian civilization and culture.

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I ate eggs today, did I sin?

Based Christposter

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It’s seder my dude

>Don't be rich because you'll never get into heaven (paraphrasing)
God isn't against you for being rich. He's against the love of money and pursuing it

Not that user you're replying to
Of course the Bible is a reflection of the time it was written in but I hope you're not suggesting morality can only be derived from a god or the Bible. You can't just pick and choose what verses sound pretty

Wait help me pls cause I don't understand. Wouldn't pursuing money apply to everyone who works? If not then who is it about?

Do eggs look like meat to you?

I gave up red meat for lent anyways.

Haven't eaten any meat this week at all.

Looking forward to that steak Monday.

Deus vult famalam

I didn't. Had a good friday (hah.)

Its ok jesus. I didn't.

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U first

Tell me about Yeshua why does he wear the crown of thorns?

Shhh don't think about it, just beliiieeeve

Dont show more love/caring for money or chances at attaining money than you do for people

>jesusposter rolls trips
>it’s the numerals of heaven

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If I bear his cross for him, will he die?

He's a big Jew

Thai-style microwave lentil pilaf thing from the freezer section of the supermarket. Peace be upon you.

It will be extremely sinful

>being this much of a fedora tipping brainlet

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Pursuing money for the benefit of your friends, family and community: good.

Pursuing money for your own benefit: bad.

Money is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used or abused.


As a staunch protestant, I go out my way to eat juicy steaks on Fridays.

Well, at least you’re not cooking them well-done.

reminder that rabbit is considered fish by the catholic church

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Thanks for the deep and well thought out answer, I really appreciate it. I actually know that individualism was paved essentially by Jesus/christians, but still, when I bring this up I am branded by catholics (mostly) as the filthy, egoistic objectivist bastard who only cares about himself and money, because they (well, many of them) think that Jesus' sacrifice is precisely a "collectivist move", and it is something that current people should strive for (i.e. strive for sacrificing yourself for the collective, a la collevticist morality). Almost every christian I ever spoke to agreed to this, though I should add that these were European, and those that didn't were some hard-core American ppl - I suspect this is because Americans, in general, are more individualistic than Europeans (even American catholics).


Catholic social teaching is more of a 3rd way, you can see this in the CCC especially when it comes to economics. The Church finds capitalism and socialism equally repugnant.

your faggot priests manipulated my dumbass parents to mutilate my dick. I'll eat what I want, hippy.

that's amerimutt religion, not christianity


>where do you think moral principals come from?
I know you kinda answered the question you just stated, but in case it wasn't just a rhetoric answer, I do think morality can be "attacked" from a secular perspective. The quick rundown is as follow:

If you think of morality as a system of rules that tells you how people ought to behave with eachother (which is pretty much its definition), it is clear that any reasonable morality should allow everyone adhering to it to be morally good at the same time. In other words, at least theoretically, the word COULD exist in a state where everyone is NOT doing evil. (I mean, you can argue with this point, but I do think that a moral system that claims that it cannot bring a world where everyone adheres to that moral code simultatiously is a moral system at all, but if it is, it's definitely not a good one.) Therefore, a moral system, and a moral principle specifically, has to be something that everyone can adhere to at the same time. This is essentially Kant's idea of the universalizability principle.

Certain preferences are universal (the root of this can be quite clearly seen in evolution). An example would be the fact that living organisms cling on to life desperately - we really, really do NOT want to die. E.g. it is very much universally preferable to live, or in other words, to not die. So clearly, some universally prefarable behaviours exist, and such, "do not initiate the use of force", or more commonly known as the non-agression principle, adheres to all what I've said above perfectly. Everyone could adhere to it simultaneously without violating anyone else.

I mean it brings up a lot of other issues and I can't give you a complete picture in 2000 chars, but maybe it shows you the rough outlines of it.

Well great, what's their proposition then? "Everything is bad but we don't have a solution" is a pretty shitty sales pitch. If you can link the CCC's parts about economics I would be very thankful though

Allah Akbar

>fish is meat
American education.

Any system in which social relationships are determined entirely by economic factors is contrary to the nature of the human person and his acts.203

2424 A theory that makes profit the exclusive norm and ultimate end of economic activity is morally unacceptable. The disordered desire for money cannot but produce perverse effects. It is one of the causes of the many conflicts which disturb the social order.204

A system that "subordinates the basic rights of individuals and of groups to the collective organization of production" is contrary to human dignity.205 Every practice that reduces persons to nothing more than a means of profit enslaves man, leads to idolizing money, and contributes to the spread of atheism. "You cannot serve God and mammon."206

2425 The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with "communism" or "socialism." She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of "capitalism," individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor.207 Regulating the economy solely by centralized planning perverts the basis of social bonds; regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for "there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market."208 Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended.

Based Christbro

The Pope said there’s no hell. We can sin all we want.

>regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for "there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market."
Name 1 human need that cannot be satisfied by the market. And keep in mind that the church IS an actor in the market.

>Reasonable regulation
There is no such thing. 99% of the regulations is absolutely useless or worse, utterly retarded and/or evil.

Fish isn't meat, and neither are beavers.

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