How to achieve this body?

How to achieve this body?
Yes, I have the frame, I wouldn't be asking otherwise

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Work out, low dose roids

any knows his stats for Bench, DL, Squat, OHP?

yes i do

yeah man, he told us back then

that’s good


what is his bf?

He did a 3 day split abcabcx (chest/tri, back/bi, lower body)

He never used roods and you dont need roids for that body.

With that body i dont remember, but i think he wasnt very strong and had something like 1/2/3/4 for 8 reps

He was between 8-12%

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G e n e t i c s

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If that’s your goal physique then I can guarantee it’s your first year lifting, you’re either extremely skinny or are obese and have gyno

Post his routine please

Tren with dbol. Keep low dose.

bump for routine

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Prometheus split (8-12 reps, 4 sets unless stated)
Bench / dumbbell press
Incline bench / dumbbell press
High cable flies setted with low cable flies
Weighted Dips
Narrow stance push up
Trap bar extension
Tricep pull down
Optional: 2 core exercises of your chiice

Wide grip pull ups
Cable rows
Deadlifts 5/3/1 reps (50/70/90% max)
Lat pull down
T-bar rows
Preacher curls
Reverse forearm curls

Squat / front squat
Leg press
Leg curl
Calf raise
Dumbbell shrug
Dumbbell overhead press

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jesus h christ he is a statue

He is living a better life now, we should all aim to make it and leave Jow Forums eventually

Also disclaimer: I dont know if this was his last routine but he mentioned it was his first one that he refined and got the most noob gains out of. He later did GVT and upper/lower split and was a fan of changing every 6 minths or so between hypertrophy and strength based routines.

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delusional or lying

>bump for routine


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never, ever is this even remotely 8%. people have a wildly distorted view of how much bodyfat they have. thats good news btw, even if you think youve reached max face gains on a cut, there's still a long road ahead
markus ruhl was 6% and died

originally was asked about bugenhagen. this guy is way less muscular, but the point still stands

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probably. also, thats pretty gay to have all these protos saved on your computer breh

I agree with this post however - there is no perfect routine and one routine that you start on will definitely not be on that you will want to finish (for lack of a better word) on.

I don’t think any of the pictures posted are 8% either but just what people say (we see people on stage at what 6%?) i think 12% or so is a more accurate estimate and at lowest like 10% in

sorry, i meant Andreas Munzer
>While competing, he used a variety of ergogenic aids, including large amounts of potassium-sparing diuretics, possibly leading to his death in 1996.
>Some of the specific autopsy findings were an extremely muscular physique with an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat, a liver that contained numerous table tennis ball-sized tumors (with half the liver consisting simply of a crumbly mass that was similar to polystyrene), shriveled testes, and cardiac hypertrophy (Münzer's heart weighed 636g; a normal man's heart usually weighs 300–350g).
>Münzer's electrolytes were also out of balance, and his potassium levels were extremely high. Traces of about 20 different drugs were found, along with acute toxicity (perhaps caused by a stimulant)

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Those calves.

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see the lower you go, the thinner the air gets. going from 20% to 15% is easily achievable, from 15% to 12% can get pretty tough already depending on your metabolism. and most people here have never been below 10%, and never will. that's where you require some more effort other than cutting out soda and going for a fasted run.
but you're right, its kinda pointless to correct this myth, its all too pervasive. that being said, its good news because many here are discouraged thinking they are already low enough in bodyfat, when they are much fatter in reality. those saying they are 15% are more likely to be 20-22%. so there's still a lot of potential for most here

Agree with the fundamentals of the argument, but in fact the program does affect training.
At the same time is none sense to affirm that two different individuals will get the same body by following the same program.

Post current body

You don’t need them .. if you have god tier genetics

Who is this man? And how tall is he?

>tfw wide hips
Just kill me now