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Let's fix this now


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god i love busted chicks with big knockers

My mom tells me that I'm handsome


>Made it
No denying it
Seriously parental approval only matters if your dad is the distant type and he tells you he's proud of you

>Never known that feel

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>family day
>over 50 people cramped up at my gramps house
>been lifting for a while now and got some mires from people
>chill with dad and some uncles in a different room when my dad starts bragging about my physique
>tells me to take off my shirt and show them my body
>thought he was making a joke at first, but he asked me again
>feel weird and take off my shirt
>uncles are all miring and telling me to flex muscles
>dad then tells me to show them my legs even though i was wearing jeans
>quickly put my shirt back on and say i need to go to the toilet
>spend rest of day with my autistic nephew
Felt violated desu.

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this. idk why i love a busted face but with huge boobs

>be me
>sat on bus cos I'm a poor fag
>decide to read and get cosy cos I'll be sat down for over an hour
>put my hand behind my head and rest my arm on the back of the seat. Read book with left hand
>making sum good brain gainz
>bus stops just as the sun hits my eyes
>look up as a reaction
>see 8/10 qt3.14
>she looks right at me. Like right into my eyes
>eyes dart back to the book
>the white page just reflects the sun into my eyes and I have to look up again
>she has sat down 1 sear in front on the opposite side and has turned back to look at me
>heart is fucking racing.png
>remember what Jow Forums told me
>smile at her
>she just looks for a second (felt like ages) and smiles nicely back
>heart nearly exploded out of my chest
Realise later my bicep would have looked pretty flexed because my hand was behind my head.
Not sure if a mire but I held my spaghetti in

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>be me
>be a bit of a bully growing up
>especially mean to my younger sister for years even into her later teens
>feel kinda bad for doing it as I get older and rectify it trying to be a better brother
>fast forward 6 years
>I'm visiting for my mother's birthday and she's there with her boyfriend
>he was a friend in High school so we're talking on the couch while everybody else is by the dining room
>AFV is on the t.v. and we watch it for a bit
>a video comes on about a wedding and the bride accidentally says someone else's name instead of her husband's during the ceremony
>laugh and say "I hope that was just a family members name that slipped out and not her ex or something"
>he starts laughing and says "You know your sister actually said you're name accidentally when we were in bed once:
>"yeah we were trying out some new things and she ended up yelling your name by mistake lol she was so imbarresed afterwards. Something you're not telling me"? He says laughing
>laugh it off
Suddenly I'm very aware of how touchy she was after I was trying to be nicer (hugging me a lot and kissing me on the cheek when I did something for her etc). Think "new things" was probably him being rough or something. Kinda in the back of my mind now that my sister might have an attraction to me formed from the abuse I put her through.
I'm over thinking this right? This has kinda been fucking with me for a while.

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Probably because you feel you have a chance with them

She is not that ugly, a solid 6/10

Dont fuck your sister user you crazy cunt

you have low standards
thats a solid 4/10

thats like how the ancient greeks used to mire each other user you should feel proud

Fuck your sister user you crazy cunt

She doesn't want to fuck you retard. If they were being rough in the bedroom she just has association because you were rough with her for most of her life.
I swear to God the fucking retards on this Peruvian knitting forum

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>lifting for about half a year, lost 24 kg
>mom tells me I look good
>dad is protective of my eating choices which may seem autistic to normies
>tells me it's obvious I know my shit and is proud of me
>friends are all impressed and happy, some even jealous
>girls I knew are shocked at how I look now (still dyel but way better looking)
>for the first time in my life girls actually pay attention to me
>feel happy with my life when I look in the mirror now

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>soys actually believe this

Dubs wins it

Do and don't fuck your sister user you crazy cunt

Good job brah, keep it up

Not fucking a relative means you're beta
>The absolute state of Jow Forums

No user it just means you have no sense of decency.

Do your sister a favor and fuck her

>not making your dad proud

Good job dude. Next time, say hey and maybe start a conversation.
That's as much of an opening as most girls are going to give you.

The decent thing is to give her the dick?
I'm confused

That's what I said, nigger.
>I'm confused

Explain how Sexing a blood relative is decent. I'm genuinely intrigued

Filial piety is the highest virtue. By giving your sister the dick, you are showing your appreciation for your father's work. This isn't rocket science.

Jow Forums has finally hit rock bottom. It can't go any lower than this.

should've just said that you werent going to do it but could show them some pictures on your phone baka
gj either way

user, if everyone else is telling you to do the decent thing, maybe you should be the one listening to them -- not the other way around.

The only niggers who would fuck their own sister are the ones that never had one.
Shit is disgusting.

But she is in a relationship. So do you cheat with her or just tell her that she has sum great genes and you'd pound her if she was single?
Or eat her out so she knows you think highly of her genes to show that level of trust?

