300 pound fat guy checking in (well, 290 now). Im just about finished March. I biked and ate 2000 kcal all month...

300 pound fat guy checking in (well, 290 now). Im just about finished March. I biked and ate 2000 kcal all month. But my friends, I'm telling you, it's not been easy for me. Should I just go get a couple papa johns pizzas, some snickers ice cream bars, and coa cola to celebrate my accomplishments thus far?

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Have a cheat meal once a week man, but you better fucking deserve it. By that I mean, your statement on the amount of activity you put in during the week better be true.

I normally will eat an entire digiorno pizza in one sitting every week or two for reference

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Depends on what toppings.

>ate 2000 calories all month
You're lying, or woefully miscalculating your intake.
Fix that now, fat dumb shit.

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>posts a picture of brainlets
>is a brainlet
Not him but how fat a person is now tells you nothing about how good he's been about dieting for the past month. You need at least two data points to make that assessment. And we do have that: 300 to 290. That's a rate of 10lbs a month, but probably more like 6lbs a month if you account for initial water loss. Either way it works out to over 1lb a week, which is perfectly well consistent with a landwhale consuming 2000cals a day.

>cheating on the lords birthday

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>well, 290 now
Congratulations on losing some water weight. Now the real challenge begins.

>A COUPLE papa johns pizzas, SOME snickers ice cream bars, AND coa cola to celebrate my accomplishments thus far?
Change "a couple" to "one," "some" you "one," and "and" to "or," and you've got yourself a workable cheat day. You need to learn to exercise moderation. All fatties need it, but fatties who try to diet without it are especially at risk because you've got TWO ways you could go downhill if you don't learn it. You're much more likely to keep getting fatter, granted, but atypical anorexia IS officially a real thing.

I struggle to find the time to eat 2000 calories per day. Do you people literally eat from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep?

I HATE when we go see a friend or vacation or someone has a birthday. Even when I'm bulking, diet is important, you inept fucks.

Once a week cheat meal for someone that fat is probably several thousand calories and would nuke any caloric deficit that was created the rest of the week.

Go keto

water fasting is easier than this shit and way faster

Should a heroine addict celebrate 1 month clean by shooting up?

I would avoid junk shit like that for as long as possible OP. Why stall your progress? That shit food isn't going to satisfy you like real progress will.

>calls someone a brainlet
>proceeds to demonstrate what a brainlet actually is
You realize at this persons size, that even a 15lb loss would be considered a low amount to lose, right?
Do you actually know anything about nutrition?
There is absolutely NO WAY this guy is eating 2000 calories/day, and only losing 10lbs per month.
You have no idea what you are talking about, and should feel ashamed someone like me had to waste their time on you.

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my BMR is only 3000 sadly

just stop eating. at all.

Learn the difference.

No. Change your caloric intake permanently. You can eat pizza, but only one and you can't have soda unless you restrict total calories. Soda contains sugar, sugar makes you hungry and eat too much.

Yes. You’ve earned it.

Eat a pizza every now and then but avoid sugar like the plague