Just got a membership and ready to change my life. How do I go from fat to a body like this?

Just got a membership and ready to change my life. How do I go from fat to a body like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Pick one routine. Any fucking bodybuilding routine.

>Follow it consistently and religiously.

>Reject processed foods and sugar. Eat clean, healthy foods with the necessary distribution of carbs, proteins, and fats.

>Aim for 8-10 hours of sleep a night.

Why is this so hard to follow?

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Work out, hit macro targets, sleep. Do it consistently.

Goal body aesthetics

Except the gay tatt

Read the sticky x 1

Can you recommend any bodybuilder routine you think is good?


Just go push/pull/legs once every other day so you don't kill yourself. Start with very low weight so you learn the move and progressivelly work your way up to godmode. Good luck user!

Consistency > literally everything else

Yup. Pretty much all you need to know desu.

> zipper abs

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Do you mean Push-Break-Pull-Break-Legs-Break- repeat or PPL-break-repeat?

If you have stretch marks or a "sad belly", you'll never make it.

Why? are stretch marks that big a deal?

This. I have red stretch marks aroind my abdomen from being fat before and it ruins any chance for aesthetics. Bearmode is my only choice pretty much.

not true, you just won't look good with your shirt off without surgery.

i pec-mog everyone but my belly looks retarded with my shirt off

i still take all my clothes off with girls though

PPL-1 day break-PPL

Step 1.) Read the sticky
Step 2.) Do SS
Step 3.) ????
Step 4.) PROFIT!!!

100 squats and pushups

*Step 3.) Realise that SS does zero for your aesthetics. Now switch to hypertrophy program 4-5 days a week, and use the anger of being meme'd by Jow Forums into wasting months of your time in the gym, for motivation.

when mine turn to get 8-10 hours of sleep a night

is that me?

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Congrats on losing the weight brah! Just aim for a less shredded physique and you'll look good!

We should not be responding to this thread.

These are the only two with the right answer. OP is never going to make it if he can't even do a little reading by himself and needs to have people from a Venezuelan cooking forum dictate every detail to him.

i mean i'll get the surgery but it doesnt look like i need much.

Been working out for eight months, I'm at the point of skinny fat, not trying to rush too fast or else my skin will be extremely loose.

If you're young just take your time, don't rush into it, and drink lots of water.

Eat sardines



Why are you unable to get 8-10? I work 12 hour shifts 3-4x a week, and I'm able to get at least 8 each night.

Start with Reg Parks 5x5

top kek at the pic

Do Starting Strength. Also make sure you drink a gallon of whole milk a day for protein and to turn the fat into muscle.

prostate and full moon

nek urself

i keep waking up to pee, even if i stop drinking water like 3 hours before I sleep and take like 3 long pees before bed, I still wake up and it ruins my deep REM sleep
how do I fix this

>not having a five pack

>take like 3 long pees before bed
try taking shorter rest periods between pees
or take shorter pees more frequently
many ways to accomplish progressive overload, fampai

they are the same thing, unless you meant
PPL-1 day break-PPL-1 day break

A perfect diet and dedication to a lifting program.
Just enough cardio to burn fat, not too much to unleash the long distance runner hunger.

what about my shitting problem

Sad Belly checking in.

Permablast here we go.

Hard work

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try taking 3 long shits before bed or 6 small-medium shits

Great job man!

wow! thanks, shit guru!

dont do pplpplbreak on a cut you'll burn yourself out

funny pic

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abs are made in the kitchen. cut the fat by dieting before you lift a weight. exersize will make you hungry. 500 calories a day of egg whites, supplements and vegetables with electrolytes until you are skinny. Then get your protein from egg whites, salmon or seitan. Lift 1 hour a day full body for four days a week and run for as long as you can one day a week. if you start getting fat cut, since fat=test lower

this will take you around 3-6 years to achieve that body you posted depending on your self motivation

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I actually like the look
(no homo)

your body looks sad