Dude seriously fuck her.

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Now dont fuck your sister there lad. You will regret it

Do fuck your crazy sister you user cunt

But if I went and sat next to her wouldn't that be too forward and a little creepy?

Is she married? No? Then you are doing nothing wrong by lying with her, and indeed you are only showing yourself to be a man of good judgement.

Obviously. You might just say "sunny out, huh?". That's a dumb line but in real life nobody cares. It's just there to start a conversation.

good job mate, im not overweight but shit like this is really inspiring and keeps me going sometimes.
I hope it gets better soon

is she hot?

the bride from the afv video not your slut sister

But you would be tempting her to become a cheating thot. Therefore corrupting her and risking her chances of finding the best possible m8
Breeding with a sister for only 1 generation is a way of purifying your genes.
>horse breeders do it all the time

I guess so she's dated a few chads

But do I move to sit next to her? After that when she says yeah. Where do I lead the conversation. Sorry for being so pathetic but I've been getting fit so haven't been used to this at all

Also call my sister a slut again and I'll bash your fucking skull in faggot

Hard man on an anonymous Vietnamese fly fishing forum

>But do I move to sit next to her?
Not unless you are autist-chad tier and have transcended such things as "social convention".
>Where do I lead the conversation
Wherever it takes you. Ask about her, where she's going, and talk about where you're going. If you hit it off well, she'll be talking about things just as much as you. (If you don't hit it off well, don't sweat it). Honestly, if you have anything approaching a normal social life where you talk to people regularly, you'll be fine.

If you DON'T have a social life, then you will probably need a bit of practice, yes. So get some. It's not the end of the world if you spaghetti a bit -- the only people who'd take issue with it are people you wouldn't want to talk to anyway.

how long did the adrenaline rush last?

Please fuck your sister dude

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Very good advice user thank you. But if I didn't move seats I'd have to speak loudly so the whole bus could hear.
I could have sat behind or in front of her and made eye contact and said I had to move because of the sun. That's normal right?

Heart pounded for a good few minutes after. May have caught her looking back every now and then but can't be sure

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That's the sorta thing that'd depend heavily on context and execution. No matter what, it's obvious where you're going, but it can either be a fun little step forward or an awkward/ham-fisted attempt to jump the gun.

In any case, I guarantee nobody on that bus cares what you're saying.

your slut sister is a slut and I’ll rail her out as soon as I meet her

come fight me fag my home address is the twin towers I’ll meet you there sept 11 2001

Thought I'd annoy people if they are forced to listen to my awkward and loud small talk with a semi embarrassed girl wondering why I'm trying so hard to make conversation.
Or maybe I'm over thinking it

>at bar
>talking to bar tender cause I'm a regular and he's cool
>feel tap on shoulder
>2 roasties looking at me
>"you should buy us drinks"
>"you should suck my dick"
>they call me an asshole and leave
>bar tender laughs
Not really a mire but it felt nice

alpha as fuck desu

>Thought I'd annoy people if they are forced to listen to my awkward and loud small talk
Probably, but it happens all the time and most people have headphones. Honestly, anyone complaining about people daring to talk on public transport has bigger issues to worry about.
>with a semi embarrassed girl wondering why I'm trying so hard to make conversation
It's a hard pill to swallow, but most people like it when other people take the time to talk to them (so long as it's not legitimately autistic). I know it seems like everyone'd just be put off by your awkward attempts, but they aren't. They're just like you, assuming you don't have any serious mental conditions.

Good for you user. Stupid roasties.

The user that replied to you is right. You don't communicate with the words you are saying ;the content of your dialogue is irrelevant.
This is a common autist mistake. It's the feel that comes across. Don't be fixated on the surface, let yourself free

why do so many Jow Forums browsers turn into complete autists when women give them signs that theyre hot, fucking go over there and say hello. she decides she if wants to fuck you within a couple of seconds of seeing you, the only way to fuck it up is by sperging out.

I was not handsome at all in school, but now ten years later at age 26 I get mires all the time and im pretty dyel desu but if got good bone structure and im 6'3''

>I went to my school reunion the other day
>one of the school queens of popularity was their
>she used to call me fat and ugly
>she once refused to sit next to me and made a huge scene over it in the class, it was embarassing as fuck
>she was miring hard at the reunion and was constantly trying to flirt with me
>I ignored her and spent the night with my old highschool crush who happens to be hot as fuck now but has kids and a husband

fucking thots, when will they learn

dont fuck her, unless she is super hot. but it will ruin your relationship forever

We're all gonna make it brah!

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you are overthinking it a ton, but it's normal for someone that hasn't had much social interaction.
t.used to be like that. You aren't autistic you just lack the practice, put yourself forward bit by bit, doesn't even have to be with girls necesarily but I promise you will get better over time.

