How much do I need to squat for pic related to respond to me?

How much do I need to squat for pic related to respond to me?

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you need face

Attached: face.jpg (1080x1080, 113K)

How do I know if I'm ugly without posting my face on the internet?

if you have to ask, you're not attractive

she’s sitting on him yet he’s still hover handing her. lamo
also OP that chick is pretty ugly bro just tell her you have drugs

Enough for you to be confident in yourself

>he’s still hover handing her

what? Are you blind? He's holding a drink

you need to squat BW+10lb worth of cock flesh.

Go to /soc/, post it and ask for r8. If anyone you know calls you out, pretend that it's not actually you.

You would know by the amount of female attention you get. It's as simple as that.

>muh canthal tilt

Incels never learn..

Define female attention lmao. I've had sex with few girls and girls are usually friendly with me but I never get approached or anything...

How hard would it have been to have cropped out the fucking shitter?

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>let me crush this drink against her back so I'm not hoverhanding

Do you seriously need to ask other fucking autists on this shitty site about the attention you get? How do you find a fucking door to get out of the house in the morning? Figure it out. This is beyond pathetic.

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Doesn’t matter she’ll still get dicked

You need your own place. Buy flowers and clean your shower.

unironically only 2pl8

>How much do I need to squat
I didn't know squatting makes your ugly ass face look pretty.

>How do I know if I'm ugly without posting my face on the internet?

Do girls flirt with you? If not, you're ugly! Wow, that was hard, wasn't it?

I get hit on quite often when in clubs/bars. Also get looks from females everywhere i go.
When i see my reflection i still see the same ugly 16 year old kid tho.
Shits weird