This, a thousand times.

Haha what? she looks like a ugly soyboy.

>Jow Forums

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That’s great user. No shame in being in your boxers around other men either especially family.



Probably the greatest mirin greentext I’ve read yet

>Sitting down on my phone
>wearing a hoodie
>Mom asks if I’m wearing a padded shirt or if my shoulders actually look that big
>n-no it’s just my shoulders

Today got some mires by a qt russian megathot, with those skintight leggings that extend to the withins of her godly asscrack (maybe even the whole, who knows). I see her often at the gym.

She kept passing through me and smiled every time. Also caught her mirin my deadlift fahves.
Her euro-cuck was doing cardio on the other end of the gym.

Felt good, although I'm too much of an autist so I just smile back each time and then get self conscious for a couple of minutes about staring at her ass when she squats.

Do you think it was due to my new DL PR or due to me using tight workout clothes like a fag today? I usually extra large t-shirts because they are comfier and dont stick to the body when taking them off after working out.

Pretty fucking nice user

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What. The . Fuck. Is that picture?


Not trying to be a dick, but the bartender's always cool and always laughs.

It was objectively fun tho

>Coworker(female) talks to me at some team building thing
>Talks to me a bit too much for comfort
>Ask me about some days off I'm taking
>Tell her I have a race that weekend and want to rest up
>Asks me about my running schedule
>I talk about it way too long
>She seems interested
>Asks me if I'd like to drop over her place for an additional cardio session this weekend
>Say Nah I'm pretty swamped as it is
>Pic related
>She gets angry and leaves.
Nice team building experience 10/10 would attend again

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>abusing your little sister
user that's not cool older brothers should protect their siblings

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I have a similar story

but responded "why?"

>my nan started pretending to mistake me for Arnie

Lads is there any better feel? She's started cooking me beancurd ribs and curry because 'a big lad like you must get hungry'

Nans are the best

99% FAKE.

Well yeah there also mostly attractive it's kind of an unwritten requirement of the job

She didn’t mean running you retard

>in bed making out with girl
>take shirt off
>make out some more
>have to leave for a second, put shirt on
>come back, start kissing again
>she tugs at my shirt
abs are worth it lads

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>additional cardio session
Im going to find a way to use this some day.
Also I would call you a fucking moron user, but I've missed signs that obvious too.

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>go to same gym throughout high school
>go off to uni for a year and make better gains
>go lift at local gym every now and then
>local high school thots mire and try to talk to me but I have gf and I overflow speghetti anyway
>50 year old Russian dude who’s super nice that I’ve see a lot approaches me with his autistic son
>says son wants to look like me and asks about my routine etc
>10/10 best mire def better than any thot

Did she really fucking say you should "drop over her place for an additional cardio session"?
Jesus, that's like the equivalent of saying "I have an extra large bone for you to examine".

I think if I said that to any of my female co-workers I'd be filed for harassment.

Don't know if this is the place, but i can't thing of another place to tell. I vividly remember the first time in my life i realized females were actually physically attracted to males. I mean, the first time i realized they were thinking the same filthy things we think when looking at the opposite sex.

>me being 16
>being volleyball since i was 8
>art class, totally boring, resting head on my hand
>evidently flexing bicep
>female classmate turns around to ask me some stupid shit
>she stops and sees my biceps, and just stay there miring for a few seconds
>she says "show me the other too"
>I got obliterated by the realization i had features girls were attracted to
>i spaghettied something like a "bugger off" and tuck down my short seelves as best as possible to autistically avoid any further attention

I know it sounds obvious, but i never before possessed the knowledge that females are for real attracted to the male's body. Before that they were just some being capable of only sentimental proximity even when spooning.

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My now-gf wrapped her legs around me and shoved her backside in my dick while I lay in her bed thinking "but what does it mean?". I don't know how the fuck things ended up working out.

Do tell user.
My worst one was at some science summer camp.
A girl came in to my(strangely) empty room to play a game of cards. That turned in to srip poker. That I started loosing and stormed out angry.
Turns out the game was rigged. And I was suppose to get laid.

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Welcome to the year of our lord ((100x20)+(9x2))

Holy fuck talk about being a sore loser

All she lost was 2 socks and a shirt.
I was down to my fucking briefs.
I'm just glad the nickname Retard didn't stick.

I mire your dedication though. Keep the harpies at bay. She still wants that cardio session another day.

>haven't seen mothers side of the family in years
>fly over for grandmothers 90th
>mothers side of the family is heavily religious
>cousins all commenting on my physique
>one cousin took a huge shine to me
>she was always finding a reason to grab or touch me
>couldn't take her eyes off me when we went swimming
>reasonable enough face, her ass filled her shorts pretty good though
>made an executive decision not to slay her